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i need sleep ;-)

Member since 2/14 2008 total posts
Name: L
Re: May 2WW
Posted by Jenn79
I had my sono on May 25th and the tech told me I had an egg ready to drop in about two days. Sure enough I had a positive opk on the 27th. Now 11 days past ovulation I got a bfp! I can't believe it! If everything sticks the best part is im due almost exactly one year from the one I lost. My due date should be feb 17th. When's yours?
These were my exact dates in 2014 (son born 2015!) - last sono, ovulation date, due date.
good luck!
Posted 6/8/17 3:44 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12 4571 total posts
Name: <3
Re: May 2WW
Posted by Jenn79
Posted by coffeeisgreen
Thank you!! Just did the blood work today and go back Thursday & Saturday to check for numbers doubling. Even tho I'm 3w fro My LMP, they did a sono anyway and saw thickening of the uterus which pretty is normal for 3w as it prepares for the pregnancy!
How was your bloodwork?
I had my sono on May 25th and the tech told me I had an egg ready to drop in about two days. Sure enough I had a positive opk on the 27th. Now 11 days past ovulation I got a bfp! I can't believe it! If everything sticks the best part is im due almost exactly one year from the one I lost. My due date should be feb 17th. When's yours?
Posted 6/8/17 4:44 PM |
Re: May 2WW
Posted by Jenn79
Posted by coffeeisgreen
Thank you!! Just did the blood work today and go back Thursday & Saturday to check for numbers doubling. Even tho I'm 3w fro My LMP, they did a sono anyway and saw thickening of the uterus which pretty is normal for 3w as it prepares for the pregnancy!
How was your bloodwork?
I had my sono on May 25th and the tech told me I had an egg ready to drop in about two days. Sure enough I had a positive opk on the 27th. Now 11 days past ovulation I got a bfp! I can't believe it! If everything sticks the best part is im due almost exactly one year from the one I lost. My due date should be feb 17th. When's yours?
Oh my God! Yay!!! congrats girl! Feb 14. My first number was high. 1200. At first I was like what? But they said no it's great and progesterone looked good too. But then round showed it dipped to 1119 and the third round lower but still in 1000. I am on vacation so I go back Monday for blood work and sono. They told me to prepare for the worst but I'm thinking maybe it was a vanishing twin? Because my number started out so high. I mean I'll take that theory over ectopic or a plain ol miscarriage. I'll have to wait and see.
Posted 6/8/17 8:55 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/15 311 total posts
May 2WW
Congratulations Jenn!
I hope everything works out Coffee....try and stay positive!
Went to the OB yesterday for the first check (I'm 7.5 weeks now) and saw the heartbeat!
Message edited 6/8/2017 9:24:49 PM.
Posted 6/8/17 9:24 PM |
One more?

Member since 2/12 2410 total posts
Re: May 2WW
Thanks everyone!
Coffee- hope you get great news on Monday!!
Kstarfish- great milestone!! Congrats!!
Mrs&Mrs- that's crazy it's the same dates! I hope that's a good sign for me!! How's everything with you?
Posted 6/8/17 11:17 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/15 311 total posts
May 2WW
Any update Coffee?
Posted 6/12/17 9:59 PM |
Re: May 2WW
Posted by KStarfish82
Any update Coffee?
Yes unfortunately it just a miscarriage. I have been bleeding since Friday. They think I am miscarrying it naturally. My numbers did fluctuate in the beginning but then dropped dramatically (hence the bleeding). They did another blood test today to make sure my number is going down. They said wait 3 cycles before trying again. But I feel like I've heard many people went on to conceive in less time than that.
Posted 6/12/17 11:06 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/15 311 total posts
Re: May 2WW
Posted by coffeeisgreen
Posted by KStarfish82
Any update Coffee?
Yes unfortunately it just a miscarriage. I have been bleeding since Friday. They think I am miscarrying it naturally. My numbers did fluctuate in the beginning but then dropped dramatically (hence the bleeding). They did another blood test today to make sure my number is going down. They said wait 3 cycles before trying again. But I feel like I've heard many people went on to conceive in less time than that.
I am so sorry Coffee! After I miscarried in December, my doctor said that as soon as I get my normal period that we could start trying...she even gave me Clomid.
I'm not a patient person....
Good luck with whatever you decide!
Posted 6/13/17 10:37 AM |
Re: May 2WW
Posted by KStarfish82
Posted by coffeeisgreen
Posted by KStarfish82
Any update Coffee?
Yes unfortunately it just a miscarriage. I have been bleeding since Friday. They think I am miscarrying it naturally. My numbers did fluctuate in the beginning but then dropped dramatically (hence the bleeding). They did another blood test today to make sure my number is going down. They said wait 3 cycles before trying again. But I feel like I've heard many people went on to conceive in less time than that.
I am so sorry Coffee! After I miscarried in December, my doctor said that as soon as I get my normal period that we could start trying...she even gave me Clomid.
I'm not a patient person....
Good luck with whatever you decide!
Thank you! I am not patient either lol so I was going to wait until after my period comes and once I get a clean bill of health. Besides there's no guarantee it'll work right away so getting a head start isn't a bad idea!
Posted 6/13/17 3:57 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/15 311 total posts
May 2WW
How are you doing Coffee?
Posted 6/22/17 3:49 PM |
Re: May 2WW
Posted by KStarfish82
How are you doing Coffee?
Thank you for thinking of me! All things considered I think I am doing good. My miscarriage started the day my period was supposed to end. So this really was a short pregnancy which is what I keep telling myself to feel better. If I hadn't been tracking I would have just assumed it was my period. I just got my first flashing smiley today on the OPK. Glad my body seems to be regulating itself.
How is everything going for you??
Posted 6/23/17 11:50 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/15 311 total posts
Re: May 2WW
Hey there! Now I am at 10.5 weeks and everything is going perfectly except my mental state lol. I hesitate to write this because I just think that a every doctor appointment that I'm going to hear the inevitable news. Every ache, twinge, cramp or uneasiness is a miscarriage in my mind. Sick, I know.
How are you?
Posted 6/30/17 9:13 PM |
i need sleep ;-)

Member since 2/14 2008 total posts
Name: L
May 2WW
just got bfp call. 84.5 hcg not bad !
Posted 7/3/17 12:49 PM |
Re: May 2WW
Posted by Mrs&MrsK
just got bfp call. 84.5 hcg not bad !
Ahhh congrats!!!
Posted 7/3/17 1:06 PM |
Re: May 2WW
Posted by KStarfish82
Hey there! Now I am at 10.5 weeks and everything is going perfectly except my mental state lol. I hesitate to write this because I just think that a every doctor appointment that I'm going to hear the inevitable news. Every ache, twinge, cramp or uneasiness is a miscarriage in my mind. Sick, I know.
How are you?
Aww no it's so understandable to be worried. Consider each week you get through a reason to celebrate 
I'm doing good, I think I will test tomorrow which puts me at 10DPO
Posted 7/3/17 1:07 PM |
One more?

Member since 2/12 2410 total posts
Re: May 2WW
Posted by Mrs&MrsK
just got bfp call. 84.5 hcg not bad !
Posted 7/5/17 10:49 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/15 311 total posts
May 2WW
Congrats Mrs. K!
Coffee - did you test?
Just went for my 11+ week check....everything looks perfect! I can breath easy for another week and then the anxiety will kick in as I approach the nuchal test.
Took about 7 vials of blood and have to do a 24 hour urine because of the high BP issue when I was delivering my last son. Better to be safe than sorry!
Posted 7/5/17 11:17 AM |
Re: May 2WW
Posted by KStarfish82
Congrats Mrs. K!
Coffee - did you test?
Just went for my 11+ week check....everything looks perfect! I can breath easy for another week and then the anxiety will kick in as I approach the nuchal test.
Took about 7 vials of blood and have to do a 24 hour urine because of the high BP issue when I was delivering my last son. Better to be safe than sorry!
What a relief! Yes better safe than sorry absolutely. I did test and nothing. Idk when to expect my period but I do know I'm like 10 or 11DPO so i thought I'd see something by now.
Posted 7/5/17 3:40 PM |
Re: May 2WW
Is anyone still trying? I'm going to be in the 2WW next week and figured if anyone wants to join, I'll make a new thread for August.
Posted 7/12/17 8:48 PM |
One more?

Member since 2/12 2410 total posts
Re: May 2WW
Posted by coffeeisgreen
Is anyone still trying? I'm going to be in the 2WW next week and figured if anyone wants to join, I'll make a new thread for August.
How are you doing? I'm rooting for ya!!
Posted 7/18/17 10:17 PM |
May 2WW
Thanks Jenn, how are you?? I'm doing good all things considered! Had a follow up on Monday and my doc said everything looks good. I asked him based on what he knows from my first pregnancy (uneventful lol and a healthy baby) and the details of my miscarriage; does he see this happening again? And he said no, so that was really comforting to hear. I mean I know he's not God but still.
Posted 7/18/17 11:25 PM |
One more?

Member since 2/12 2410 total posts
Re: May 2WW
I'm doing okay. I'm super sick though so that sucks! This is the week I lost the baby last year so it's a little stressful right now. I have had two sonos already because I had a small bleed on the one side of my uterus which has gotten smaller so that's good. But everything else looked great so far!
You will be fine! I totally understand that feeling though. I had my first dd on the first try and no issues at all. Then it took a year and two chemical pregnancies before concieving ds. And now it's been a year and one miscarriage before this one. So hang in there! It will happen!
Posted 7/19/17 12:03 AM |
Re: May 2WW
Posted by Jenn79
I'm doing okay. I'm super sick though so that sucks! This is the week I lost the baby last year so it's a little stressful right now. I have had two sonos already because I had a small bleed on the one side of my uterus which has gotten smaller so that's good. But everything else looked great so far!
You will be fine! I totally understand that feeling though. I had my first dd on the first try and no issues at all. Then it took a year and two chemical pregnancies before concieving ds. And now it's been a year and one miscarriage before this one. So hang in there! It will happen!
I'm happy to read everything else looks good!!
I told myself to consider this month 1 of a whole new try instead of dwelling on the fact that we started in November. That makes it much easier and a more positive experience. So we'll see in two weeks time what happens!
Posted 7/19/17 6:23 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/15 311 total posts
Re: May 2WW
Great attitude Coffee! Seems like this board has had a great deal of luck in recent months so let's hope that your BFP will come soon!
Posted 7/20/17 9:43 PM |
Re: May 2WW
Posted by KStarfish82
Great attitude Coffee! Seems like this board has had a great deal of luck in recent months so let's hope that your BFP will come soon!
Thanks! The only way to stay sane really. And yes we really have had a lot of BFPs! I'm waiting to hop on that train again
Posted 7/21/17 12:15 PM |
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