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Logan's Birth 4.23.2011

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Mommy of two!

Member since 5/10

2202 total posts


Logan's Birth 4.23.2011

Logan Riley

We went in on Wednesday 4/20 for my weekly OB appointment and the baby was head down, but only progressed to 2cms. Dr. B to us to go over to South Nassau for an induction. We were told to call in to labor and delievery at 4pm and go in around 6pm.

Well Thursday rolls around and we patiently wait around all day and anxiously call at 4 to be told their are no beds for me yet. Call back at 7. We go and drop off the dogs at my parents house and go to dinner. We call at 7, no beds...we call at 8, no beds. We call at 9 and are told to come on in.
By 10:30 we are done with admissions and into the room. The ceravil is given to me by a resident and we are in waiting.

I had terrible back labor all night and the contractions definitly started more consistantly. I was having a hard time resting because every 20 minutes the blood pressure cuff was digging into my arm. So the nurse said if we could get take me off all the monitors from 5-7 and I could try to sleep. I got maybe the 2 hours, but then woke up in more pain.

My doctor came in and checked me, no more real progress, but she felt it might have done enough to have the pitocin really kick start the contractions. She broke my water (which was sooooo weird) and then they gave me the pitocen. About 10 minutes later I had contractions a minute or two apart and they were super strong. I worked through it for a few hours and then got a dose of statol which was awesome. It made me loopy and put me to sleep. I woke about two hours later and was told I could either was another hour for more statol or get my epi. I had to opt for the epi because the contrations were terrible.

The epi was fine, no more or less intense then I imagined, and really really helped, the pain was gone. A few hours later I began having pain again and over the next few hours was given more meds to try to stop the pain.

About 17 hours after my water was broken my doctor decided since I only dialated til 5 the entire time we would need to do a csetion. I was 100% on board.
Went into C-Section at about 11:45 am on 4/22 and our son Logan Riley was born at 12:18am on 4/23.

I didn't have a great time in the recovery room because they wanted to use some new protocol about sleep apnea (Which I don't have) to send me somewhere not near my son and I wigged. I finally sorted out that they needed to send me to maternity to my room and they did. This is now 2-3 hours later and I still haven't held my son.

I got to the room and everyone was so nice and helpful. Got pain meds and they brought my son to me. We got to spend some family time and then he went back to the nursery. I went to bed and DH finally got to go home around 3:30am and nap.

At 4am I got woken up by a doctor saying I had a fever in recovery and so my son was moved to nicu. I was like "huh?" She said between my fever, my gbs (treated of course) and my water being broken so long before I delievered he was at risk for infection and would be there for at least 48 hours.

He got great care in the NICU and they were so helpful with my breastfeeding.
I was up and out of bed that same day around 12pm and walking down to NICU to see Logan. Every day it got easier and easier, but its still really tough to get in and out of the bed or chairs.

Today we were told Logan was fine, no infection and we both got discharged around 1pm.

Posted 4/26/11 7:49 PM

Alyssa Rose is here!!!

Member since 9/10

3288 total posts


Re: Logan's Birth 4.23.2011

awww yay congrats!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/27/11 7:49 AM


Member since 7/06

2969 total posts


Re: Logan's Birth 4.23.2011

Hi Jill :) I was just asking Lisa about how you were doing the other day, never realized you were on

He is absolutely adorable...Congratulations!!!! :) Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/1/11 10:59 PM

Mommy of two!

Member since 5/10

2202 total posts


Re: Logan's Birth 4.23.2011

Posted by mrsv

Hi Jill :) I was just asking Lisa about how you were doing the other day, never realized you were on

He is absolutely adorable...Congratulations!!!! :) Chat Icon Chat Icon

Hey, didn't know u were on here either. How r u?

Posted 6/4/11 9:27 PM

Happy Autumn<3

Member since 12/10

1328 total posts


Re: Logan's Birth 4.23.2011

Congratulations!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/5/11 9:50 PM

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