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Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

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Merry Christmas !!!

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Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

Be honest with yourself. How important is having money to you? And I do not mean being wealthy, I mean having money to pay bills, not live paycheck to paycheck, and be able to afford the extras in life.

Message edited 10/26/2006 11:11:43 AM.

Posted 10/26/06 11:11 AM
Long Island Weddings
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I'm a PANK!!!

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Professional Aunts No Kids

Re: Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

its very important for us to be able to pay our bills and not have to struggle!!

Posted 10/26/06 11:13 AM

Nike. Just do it.

Member since 5/05

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Re: Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

While it is important to me, it is not everything...If i made an extra $500 per month, I would be happy.

Posted 10/26/06 11:13 AM

Loving Summer.....

Member since 8/06

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Samantha aka Sammy Bones

Re: Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

Posted by HollaGirl

Be honest with yourself. How important is having money to you? And I do not mean being wealthy, I mean having money to pay bills, not live paycheck to paycheck, and be able to afford the extras in life.

It is Important.. As people are saying money isn't EVERYTHING.. and that's not the point.. its about being able to live comfortable.. money can be EXTREMELY stressful... I know I am not alone in thinking that.. but it does help.

Posted 10/26/06 11:14 AM

The Disney Lady

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Re: Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

It's important. I don't need to be rich, but it is really important to me to have financial security, so I know we can pay the rent and the bills and put food on the table. I also want to have savings and feel secure that if my car dies and needs $500 of repairs (which it just did), it won't cause me to overdraw my checking account (which it did Chat Icon ) So this is a really sensitive issue for me right now. I am really feeling the financial crunch from all angles. Only briefly, and I guess stupidly, did I ever feel like if I wanted to go out and buy clothes or a handbag or shoes or anything else I needed, I could just buy it, but I would love to actually feel that way. I hate that every year I'm digging out the same clothes as the last 10 years and half of them are ragged and the other half doesn't fit. Money isn't everything, but it makes me sad sometimes that I can't just go out and buy clothes, which is something a lot of people tkae for granted. Then again, there's a lot I take for granted too.

Posted 10/26/06 11:14 AM

My Everything

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Re: Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

It's very important to me because I've lived the other way and I wasn't happy. I think we have a nice balance now. We're not rich and don't have extravagent things but we own a home, our cars are paid for and we don't want for anything. For me it's a nice place to be in.

Posted 10/26/06 11:15 AM

My bunny

Member since 5/06

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Re: Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

ist money one of the reasons that people get divorced?

lets face it - money is IMPORTANT. its definitely NOT everything - but its important. you need $$ for food clothing and shelter.

Posted 10/26/06 11:15 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

I've been on both sides of the fence, and I have to say, there are pluses and minuses to each. I hated living paycheck to paycheck and literally having $5 left in my account, sometimes less... it was stressful, no doubt. Now that Dh and I make a very good combined income, things are definitely more comfortable and it's nice being able to book a week vacation at the drop of a hat without thinking, or buying a new suit without having to worry about my cash flow. BUT, with that said, having more money usually means higher expenses, and more responsibility. Now that we have a more expensive house (and a baby), I feel even MORE stressed than ever that if, god forbid, something were to happen, what would we do? It's a vicious cycle... that's why, for us, we DO keep a lot of money in our account and in investments because our risk is THAT much higher... we need something to fall back on just in case.

Posted 10/26/06 11:17 AM

Twin mommy

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Re: Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

Posted by Syliblond81106

While it is important to me, it is not everything...If i made an extra $500 per month, I would be happy.

Same here. As I said in another thread, I know there are people who are much worse off than me.

Posted 10/26/06 11:18 AM

L'amore vince sempre

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Mrs. B

Re: Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

It means alot to both FH & I...Knowing that there is money left over AFTER the monthly bills have been paid. And even though we will have a few hundred dollars left over every month to put into our savings - I think we would want it to be more than a "few hundred" would make the cushion feel that more comfortale...

It would be nice to know that we would be able to go on vacation at the last minute without having to save for 6 months or a year, or to be able to just buy something like a pair of nice earrings or a coat without feeling guilty or saying "I don't need it"

Message edited 10/26/2006 11:19:52 AM.

Posted 10/26/06 11:19 AM

Loving Summer.....

Member since 8/06

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Samantha aka Sammy Bones

Re: Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

Posted by Bxgell2

I've been on both sides of the fence, and I have to say, there are pluses and minuses to each. I hated living paycheck to paycheck and literally having $5 left in my account, sometimes less... it was stressful, no doubt. Now that Dh and I make a very good combined income, things are definitely more comfortable and it's nice being able to book a week vacation at the drop of a hat without thinking, or buying a new suit without having to worry about my cash flow. BUT, with that said, having more money usually means higher expenses, and more responsibility. Now that we have a more expensive house (and a baby), I feel even MORE stressed than ever that if, god forbid, something were to happen, what would we do? It's a vicious cycle... that's why, for us, we DO keep a lot of money in our account and in investments because our risk is THAT much higher... we need something to fall back on just in case.

but now heres another question... like you said.. having more money means higher expenses.. why so? why not have all that money for you and your family and keep a normal pay structure life. ya know? Chat Icon

Posted 10/26/06 11:19 AM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

it is EXTREMELY important to us that we not live check to check. that is why we're seriously considering moving OOS. we don't want to be a slave to our mortgage and all the other things that cost so much here.

Message edited 10/26/2006 11:21:28 AM.

Posted 10/26/06 11:21 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

Posted by Libragal07

Posted by Bxgell2

I've been on both sides of the fence, and I have to say, there are pluses and minuses to each. I hated living paycheck to paycheck and literally having $5 left in my account, sometimes less... it was stressful, no doubt. Now that Dh and I make a very good combined income, things are definitely more comfortable and it's nice being able to book a week vacation at the drop of a hat without thinking, or buying a new suit without having to worry about my cash flow. BUT, with that said, having more money usually means higher expenses, and more responsibility. Now that we have a more expensive house (and a baby), I feel even MORE stressed than ever that if, god forbid, something were to happen, what would we do? It's a vicious cycle... that's why, for us, we DO keep a lot of money in our account and in investments because our risk is THAT much higher... we need something to fall back on just in case.

but now heres another question... like you said.. having more money means higher expenses.. why so? why not have all that money for you and your family and keep a normal pay structure life. ya know? Chat Icon

It's true, it's a good point... DH and I COULD have stayed in our old house which was $1000 less per month and we would have a whole ton of money in the bank... but, with the birth of our daughter and the liklehood that I will have to take my father in soon because of his health problems, we felt like we could use the space. We can definitely "afford" the higher mortage - we still have plenty of left over at the end of the month. But, in the back of my mind, I feel more pressure than I ever did, worried about the "what ifs". That's why we put so much into investments and have so much cash readily available, because with the higher expenses, it's a little scarier. But, with the ability to afford it, it's worth it to us now to make our lives more comfortable, despite the risk...

Posted 10/26/06 11:23 AM

my loves...

Member since 5/05

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Re: Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

It is extremely important to us to be able to pay our bills, have money for savings & investments and still be able to live the life we want. We both have a sibling each who lives OOS and it is important that we visit with them a few times a year - neither of us want to be a slave to our house and bills, we want to be able to live our life as we see fit - and that includes traveling to visit family and vacation's.

For us that means financial stability - not wealth - stability.

Posted 10/26/06 11:24 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

Money and how you spend it is extremely important in a marriage.

Posted 10/26/06 11:28 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

It is extremely important to both of us to be able to pay our bills without struggling and to be able to live comfortably. I grew up in a family that had no money and have seen first hand the problems that it can cause.

Posted 10/26/06 11:28 AM


Member since 1/06

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Re: Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

It is very important to us to be financial stable. While we are not there yet, we are working VERY hard to get there.
If could go back in time I would make sure that I paid in cash.

Posted 10/26/06 11:28 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

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Re: Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

It is very important to me to have enough money to pay bills and save and then have extra for whatever... it helps relieves some problems in a marriage as well, because money problems could make people frustrated.

Posted 10/26/06 11:38 AM

We're gonna be big sisters!

Member since 6/06

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Re: Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

It is important to be able to pay our bills but I know that it will be tough this first year since we just paid for a wedding and bought a condo. We are far from where we would love to be finacially but we just keep saving and even if it takes a long time....we'll get to where we want to be....and DH continues to play lotto so he doesn't have to work..lolChat Icon I guess that means that I'll have to keep workingChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/26/06 11:39 AM

We're gonna be big sisters!

Member since 6/06

14887 total posts


Re: Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

Posted by lovelybride

It is very important to me to have enough money to pay bills and save and then have extra for whatever... it helps relieves some problems in a marriage as well, because money problems could make people frustrated.

I agree! Dr. Phil says money is the #1 cause in it must be true! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/26/06 11:42 AM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

Important enough that other than our mortgage we keep ourselves debt-free.

Posted 10/26/06 11:46 AM

The Perfect Pair

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Re: Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

It is very important because at no point we would like to be in a predicament where we cannot pay our bills and live comfortably. It is also important to be financially comfortable and stable because believe it or not if the finances are very stagnant then it leads to problem in a marriage and also divorce.

Posted 10/26/06 11:47 AM


Member since 8/06

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Re: Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

It's very important. I don't care what anyone says, it does make life easier.

Posted 10/26/06 11:51 AM


Member since 8/05

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Re: Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

Posted by chikita315

It's very important. I don't care what anyone says, it does make life easier.

I agree. There's so much less stress in life.

Posted 10/26/06 11:53 AM

My two miracles!

Member since 5/06

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Re: Love and Marriage-Money and Bills

It is important to us to be able to pay our bills & still be able to live our lives comfortably. Of course, we still make sacrafices but trust me, we do not allow money to run our lives. Money is not everything!!!!

Posted 10/26/06 11:55 AM
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