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Masks... why are people SO against them?

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My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11

9145 total posts


Masks... why are people SO against them?

I just saw a post on Facebook about putting together a class action suit against cuomo for signing an executive order that makes masks mandatory to go into businesses. He hasn’t signed yet, but he supposedly said it in today’s briefing.

The exact words were “he is discriminating against those with disabilities”.

It’s like the diabetic with a banana all over again ! WTF. If someone has a true medical reason they cannot wear a mask, they can wear a shield/visor. And if they medically cannot wear one of those, they can get a drs note excusing them and even then, a private establishment has the right to refuse your entrance. Especially a small businesses who have to practically stand on our heads to be in compliance with all the covid safety protocols in order to be open.

Why? Why do you refuse a mask? Why is it the end of the world to wear a mask to grab a coffee at Starbucks ? Or go to shoprite? And why are you making it your mission to boycott small businesses for posting signage that says you must wear a mask to enter their establishment?

I get it. It’s not comfortable. I hate it. I have such sensitive skin it physically hurts my face to leave it on. I have a rash starting under my chin. When I am in a store, it’s on. When I leave? I take it off. When I’m around people, it’s on, when we are far enough apart, I take it off. It lives hanging off of my ear for easy placement if someone gets close when I’m out.
Wearing it when you can’t be far enough apart could help save a life. I said it COULD. we don’t know shit. Nobody really does. But if there’s a chance it could, why won’t you just wear the f&$king mask?!?!?!!

This has gone out to the General you.

Message edited 5/28/2020 2:34:58 PM.

Posted 5/28/20 2:33 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Masks... why are people SO against them?

My personal opinion...had Trump advocated for masks from the beginning we’d be seeing people flaunting their “Trump 2020” custom masks. Since he’s refused from the beginning, the only one’s I see posting anti mask stuff are republicans. It’s my personal observation on social media. Other than that, I truly can’t think of any reason the average person can’t tolerate a mask to go into a store. Especially since it seems like it won’t last forever.

Posted 5/28/20 2:37 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/15

63 total posts


Masks... why are people SO against them?

Most people complaining are not the ones with disabilities. I will be the first to say i HATE masks, but the businesses have every right to deny you entry. I have no issue wearing one to Target etc... but I dread wearing one to go to something fun. Like I don't want to go to Disney world or even the zoo etc and have to wear a mask. I am not saying that these places don't have a right to require one...I just choose not to pay a lot of money to be uncomfortable.

We went to the beach 2 weeks ago, and I had no issue wearing it in the tunnel, since when we sat down I would be able to take it off.

My other reason for dreading this is my 2 year old is in no way going to cooperate with masks and cries everytime I wear one, let alone her!!

Posted 5/28/20 2:39 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/20

900 total posts


Re: Masks... why are people SO against them?

People who have asthma and other conditions are having a fit because they say they can't wear them and I know some who literally stand at the door of places and fight to not wear one (and they eventually let them in).
I have a hard time breathing but I hate to say it, if they paid these people to wear them, I bet all these people who are kicking their feet up about them would wear them for the limited amount of time they are required to.

Posted 5/28/20 2:42 PM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


Masks... why are people SO against them?

Honestly, I think people just want something to bitchh about and will take anything and make it political. I read something recently (not saying all the Republicans are this way, just reiterating something I read) that said how Republicans were adamant that a business owner was within his rights to refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple, but now their rights are being infringed upon by businesses requiring them to wear masks. Personally i have no issue wearing the masks for short the time required out in public if it will help curb the spread and allow me to do more leisurely things.

Posted 5/28/20 2:44 PM


Member since 5/08

8351 total posts


Re: Masks... why are people SO against them?

i hate them. I jsut dont want to wear them, they are not comfortable and makes going out un-enjoyable.

However I will wear one for now when i go into a store but I refuse to live like this for months on end!!!

Also i do not wear one outside. I have allowed my DD to have a friend over and they are not wearing one!

I will only wear it in a store cause I dont have a choice

Posted 5/28/20 2:50 PM

My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10

7790 total posts


Re: Masks... why are people SO against them?

Beats me! I think they are just as annoying as everyone else but I will wear them if it means we can reopen things and public areas are safer for everyone. What is the big deal?

Posted 5/28/20 2:51 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

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..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Masks... why are people SO against them?

I hate wearing it more than anything as well, but I would never make a huge commotion about it.
I found one that feels more comfortable, I wear it for as short a period as possible, get in, get out and that's it.
If it's that or stayed locked at home for longer, I'll take the damn mask.
Oh and I'll add if it means small businesses can open, I'd be even happier to comply so I can support them.

I am not sure why people are doing this- there is a lot of anger and frustration with everything lately so who knows....

Message edited 5/28/2020 2:55:52 PM.

Posted 5/28/20 2:51 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: Masks... why are people SO against them?

Posted by FirstMate

Beats me! I think they are just as annoying as everyone else but I will wear them if it means we can reopen things and public areas are safer for everyone. What is the big deal?

Totally agreeChat Icon

Posted 5/28/20 2:56 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

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..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Masks... why are people SO against them?

But I'm confused- didn't he put a mask mandate in place a while back?
What is this new one he is signing?

Posted 5/28/20 2:59 PM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


Masks... why are people SO against them?

Let me first say, I am for masks and my children will as well. Both have special needs and if they can't handle the masks, they will stay home.

That being said, many in the special needs world are against masks. They are calling it discriminatory. Many children with autism or other like needs have extensive sensory issues and can not wear them. They can't wear hats or face shields either. There are also those who have asthma or breathing difficulty that can not wear them either. For those who truly can not wear them for medical purposes, I am fine with that. It just then goes down a slippery slope (like people getting therapy dogs) where people latch on to exceptions made for medically fragile or those with disabilities and it it is ruined for all.

Posted 5/28/20 3:14 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/17

2249 total posts


Re: Masks... why are people SO against them?

I think people who have disabilities that cannot wear masks should be given exceptions. I am a parent of a child with a disability. He cannot tolerate wearing a mask for a long period of time due to sensory issues. However he does need to go to school because online learning and teletherapy just isn't cutting it for him and he is regressing.

Posted 5/28/20 3:35 PM

My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11

9145 total posts


Re: Masks... why are people SO against them?

Posted by KarenK122

Let me first say, I am for masks and my children will as well. Both have special needs and if they can't handle the masks, they will stay home.

That being said, many in the special needs world are against masks. They are calling it discriminatory. Many children with autism or other like needs have extensive sensory issues and can not wear them. They can't wear hats or face shields either. There are also those who have asthma or breathing difficulty that can not wear them either. For those who truly can not wear them for medical purposes, I am fine with that. It just then goes down a slippery slope (like people getting therapy dogs) where people latch on to exceptions made for medically fragile or those with disabilities and it it is ruined for all.

Absolutely agree. The people continuously posting on FB and other SM are not those with true disabilities. That I absolutely understand and there has to be exceptions w special circumstances. Not these dipshits posting everywhere. I’ve had to unfollow groups I enjoy on FB because I just can’t take another mask post!

I have noticed “both sides” being anti masks. It doesn’t seem to be solely political from what I’ve seen. It’s mostly “me me me , I’m important look at me more than anything else.

Posted 5/28/20 4:06 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Masks... why are people SO against them?

Speaking for only myself, I have a REALLY hard time wearing them because I am a SEVERE (and I do mean severe) claustrophobic. The mask makes me feel extremely restricted and I feel like I can't catch a good breath which then leads me to panic. Once I get panicky, my heart races and I start to feel like I am going to faint. Honestly, it's a real struggle for me which is why I constantly pull it from my face to breathe for a minute or adjust it every 5 seconds.

That being said, I do wear my mask when I am in stores ONLY. As soon as I walk out the door, I rip it right the hell off. I will NOT under any circumstance wear it outdoors. I social distance from everyone which is good enough when outside. If I am outdoors whether is be for a walk or to relax in the park the last thing I want to do (especially if it's hot) is wear a mask. I want to breathe in the fresh air and feel human again.

Message edited 5/28/2020 4:24:35 PM.

Posted 5/28/20 4:23 PM


Member since 7/06

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Völlig losgelöst

Re: Masks... why are people SO against them?

I hate masks. But I wear them in stores. I’m starting to get used to them. I use a bandana, and I can breathe more.

I had a job interview today, and I was so worried because it was in a school (schools are pretty much open here) and they required masks. It was for a job teaching special needs students (ages 10-20, so yeah I am a “teacher”) English.

Luckily, they, the interviewers, took off the masks and we all socially distanced in a classroom. I was so afraid because I need to see faces when I speak German, and I did my interview in German. I did really well. I think I have the job. I got called back for an observation. So, yes, I am a real “teacher” for anyone who doubted me in another thread.

But I am getting used to masks.

Message edited 5/28/2020 4:35:29 PM.

Posted 5/28/20 4:32 PM


Member since 6/08

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fka LIW Smara

Re: Masks... why are people SO against them?

Posted by Hofstra26

Speaking for only myself, I have a REALLY hard time wearing them because I am a SEVERE (and I do mean severe) claustrophobic. The mask makes me feel extremely restricted and I feel like I can't catch a good breath which then leads me to panic. Once I get panicky, my heart races and I start to feel like I am going to faint. Honestly, it's a real struggle for me which is why I constantly pull it from my face to breathe for a minute or adjust it every 5 seconds.

That being said, I do wear my mask when I am in stores ONLY. As soon as I walk out the door, I rip it right the hell off. I will NOT under any circumstance wear it outdoors. I social distance from everyone which is good enough when outside. If I am outdoors whether is be for a walk or to relax in the park the last thing I want to do (especially if it's hot) is wear a mask. I want to breathe in the fresh air and feel human again.

Chat Icon Chat Icon this is me to a Tee!

I think most people just want to protest something and hop on the Rally train. I mean a lot more people are bored nowadays. I also think some are fighting to protect their rights for the medical reasons listed. I mean you already have people who can’t mind their business, so making it a mandate will make these @ssholes more drunk with power.

For me, I prefer fighting for small businesses than stupid masks.

Message edited 5/28/2020 4:50:29 PM.

Posted 5/28/20 4:42 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/14

1656 total posts


Re: Masks... why are people SO against them?

I think part of the issue is the fear of how long the mask-wearing will continue. I suspect some believe that by wearing masks, they will contribute to the longevity of the mask as a required item.

Another issue is how political this situation has become. For example, although I consider myself very liberal, it seems that the moment I indicate that I'm in favor of reopening, I am dubbed an avid Trump supporter. Some are likely clinging on to what they perceive the mask to represent rather than the mask itself.

To clarify, I'm not saying I agree with this logic, but I do believe at least some think this way based on what I have read on various social-media posts.

I hate the mask, but I wear it when required; I do my best to avoid such scenarios. I do find it difficult to breathe in one; perhaps it's because I have asthma, or perhaps it's because breathing in one is simply difficult. I find the masks emotionally jarring as well. I'm not out there protesting masks, but these reasons are the ones I dislike them. I suppose some are using these reasons to protest.

Message edited 5/28/2020 4:52:45 PM.

Posted 5/28/20 4:46 PM


Member since 6/08

10312 total posts

fka LIW Smara

Re: Masks... why are people SO against them?

Posted by oldtimerocknroll

I think part of the issue is the fear of how long the mask-wearing will continue. I suspect some believe that by wearing masks, they will contribute to the longevity of the mask as a required item.

Another issue is how political this situation has become. For example, although I consider myself very liberal, it seems that the moment I indicate that I'm in favor of reopening, I am dubbed an avid Trump supporter. Some are likely clinging on to what they perceive the mask to represent rather than the mask itself.

To clarify, I'm not saying I agree with this logic, but I do believe at least some think this way based on what I have read on various social-media posts.

I hate the mask, but I wear it when required; I do my best to avoid such scenarios. I do find it difficult to breathe in one; perhaps it's because I have asthma, or perhaps it's because breathing in one is simply difficult. I find the masks emotionally jarring as well. I'm not out there protesting masks, but these reasons are the ones I dislike them. I suppose some are using these reasons to protest.

These are all good points. How many times have people commented on “China Does it”... who wants to live like we are in China long term. I do agree with the political aspect as well but I won’t protest them either.

I’m also conflicted, because it’s so hard for me to breathe in them. I don’t know if it’s because of my asthma, claustrophobia or both. I just know it sucks. I feel like I’m suffocating just by wearing it from my apartment to the garage. It’s like the longest elevator ride of my life. I don’t do any of the shopping anymore because of it. I guess I’m a snowflake. Lol.

Posted 5/28/20 6:31 PM

Bored Esq.

Member since 10/10

2156 total posts


Re: Masks... why are people SO against them?

No one likes to wear masks. The whole world has to do it now because of the pandemic. It stinks, but I dont want to risk spreading the virus to anyone if I happen to be asymptomatic and I would hope that wearing one would also limit the droplets I may inhale from a potentially infected person.

There are some masks which are more comfortable to wear than others. The ones that health care workers use like the N95s are obviously much more rigid and uncomfortable. They force you to breathe in more of your carbon dioxide, but the cloth masks which you can use just for a quick trip to 7-11 or something, will be more comfortable. My mom made me a cloth mask from an old curtain which is made from soft material..since its custom fitted, it doesnt feel as harsh to use as the KN95 masks I ordered I alternate them depending on the purpose (if I plan to be around more people inside a Target for 2 hrs, I will use the KN95), if its just walking down a semi crowded street, the cloth one would be fine.

Posted 5/28/20 7:49 PM

5,000 Posts!

Member since 4/10

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Masks... why are people SO against them?

Nobody likes them...but out of respect for the employees that have to work in a store and be around the disgusting public for 8 hours every day, I will wear one to any establishment I go in.

Posted 5/28/20 8:11 PM

God Bless America

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: Masks... why are people SO against them?

OK first of all let me say that if a store requires a mask, I wear the mask. I don't complain to the manager. I don't walk in without a mask to make a point. I put the mask on. A business has every right to require it. If I don't want to wear it, then it is totally my choice not to shop there. The end. I do not feel that any mask should ever be required OUTSIDE though if you aren't close to someone else.

That being said, I despise the mask. A lot. It has nothing to do with how it "looks," I couldn't care less about that. But I can't breathe well when I'm wearing it and I find myself sucking in air (and hence my own carbon dioxide). I find myself adjusting it constantly which means my hands are potentially touching germs, and then my face, which to me is more dangerous than not wearing a mask.

I do not think it's a question of "Republicans" hating masks because they like Trump and "Democrats" being the only responsible ones that like to wear them. And I'm just not going to expand on that here because the suggestion angers me.

Just for information since people wonder why there is such resistance to wearing masks, these are reasons why other people I know don't want to wear the mask (I am not saying I agree or disagree, but these are not MY personal reasons):

1. They do not believe that wearing masks is really preventing anything and that it is really just a way of making people "feel" safe mentally. As some people may recall, at the beginning, tons of doctors and experts strongly insisted that this was actually true, told everyone a million times not to buy masks, and implied anyone who wears them is an idiot. Health care workers use N95 masks designed to protect them. But it is hard to believe that a scrap of thin cloth over a face is going to prevent anything or protect anyone, regardless of all the memes about someone walking around without pants and peeing on the street (I'm sure we have seen that one!)

2. People think they have a civil right NOT to wear a mask and that imposing this requirement is the first step down a slippery slope of giving up more rights. Like, let's see how many people we can get to wear masks and then we will require everyone to be tested so we can keep track of who has it, and then we will require everyone to download the "COVID" tracking app so we know who and where you are at all times, and then if we want we can find you and isolate you from your family if we think you were exposed....etc. etc. etc.

Posted 5/28/20 8:12 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/16

2346 total posts


Masks... why are people SO against them?

I’m sorry but if the health care workers and first responders that are saving lives of people affected by covid are wearing an N95 and surgical mask, booties, hats, full suits and gloves for 12 hour shifts with little breaks between changing PPE, people can wear a mask for their half hour shopping trip. Store employees no matter the store or restaurant are wearing a mask for YOU so you can use their service, you can wear one for them. It enrages me. If a place requires a mask, wear it and don’t complain. Everyone is trying their best to protect the general public.
Deep down there are days I’m so angry by all this I wish we can turn people away that downright refuse to not use PPE yet want to come to the hospital to be treated for their covid symptoms (I know that’s never going to happen because one you never know who wears a mask and two it’s completely unethical).
My son has sensory processing disorder, he will never wear a mask, but I will never complain. We continue to work with him on mask wearing so we can keep him safe and others safe. Until then he will have to stay home and that’s that.

Sorry rant over, I’m just so mentally drained from all this and I can’t take much more of this. I really can’t wait until I can get an approved day off after this is over to take sometime off

Message edited 5/28/2020 8:48:25 PM.

Posted 5/28/20 8:47 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/08

3101 total posts


Re: Masks... why are people SO against them?

Posted by TwinMommyToBoys

I’m sorry but if the health care workers and first responders that are saving lives of people affected by covid are wearing an N95 and surgical mask, booties, hats, full suits and gloves for 12 hour shifts with little breaks between changing PPE, people can wear a mask for their half hour shopping trip. Store employees no matter the store or restaurant are wearing a mask for YOU so you can use their service, you can wear one for them. It enrages me. If a place requires a mask, wear it and don’t complain. Everyone is trying their best to protect the general public.
Deep down there are days I’m so angry by all this I wish we can turn people away that downright refuse to not use PPE yet want to come to the hospital to be treated for their covid symptoms (I know that’s never going to happen because one you never know who wears a mask and two it’s completely unethical).
My son has sensory processing disorder, he will never wear a mask, but I will never complain. We continue to work with him on mask wearing so we can keep him safe and others safe. Until then he will have to stay home and that’s that.

Sorry rant over, I’m just so mentally drained from all this and I can’t take much more of this. I really can’t wait until I can get an approved day off after this is over to take sometime off

Right there with you. Chat Icon A lot of us are angry, because we are keeping our vulnerable and our mask-averse at home. Precisely because when people think they're somehow above public health rules, they endanger not only themselves, but front-line heroes and others. I think some of the entitlement we see online is just people baiting others to be antogonistic.

Feel appreciated by the silent majority, and try to ignore the loud baiting.

Message edited 5/28/2020 9:27:31 PM.

Posted 5/28/20 9:26 PM


Member since 5/05

10425 total posts


Re: Masks... why are people SO against them?

I think people just don't like being told what to do.

They want things to open,but htey don't want to wear masks? umm, pick one. You can still stay hoem & order on line.

If I had to choose betwen earing one on aplane & nto flying, I woudln't fly ( I already feel like I can't breathe on flights.)

for those of you who struggle with the mask, have you tried different ones? I had a N95, so I started with that, and i couldnt' brehte. I tried to make one, but a tea towel was too thick & a t-shirt seemed too thin. I didn't ant to orde rone online becuse I didnt' knwo what hte material would be like, I know an apron company was making them, and I know I couldn't breathe through an apron.

A surgical mask works best for me- at least long enough to go to the drugstore.

Posted 5/28/20 11:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/14

1014 total posts


Re: Masks... why are people SO against them?

Posted by KarenK122

Let me first say, I am for masks and my children will as well. Both have special needs and if they can't handle the masks, they will stay home.

That being said, many in the special needs world are against masks. They are calling it discriminatory. Many children with autism or other like needs have extensive sensory issues and can not wear them. They can't wear hats or face shields either. There are also those who have asthma or breathing difficulty that can not wear them either. For those who truly can not wear them for medical purposes, I am fine with that. It just then goes down a slippery slope (like people getting therapy dogs) where people latch on to exceptions made for medically fragile or those with disabilities and it it is ruined for all.

I respectfully disagree. My son has profound autism, and cerebral palsy, and will not wear a mask, and I (a mask fanatic!) am ok with that. He is a vulnerable member of society and we have an obligation to protect him by wearing our own masks. Just like we have an obligation to vaccinate ourselves and provide herd immunity to vulnerable populations that can’t receive certain vaccines.

Also in extreme heat, my son can’t tell me that he is hot, having trouble breathing, etc. he also can’t necessarily take his mask off. So for him it’s a no. But I and my other two neurotypical children wear them.

In response to one of the PP, I don’t think special needs children who can’t wear masks should have to stay home. I think that is an extreme and unfair burden to put on people who are already overburdened.

Message edited 5/29/2020 5:49:41 AM.

Posted 5/28/20 11:38 PM

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