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Lets post our first BFP announcements!

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He has my heart

Member since 12/07

1379 total posts


Lets post our first BFP announcements!

Mine was on 1/2/08,

Just took a CBE HPT and you have to get a + sign to get PG. I got a sign with it being a very faint vertical line but there is a line there!!!

What do I do? Do I go out and buy more tests?

Could I seriously be preggo???????????

I am 13DPO, and shaking!!!!


Message edited 1/3/2008 8:22:57 PM.

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Posted 3/7/08 4:46 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 8/05

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Re: Lets post our first BFP announcements!

Mine was on 11/27

I am usually 28 days to the day. Last month I had a 33 day cycle. This month I wasnt sure. Didnt even get a positive on the OPK. Just had ALOT of CM and BD'd for 3 straight days!

I think Im about 4 weeks, due around August 1!!!

Posted 3/7/08 4:52 PM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Lets post our first BFP announcements!

1/9/08 - AF due 1/2!!!
Topic: Ok, so I took an HPT finally

Got dizzy spell at the office that REALLY freaked me out. Ick

So I came home and since I had to tinkle anyway I opened my EPT digital and got to it. Poor hubby heh

Yep, i'm sure some of you aren't surprised.....


Hope it sticks.. Think sticky!

Posted 3/7/08 4:53 PM

Love him!

Member since 10/07

3189 total posts


Re: Lets post our first BFP announcements!

POSTED Oct. 12, 2007!!!

Chat Icon Oh Man!! Was I shocked we got it right!!!

So funny to see that as right now I am sitting here & this baby is thumping away in my bellyChat Icon Chat Icon Who cares how miserably sick I feel right little Chat Icon is tumbling around!!!

Message edited 3/7/2008 4:57:17 PM.

Posted 3/7/08 4:55 PM


Member since 4/07

22952 total posts


Re: Lets post our first BFP announcements!

On 1/28/08 I wrote..

Title: I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack........

Hi Everyone!!!!

We got our BFP on Saturday!!!!! We are just so unbelievably excited (but still very nervous at the same time). I want to thank each and every one of you for all the prayers you sent our way. I know that our little boy up in heaven is watching over us.

We told our immediate families yesterday, and there were just so many emotions. Even though I am not far along, I was going to explode, and I couldn't keep it a secret.

I cannot believe I am finally going to be a mommy!!!!

Message edited 3/7/2008 4:56:25 PM.

Posted 3/7/08 4:56 PM

Come on in

Member since 5/05

9674 total posts


Re: Lets post our first BFP announcements!

Posted on 12/31/2007
Posting as BF-Mystery
Topic: I am a secret that comes in 9

I am a secret that will come in nine
But mommy and daddy will know me in time
You are the unborn child deep inside of me,
like a tiny seed that turns into a tree.

You are the child made out of love,
with a little help from the man above.
In nine months I will give birth to a girl or a boy,
and share with my family this wonderful joy

I can't wait to see your smiling face, And hold your little hand.
Just then I'll know deep inside that you’re my little lad.
I have so much to share with you day after day.
And to you my son or daughter I will give my love in each and every way.

LIF we have a long history
But for now I am a big fat mystery

Posted 3/7/08 4:56 PM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

23902 total posts


Re: Lets post our first BFP announcements!

I never posted one. I waited til almost 12 weeks.

Posted 3/7/08 5:06 PM

Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05

13341 total posts


Re: Lets post our first BFP announcements!


I can't even believe it. Well, I thought I was, but have stopped trusting my "symptoms", which is why I got a prescription for CD3 bloodwork if this month didn't work.

I woke up early this morning and laid there, contemplating whether to go POAS, after getting my agreed high temp (I made a deal with myself I'd test if my temp was at least 98.3 this a.m, which it was). I took a Dollar Tree test first since I thought it was too early (I'm 13DPO with a 16 day luteal phase so FF suggested I wait until Thursday to test). I keep my "sample" just in case I saw anything. I saw the faintest line so I ran to grab my box of the "good tests" and dipped my FRER in and voila!!

DH is at work this a.m. so I called him immediately (hated telling him by phone but I couldn't keep it in all day). He is so excited. He knows I wanted to start w/ fertility testing this month b/c I was get so frustrated (which, by the way, was what happened the first time we got pg - we were both scheduled for MD appts if that month didn't work - and it did!).

To the man on the subway who made me gag - it wasn't you - it was me!

Please send me sticky vibes!!

Message edited 7/22/2007 2:58:58 PM.

Posted 3/7/08 5:08 PM

Drama Momma

Member since 9/06

9947 total posts


Re: Lets post our first BFP announcements!

oooh this is fun to see....

Mine was on 12/29 and updated on 12/30

OK so no sign of Af. CD 32. usually 29-30 days. Sometimes 31. Totally do not think we BD'd anywhere NEAR time of O. So what's going on? Where is she? DH said "Maybe Santa will bring you a baby". Stupid remark, I don't know why he said it when we are not actively trying till July. Why does my body have to do this now.

Vent over.

UPDATE: 12/30
2 BFP's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I used FRER. Today is CD33. All I had was increased CM, a lot of EWCM right about when AF was due and very minor AF cramping.

I am not sure how this happened but of course I am THRILLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 3/7/08 6:16 PM

My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06

8198 total posts


Re: Lets post our first BFP announcements!

From 1/20

Hi all! I was Ourlittlesecret, I really didn't like hiding from everyone...we told family and close friends and "coming out" will just be much easier.

So I guess this is my first "official" post on the pg board.

I'm 4w 6d's, so due September 22...going to the dr the 28th.

So excited to chat with you gals for the next 9 months!

Posted 3/7/08 6:27 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Lets post our first BFP announcements!

Mine was on January 14th with about 3 more announcements to follow once everything was confirmed!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

January 14, 2008

A line is a line right?? I tested with FRER and it was a faint line. I little darker today than yesterday but still fairly faint.

I'm thinking I'm actually pregnant!!! Holy cow!!! This is nuts!! I will keep you posted and by Wed. I will feel more confident since I will be 14DPO. Then my RE said to call to get blood work to be sure.

So cool...........more details to follow!!.................but a line is a line right??? matter how faint???

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UPDATE: Oh it's a positive alright!! The line has been getting darker each day since I tested on Sat. Now it really looks like a don't need to stare and squint to see it!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon This is crazy!!! I still can't believe it. Thanks for all of your well wishes!! Lots of luck to everyone else too!!

Message edited 1/14/2008 6:30:43 AM.

Posted 3/7/08 6:36 PM


Member since 8/07

10682 total posts


Re: Lets post our first BFP announcements!

Mine was on 12/8. Audrina (Bunny Baby) had just tested so I felt like testing and really wasnt expecting a BFP!

" just got my BFP!!!!


We are freaking out"

Posted 3/7/08 7:36 PM

Our 3 angels

Member since 7/07

4824 total posts


Re: Lets post our first BFP announcements!

Let's see. AF was due on Tuesday, August 7th. I had a little spotting over the past weekend, so I figured AF was coming. By Friday, there was nothing and DH told me to go get a HPT.

I took my first HPT and got a BFP after like 2 minutes! I took a 2nd one a couple of days later as well!

I was shocked since it was our first time trying. DH was quite proud of himself to say the least! Chat Icon

Posted 3/10/08 11:05 AM

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