LIF Adult
Member since 2/06 1277 total posts
Kindergarten Teachers
Does anyone have plans I could see as to what your first few days look like?
Welcome songs, all that cute stuff and as well as the routine stuff.
I always feel like I rush things and then have craziness for the rest of the year!
Thanks in advance.
Edited: b/c I hit send without anything written.
Message edited 8/31/2008 12:11:53 AM.
I love this boy!
Member since 4/07 3372 total posts
Re: Kindergarten Teachers
I taught k for 4 years, this is my first in first grade so i'll share what i did and what i'll probably do again.
i had math manips waiting at each table for the kids to explore while i handled parents, paperwork, etc.
then when we were ready, i started our training -lol - i showed the kids the numbers above their tables and told them that i would test their memory by calling their table to the carpet. i showed them the right way and the wrong way of coming to the carpet and how to sit on the carpet
then i'd call a table and the class would watch them to see if they did it right. if they did, we congratulated them and called the next group, if they didn't we tried it again
once all the tables came, we read a story - usually the night before kindergarten and we discussed if we had any of the same emotions
then we'd share and talk and play a name game
sit in a circle, sing - welcome -----, welcome --- to our class, to our class we're so glad you're here in our class this year, welcome ---- (tune of feres jaqua (SP?))
then we'd begin the calendar routine - intro calendar concepts of time, begin our pattern, etc.
everything must be taught explicitly - so think of how you want them to sit on the carpet, will you allow talking at their seats - what level talking would you allow, how do you want them to stand in line? how will you handle their bathroom requests? washing hands? using glue sticks? using dry erase boards? throwing items out? sharpening pencils? class jobs?
think of everything you need to make your class run smoothly and start implementing it on the first day. repeat, repeat, repeat - kids need a lot of practice and encouragement at this age - make sure that you reward the ones who are doing thing right and redirect those who need to be corrected.
good luck, i'm sure you'll be fine!
baby boy coming spring '11
Member since 5/05 3133 total posts
Re: Kindergarten Teachers
I did a lot of activities with the Kissing Hand. I also had students make self portraits using all different materials (yarn, fabric, etc.) I would hang these up and they stayed up all year. The AP was right about being very explicit with your teaching. Songs worked wonders for me. I sang everything! It helped them remember.