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lunch/snack ideas for 1 yr old

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/09

745 total posts


lunch/snack ideas for 1 yr old

DD is now solely on table food and I need some ideas about what to send her to daycare with for lunch/snacks. They do not microwave; any suggestions???

Also, how do I get her to eat veggies??? or what kinds have you been successful at feeding your kids? DD is pushing everything out of her mouth these past few days. I know her teeth are bothering her, so that may be part of it.

One last question; what age do kids start using utensils?



Posted 4/18/11 10:24 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Love these munchkins

Member since 10/09

6295 total posts


Re: lunch/snack ideas for 1 yr old

Send in for lunch yogurt, cheese sandwich, cream cheese and jelly sandwich, pasta (she will eat it cold/room temp)

For snacks, we usually give her cheerios, earths best cookies, pretzels, crackers, gerber cheese puffs/wagon wheels, dried apples, cut up bananas, any kind of fresh fruit

Im no help with veggies as my DD HATES them. I usually have to sneak them into an omlette or in with pasta etc.. She eats a TON of fruit so im not that concerned.

DD is 14 months an duses utinsels if I put the food on it. She cannot yet stab into or scoop up any food. we are working on that!

Teething will definitely affect their food intake!

Posted 4/18/11 10:54 AM

Two Boys for Me!!

Member since 1/07

5213 total posts


Re: lunch/snack ideas for 1 yr old

To add some ideas for veggies, DS loves Dr. Praeger's veggie burgers, spinach potato pancakes and brocolli potato pancakes.

My son is 14 months and we just started trying to use a fork. I have to put the food on it, but he is starting to get it. He can't put the food onto the fork.

Posted 4/18/11 11:13 AM

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