So Thankful!!

Member since 11/07 4004 total posts
Name: Lots of Sticky Dust, Please!
Looks like the baby will be here very soon!!!
Just got in from the doctor.....
My blood pressure is a bit elevated, and the doctor is concerned about preeclampsia again. I'm also pretty swollen. He had me on the monitor for a while, and it seems I am having contractions 3 minutes apart!!! No wonder I am so uncomfortable! Obviously, not being on the terbutaline, is causing me to contract more. However, I am not dilated, but am finally starting to thin out. So there is SOME progress. The doctor got the results of the growth sonogram and again, is concerned about the big size of the baby (specifically the stomach). At 36 weeks, he/she is measuring 8lbs and has measurements of a 39w4d baby! At my appointment on Monday, we will probably schedule a date for my c-section. However, if the swelling and high blood pressure continues and preeclampsia is setting in, it looks like we might have to deliver the baby sooner rather than later. Fortunately, I will be 37 weeks, so if the baby comes now, we are pretty safe.
So now I sit here and deal with the contractions and wait it out......
I am going back to the doctor tomorrow for another blood pressure check to see if some fluids and rest help.
I am feeling frustrated because I am contracting so much, but am not really progressing