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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 4189 total posts
Name: Doreen
Kindergarden Cut off date
We live in OH and the cutoff for Kindergaten is Sept 30, but kids who will turn five after sept 30 and before Dec 1st can be tested in to start school. Jack's birthday is Oct 19 and he will turn five. He has been in preschool since age 2 and is very smart, takes spanish and computers in preschool!
Would you test in your child assuming you felt they would do fine or would you wait to start them in school.
I know this is very personal based on the child, just curious what the opinions are out there...
Posted 12/18/08 1:52 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: Kindergarden Cut off date
I would test him. He's so close to the cutoff.
Posted 12/18/08 1:54 PM |
Mommy to 2 amazing little boys
Member since 5/05 9306 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Kindergarden Cut off date
If I felt he was emotionally ready as well as of the right intellegence level I would have him tested without a doubt!
Posted 12/18/08 1:54 PM |
Making big changes

Member since 5/05 16541 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Kindergarden Cut off date
Definitely have him tested. Chances are if you feel that he's ready, he is, especially since he's been in preschool for so long.
Posted 12/18/08 1:55 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Kindergarden Cut off date
I would have him tested since it can't hurt. As long as he wasn't emotionally immature, I would put him in.
Posted 12/18/08 1:57 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: Kindergarden Cut off date
I would test him! Absolutely. I am sure he'll have no problems!
Posted 12/18/08 2:09 PM |
Mom of Three
Member since 9/05 7900 total posts
Name: "MOMMY!!!"
Re: Kindergarden Cut off date
My DS bday is Oct 21 and since we are in NY, he is within the cutoff of Dec 1. I never thought about keeping him back, although when he was in K, another mother whose son was late brought it up bc she wasn't sure if she did the right thing. I would get your DS tested. You can always decide not to send him but it would be great if the choice was yours. My DS is very smart (not just my opinion, based on school testing) but he is somewhat immature vs. the average boy his age (he's in 1st grade) so I would weigh your gut about your DS maturity into the decision as well. I don't know if that would make me keep him back but it's another angle to consider when making your decision. Have you asked his preschool teacher for an opinion as well?
Posted 12/18/08 2:27 PM |
cant believe hes gone

Member since 3/07 4407 total posts
Name: Candice
Re: Kindergarden Cut off date
i would def. here the cut off is dec. 31st lol...all the kids born in the same year go to school together!
Posted 12/18/08 2:27 PM |
Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05 17988 total posts
Re: Kindergarden Cut off date
I would have him take the test. If you think that emotionally he can handle starting now and the test backs it would definitely be something to consider.
Also to consider...would waiting another year possible create a situation where he is bored and missing the challenge? If he has been in preschool for 3 years - is well adjusted to the classroom environment and shows an eagerness to learn - I would favor starting now.
Oh an one more little sister started early but before the end of the year they concluded that she was struggling and would not easily transition to the next level...even though her testing results were fine. They put her in pre-first and she did well from that point on.
Posted 12/18/08 2:30 PM |
wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07 16106 total posts
Name: Tina
Re: Kindergarden Cut off date
Posted by Kelly9904
If I felt he was emotionally ready as well as of the right intellegence level I would have him tested without a doubt!
ITA with this.
Posted 12/18/08 2:33 PM |
Member since 5/05 12578 total posts
Re: Kindergarden Cut off date
I know this is going to sound bad and it's probably going to get me flamed, BUT I wouldn't for a boy and I would for a girl (assuming he/she was emotionally ready, etc.)
I don't know - looking ahead (like way ahead) I just wouldn't want my boy being the youngest in the class
I was always the youngest girl and I had "older" friends and they were allowed to do things before me (drive, stay out late, etc.) Besides all that, I could also see boys potentially having a hard time with sports, dates, etc.
Go ahead flame away...but I'm entitled to my opinion.
Posted 12/18/08 3:05 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 4189 total posts
Name: Doreen
Re: Kindergarden Cut off date
Posted by Charly
I know this is going to sound bad and it's probably going to get me flamed, BUT I wouldn't for a boy and I would for a girl (assuming he/she was emotionally ready, etc.)
I don't know - looking ahead (like way ahead) I just wouldn't want my boy being the youngest in the class
I was always the youngest girl and I had "older" friends and they were allowed to do things before me (drive, stay out late, etc.) Besides all that, I could also see boys potentially having a hard time with sports, dates, etc.
Go ahead flame away...but I'm entitled to my opinion.
No flames here! I wanted everyones opinions....thats the beauty of opinions...they all get to be different!
Thanks everyone...
Edited to add that Molly's b-day is Oct 25, 2006....they are pretty much two years apart I am in the same situation with her in a few if I wait on jack and start her early they will only be one grade apart....
Message edited 12/18/2008 3:29:29 PM.
Posted 12/18/08 3:25 PM |
going along for the ride...
Member since 5/05 16253 total posts
Re: Kindergarden Cut off date
I would definitely test him that couldn't hurt and would give you options. But I would only send him if you felt that he was both emotionally and intellectually ready.
Posted 12/18/08 4:26 PM |
family is all that matters

Member since 6/06 6513 total posts
Name: browneyes
Re: Kindergarden Cut off date
maturity is what counts in kindergarten not "smarts". just because you're doing something early doesn't mean you are "smart" (BTW i HATE that word!!!). having opportunities doesn't make you "smart" it makes you fortunate.
those who read and write early are NOT smarter than other kids. most kids even out at some point in elementary school. you really see the difference in intelligence as students get older but rarely in kindergarten.
BTW i am a former kindergarten teacher as well as a mom.
to the OP: i would judge his maturity only. i can't tell you how many young kindergartners struggle because they're not emotionally ready. they may know their letters and numbers but they can't handle a full day at school with all the rigorous work (it's not fun play anymore)
Posted 12/18/08 4:36 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 2922 total posts
Name: Hillary
Re: Kindergarden Cut off date
I probably would not test him. I rather him be the smartest and oldest in the grade..
Posted 12/18/08 4:56 PM |
Re: Kindergarden Cut off date
Posted by browneyedgirl
maturity is what counts in kindergarten not "smarts". just because you're doing something early doesn't mean you are "smart" (BTW i HATE that word!!!). having opportunities doesn't make you "smart" it makes you fortunate.
those who read and write early are NOT smarter than other kids. most kids even out at some point in elementary school. you really see the difference in intelligence as students get older but rarely in kindergarten.
BTW i am a former kindergarten teacher as well as a mom.
to the OP: i would judge his maturity only. i can't tell you how many young kindergartners struggle because they're not emotionally ready. they may know their letters and numbers but they can't handle a full day at school with all the rigorous work (it's not fun play anymore)
What do you consider the signs of maturity to be? Attention span? Ability to socialize? I'm asking because I value your knowledge, not to flame what you are saying .
I am honestly not sure if I would place my child in kindergarten early. I have a friend who was ahead a grade and she says she felt like she always had to prove herself. As it is, my son will be one of the youngest in the grade and probably one of the smallest. By his adjusted age, he would be in the next grade down. I am concerned but I am not planning to hold him back. I just won't put him ahead by another year. I do not think I would feel differently about this if he were a girl but I've heard that opinion before.
Posted 12/18/08 5:19 PM |
Re: Kindergarden Cut off date
I would absolutely test...that cutoff seems early to me.
Posted 12/18/08 5:22 PM |
family is all that matters

Member since 6/06 6513 total posts
Name: browneyes
Re: Kindergarden Cut off date
Posted by Kerie-is-so-very
Posted by browneyedgirl
maturity is what counts in kindergarten not "smarts". just because you're doing something early doesn't mean you are "smart" (BTW i HATE that word!!!). having opportunities doesn't make you "smart" it makes you fortunate.
those who read and write early are NOT smarter than other kids. most kids even out at some point in elementary school. you really see the difference in intelligence as students get older but rarely in kindergarten.
BTW i am a former kindergarten teacher as well as a mom.
to the OP: i would judge his maturity only. i can't tell you how many young kindergartners struggle because they're not emotionally ready. they may know their letters and numbers but they can't handle a full day at school with all the rigorous work (it's not fun play anymore)
What do you consider the signs of maturity to be? Attention span? Ability to socialize? I'm asking because I value your knowledge, not to flame what you are saying .
thank you.
it definitely includes, but isn't limited to, attention span, ability to socialize or be socialized with (meaning they don't have to initiate play, but don't mind if someone starts playing near them), ability to follow 2+ step directions (go to your cubby, get your glue and sit back down), emotional ability (not crying all the time---crying is normal at the beginning for some kids, but it usually goes away the first week), etc. can he/she follow some direction without crying that it's not what they want to do?
there's a lot more--that's what popped into my head when i think back to my K teaching days. it was always so sad when i would know that a kid just wasn't ready--he might have been reading, but he couldn't sit still to listen to a story without running around the room. he would be exhausted and crying for his mommy at 11am. he would need a nap (no more nap time in K) etc, etc.
that's why it's important to know your child and his limitations as well as abilities. my DS was born in july so he'll probably be in the middle of the class, but if he was a late birthday i would have no problem keeping him in pre-k an extra year. i'd rather him be "behind" than struggling. at least he'd be happy and thriving to the best of his ability.
it's sad to see a kid struggle in K because the maturity is just not there. K should be fun!!
i hope that helped! i don't pretend to know everything on the subject, but i've been there, done that and have seen what it can do to a child's self esteem. it's usually the parent that wanted their child "ahead", instead of more appropriately placed.
that's why it's important to do what's right for YOUR child and try not to compare him with your neighbors' children, friends' children, etc.
Posted 12/18/08 5:55 PM |

Member since 2/07 15928 total posts
Re: Kindergarden Cut off date
When I was in preschool my mother was faced with much the same issue. My birthday is December 11th...she could have put me in private kindergarten which had a cutoff date of January 1st..I was bright enough but I was painfully shy so she chose to hold me back..
If he is bright enough and has the appropriate social skills I would definitly have him tested.
Posted 12/18/08 6:05 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/05 9644 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Kindergarden Cut off date
I would definitely have him tested. If he is bright enough that he should be in that year than that is where he should be - any emotional/social maturity issues will resolve over time.
I was born late in the year and my mother told me that people were pressuring her to hold me back b/c i was on the young side and a little shy socially. She didn't b/c she felt that I was too bright to be held back. I'm so glad she didn't b/c everything I did in life would have been one year later. After College, Law School and Masters I felt like I was already too old to be starting a family and I would have only been a year later had she done that. Also, and not putting this to brag but just to put it out there given the q - I was always in the honors classes, gifted and talented and always at the top of my class from college through law school. Had my mother held me back she really would have been holding me back. Just b/c a child may be a little immature in preschool and kindegarten really means nothing ten years from now.
I'm so shocked lately that I've been hearing that parents in my area - where the cut off is Dec. 1 are holding backk kids born later than dec - so they will be bigger and better able to compete in sports and more mature and thus smarter. I know this is not what you are talking about but your post reminded me of this and I just think this kind of thing is awful. It has become so competitive amongst kids and parents that a parent would actually hold their kid back so they can be better in sports? I just can't believe this!
Posted 12/18/08 6:49 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 8/06 3071 total posts
Re: Kindergarden Cut off date
I have been there, on different ends of the spectrum, with both of my children. IMO if a child misses the cut off its a no brainer, I would never test them in.
My youngest missed the district cut off by a few days and actually completed a certified K program in her pre school (she was able to sit because she was 5 by Dec 31). It was a small program of only 8 children and you can't convince me it was the same as K in the district, but I digress... However, I never had any intention of testing her in and I never told the district she had attended a certified program.
Let me also say that she is crazy smart but I couldn't agree more in terms of maturity. I just don't think even a mature child (which she marginally is), is usually as mature as children nearly one year older. I also did not want to make her the youngest in the room. Every single teacher, I have ever spoken to agrees with this decision (and I polled many . ).
My little one is now in K and her transition was seamless. What I noticed is that her room seems to be packed with older fives and I suspect a lot of districts probably do this. I have frequently heard parents say they are afraid their children will be bored but K today is so different than even ten years ago. My daughter's teacher gives her extra work as I'm sure she does for others in the class. When you walk into the room it is obvious who the older children are. Her teacher even made this remark to me during our confrence.
Now my oldest was an October birthday and that imo is a harder call. She was a mature child, who attended school from the age of 2, who was picking out words in pre K. Holding her back was never on my radar screen and I don't think she should have been held back but I would be lying if I didn't say that the first few years there was a noticeable difference in terms of maturity between the older children and younger children in the room. All my teacher friends assured me that it would go away by the third or fourth grade and it did. But what I have found is that at 11 its beginning to rear its head again in terms of adolescence, getting periods, boys, etc...
Sorry for being long winded but at the end of the day, I truly believe that the older kids in grade are usually better off and there is no reason to "push" them a grade ahead.
Message edited 12/18/2008 7:49:39 PM.
Posted 12/18/08 7:40 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 3014 total posts
Re: Kindergarden Cut off date
My boys are both February babies and therefore will be well into 5 before then can start and I'm fine with that. It really depends on the child. I personally would not test my boys, I would just wait but if you are on the fence - go ahead. Can you change your mind after the testing?
Posted 12/18/08 7:53 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/08 732 total posts
Name: Amy
Re: Kindergarden Cut off date
would he be bored waiting another year? would the repetition of pre-k be tedious to him. does he prefer academics or games and socialization?
personally i would test and get him into K. i wish i had that option with my son. he was bored in K when he started, to the point we pulled him out and put him in private school because he already knew everything they were going to teach in K.
Posted 12/18/08 8:16 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 4189 total posts
Name: Doreen
Re: Kindergarden Cut off date
Thanks for all your responses! I do have the option of testing and then deciding what I want to do, for those that asked that question.
DS currently goes to "school"/ preschool/daycare...whatever word you want to use...three days a week from 9-5. The school is very structured academically and is like middle school!
They move from class to class (music, geography, gym, art, language arts, spanish, computer lab etc) every hour and each subject class has its own teacher.
He thrives in the structure, listens well, completes lessons while in school and is referred to as the "mayor" by his teachers....every kid in the school knows his name and likes him. So socially, hes fine...can interact, follow directions, understands quiet activity time etc.
I think I will have him tested and see what the district thinks. Heck, they may say "no" and make my decision that much easier. 
The one thing that is holding me back is what a pp said about having older friends as opposed to younger friends. But at the same time, there is only a two week difference between that kid that made the cutoff and was born Sept 30 and could be in his class.
Message edited 12/18/2008 9:23:33 PM.
Posted 12/18/08 9:21 PM |