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Measuring behind in IVF pregnancy?

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Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

19084 total posts


Measuring behind in IVF pregnancy?

I'm just wondering what the situation/outcome was.

Our baby is consistently behind (3-5 days), but growing... so they think it was late implantation. The heartbeat went from 90 last week to 136 this week. They also said that this early, it's hard to get an accurate measurement.

I was already released to Dr.Kofinas even though I'm so early. He has a good feeling.. but from someone who has BTDT in terms of losses... it has me on edge still.

Posted 12/20/11 10:46 AM

Love being a twin mommy!

Member since 5/07

2934 total posts


Re: Measuring behind in IVF pregnancy?

Mine wasn't an IVF pregnancy, but my baby B (DD) was always 3-5 days behind.
Towards the end of my pregnancy, they had me in for weekly sonos and kept a close eye on her (she had dropped below the 10th percentile by then).
But, she was born at 38wks weighing 4lbs12oz and very healthy. No NICU, no breathing issues, etc.

She is 16mo old now and is still under weight. She has some sensory processing issues (I attribute that to her low birth weight) and receives OT. But, she is very active, healthy, happy and super smart.


Posted 12/20/11 11:55 AM

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