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Little Leo!

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I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22140 total posts


Little Leo!

I was due 5/25. Went to the dr. Still just 1 cm dilated. Had to go for a NST test on friday, 5/27. Went, nothing, still 1 cm. That afternoon, my MIL and I went shopping, Peapod came, I did a little cleaning.

Around 8:15 pm, I heard a pop. The birthing class instructor said that some women hear a pop when their water breaks. I was sitting on the couch and stayed there for a few minutes. Around 8:45, I went to the bathroom and noticed that I was in fact leaking. Between 8:45 and 10, I had soaked through 2 pads. I took a shower, put dishes in the dishwasher, called our moms and finally called the dr. Since I wasn't contracting, she told me to go to the hospital.

All of our stress about getting stuck in traffic was gone since the cross island parkway and northern state are a dream at 11:30 pm! Chat Icon

We went to the L&D triage area and they confirmed that my water HAD indeed broken. I was hooked up to monitors and was having very mild contractions.

Around 3 am, I was given cervadil (sp) to induce labor. I was not happy since I wanted to do this naturally, but oh well. I was told it could take up to 48 hours since it induces labor but slows it down. Okay.

Around 6, they started coming every 5 minutes. I was still just 1 or 2 cm dilated. They were bearable.

But suddently, around 8, they started coming on fierce. I asked for the epi (didn't think I would) but was told it was too early so they gave me stadol instead. I was told it was NOT a pain reliever, but it would take the edge off. It was given through the iv.

That's all I really remember. Well, not quite. I remember waking up for every contraction. EVERY SINGLE ONE!!! What I fortunately DON'T remember is the dr. removing the cervadil and apparently, that is a VERY good thing to block out. DH said that the dr. was apologizing because I was screaming for that one.

Anyway, I remember being placed in a wheelchair and the nurses saying that I was farther along than they realized. I went from 2 to 8 cm FAST. Too fast that although the epi was ordered, I couldn't get it.

I don't remember being wheeled into the labor room. I remember being on the table and being told to push. I remember DH working with me, counting with me, squeezing my hand.

All in all, after 8 1/2 minutes of pushing, little Leo was born! I was shocked when the dr. said he was a boy!!! But I can't imagine it any other way.

I did have a 3rd degree laceration and stitches hurt.

Recovery was NOT bad. I swear.

LIJ was AWESOME!!!! EVERY nurse, dr., staff member was just fantastic. The food was actually good. I can't say enough good things about the whole experience.

All in all, if you asked if I'd do it again, the yes is growing. That day, it was a big NO. Once was fine with me. But it's true. You DO forget the pain!!! Not that I'm ready to give birth again in the next few months, but in time. The experience was scary but amazing and to hold that little person who spent months growing and forming inside is un-friggin-believable!!! External Image

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Message edited 6/13/2011 7:26:12 PM.

Posted 6/13/11 2:57 PM

I know there's angels watching

Member since 4/11

1725 total posts

Marissa SugaBeans

Re: Little Leo!

so precious! What a great picture!

Posted 6/13/11 3:03 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

22665 total posts


Re: Little Leo!


Posted 6/13/11 3:04 PM


Member since 1/09

18021 total posts


Re: Little Leo!

He's gorgeous!!!

Posted 6/13/11 3:08 PM

St. Jude pray for us...

Member since 1/11

2951 total posts


Re: Little Leo!

He's beautiful!!! Congrats!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/13/11 3:12 PM

Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10

10818 total posts


Re: Little Leo!

congrats!!! he's so adorable!!!

Posted 6/13/11 3:20 PM

R.I.P. Sweet Mia ♥

Member since 5/06

28918 total posts

The Mystical Azzhorse! ™

Re: Little Leo!

Congrats! He is just adorable!Chat Icon

Posted 6/13/11 7:14 PM

Baby girl has a baby brother!

Member since 11/09

7155 total posts


Re: Little Leo!

Congratulations! That's crazy the drug they gave you had you in and out of knowing what was going on and remembering it. He's absolutely beautiful!!!

Posted 6/13/11 8:03 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 9/10

42 total posts


Re: Little Leo!

What a beautiful baby! Congratulations!!!

Posted 6/13/11 9:03 PM

Naterade is Thirstade!

Member since 6/10

3002 total posts


Re: Little Leo!

First of all congratulations! Leo is absolutely handsome!

Second, I know exactly what you went through, except instead of cervadil they gave me cytotec. Holy he!!, I remember the stadol. The worst, best drug ever. It was great at first because I could sleep but then the contractions... oh god the contractions and then POOF asleep. So horrible.

At least you got a bonus of pushing for only 8 minutes!!! Wowsers!!!!

Congratulations again!!!

Posted 6/13/11 9:30 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22140 total posts


Re: Little Leo!

Thank you ladies!! Chat Icon

Posted by MrsJakob

Holy he!!, I remember the stadol. The worst, best drug ever. It was great at first because I could sleep but then the contractions... oh god the contractions and then POOF asleep. So horrible.

At least you got a bonus of pushing for only 8 minutes!!! Wowsers!!!!

Congratulations again!!!

OMG, that's it!! I was out immediately but once each contraction hit, I WAS UP!!!

As far as those 8 felt a LOT longer! Chat Icon

Posted 6/13/11 9:47 PM

expecting boy # 3

Member since 9/09

2522 total posts


Re: Little Leo!

He's adorable!!!

Posted 6/13/11 10:45 PM

Naterade is Thirstade!

Member since 6/10

3002 total posts


Re: Little Leo!

Posted by MissJones

Thank you ladies!! Chat Icon

Posted by MrsJakob

Holy he!!, I remember the stadol. The worst, best drug ever. It was great at first because I could sleep but then the contractions... oh god the contractions and then POOF asleep. So horrible.

At least you got a bonus of pushing for only 8 minutes!!! Wowsers!!!!

Congratulations again!!!

OMG, that's it!! I was out immediately but once each contraction hit, I WAS UP!!!

As far as those 8 felt a LOT longer! Chat Icon

An hour and 40 minutes!!! Chat Icon

Message edited 6/14/2011 3:27:37 PM.

Posted 6/14/11 3:27 PM


Member since 1/09

18021 total posts


Re: Little Leo!

Note to self: refuse stadol.

I'm so sorry you both had that experience. Chat Icon

Posted 6/14/11 5:52 PM

life is good

Member since 5/05

2013 total posts


Re: Little Leo!

He's beautiful! Congratulations!!

Posted 6/14/11 9:13 PM


Member since 5/11

1368 total posts


Re: Little Leo!

Congratulations and Blessings on your precious little guy!!!!! Mary

Posted 6/15/11 1:00 AM

Gabriella Aubrey born 3/26!

Member since 5/10

2440 total posts


Re: Little Leo!

beautiful baby boy!!

Posted 6/20/11 12:18 PM

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