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maternity Leave..

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LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

932 total posts


maternity Leave..

I am sure that this has been asked before, but how long before you are due are you taking your maternity leave? How long are you taking the leave for? and is there anyone that is not going back to work?

Posted 1/30/06 2:23 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Cake from Outer Space!

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14021 total posts


Re: maternity Leave..

I'm hoping to work up until the end. I will take at least 3 months off and after that, I may work from home half the time and in the office the other half. I'm debating about not going back to work but I'm not sure if I'm ready to leave my job since it should afford me a lot of flexiblity.

Posted 1/30/06 2:30 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

501 total posts


Re: maternity Leave..

i'm thinking i'm probably going out right before memorial day (i'm due july 10th, but will most likely be having a c section at the end of june), since i commute into the city. i am taking my 3 months maternity, but do not plan on going back afterwards.

Posted 1/30/06 2:35 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: maternity Leave..

My doctor told me last week that normally she'd pull me out of work at 36 weeks, but since I'm a commuter (to NYC) she is pulling me at 34 weeks! Chat Icon

It's going to totally mess up my "maternity" (aka short term disability) but I'm listening to doctor's orders!

Posted 1/30/06 3:41 PM

I ♥ my boys!

Member since 5/05

4461 total posts


Re: maternity Leave..

I am taking 4 weeks before my due date and not working for a while after the baby is here.

Posted 1/30/06 5:24 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: maternity Leave..

I'm working until I go into labor. I only have 12 weeks and I want to spend all that time with the baby!!

Posted 1/30/06 7:22 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: maternity Leave..

I am hoping to work up until I give birth because I only get about 8 weeks and I want to use that all with the baby being home. I will go back to work - cutting a few hrs.

Posted 1/30/06 8:26 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: maternity Leave..

Message edited 12/16/2011 6:32:57 PM.

Posted 1/30/06 8:40 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/06

328 total posts


Re: maternity Leave..

My wife actually worked past her due date, and the baby was born during Easter break (she's a teacher) so she lucked out as she gained an extra week that way, as well. The baby was 10 pounds in the wind-up.

The funniest part was that we were looking for houses at the same time, and the real estate agents always got a perverse laugh out of answering the "When are you due?" question with "Yesterday, you think I'm kidding?"

But, don't try to be a hero. If it's getting to be too much, worry about the other stuff on the back end. You can always Family Leave Act it and go longer--you just won't get paid.

Posted 1/31/06 3:47 PM

2 1/2

Member since 12/05

1304 total posts


Re: maternity Leave..

I am going out 3 weeks earlier then I am due..
I am actually only getting paid for 6 weeks, I am goign out 2 weeks earlier then expected but that is because the commute is killing me..
I also have a week and a half vacation pay coming..
I am going out on Monday the 6th and coming back Tuesday the 31st..
so its pretty long but like I said I am not getting paid for a lot of it.. I think its worth it to be home w/ the new baby..

Posted 1/31/06 3:56 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

588 total posts


Re: maternity Leave..

Posted by mable

I am going out 3 weeks earlier then I am due..
I am actually only getting paid for 6 weeks, I am goign out 2 weeks earlier then expected but that is because the commute is killing me..
I also have a week and a half vacation pay coming..
I am going out on Monday the 6th and coming back Tuesday the 31st..
so its pretty long but like I said I am not getting paid for a lot of it.. I think its worth it to be home w/ the new baby..

I totally agree with you. Do you know how much you get on maternity leave? Does it go by your salary or does everyone get the same?

Posted 1/31/06 3:59 PM

2 1/2

Member since 12/05

1304 total posts


Re: maternity Leave..

My company is only paying me 6 at full salary.. I think all companies are different..
they originally told me i was getting the hole time paid but i guess they realized ?????? who knows..
My husband and I both said my sanity before the baby is more important then money and after well that is just precious time..

Posted 1/31/06 4:04 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

588 total posts


Re: maternity Leave..

Posted by mable

My company is only paying me 6 at full salary.. I think all companies are different..
they originally told me i was getting the hole time paid but i guess they realized ?????? who knows..
My husband and I both said my sanity before the baby is more important then money and after well that is just precious time..

You are absolutley right.

Posted 1/31/06 4:05 PM


Member since 8/05

4987 total posts


Re: maternity Leave..

I'm going out 2 weeks before my due date. Only 2 1/2 weeks left!! But I'm not getting any pay or disability. Chat Icon I'm not planning to go back to work until at least September ( 6 months) and then if I do go back it will probably just be part time.

Posted 1/31/06 8:47 PM

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