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Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Medicaid Applications
anybody apply? Did you use an attny or social worker?
Can anyone shed some light on this for me?
Posted 1/3/08 9:41 AM |
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Member since 6/06 10258 total posts
Name: Baby Momma
Re: Medicaid Applications
a social worker can help with this if the person is in the hospital or aftercare program. You can do it yourself as well
Posted 1/3/08 9:54 AM |
Pick a cause & stand up for it

Member since 5/05 18602 total posts
Name: The cure IS worse!
Re: Medicaid Applications
Any info you get if you can pass my way, would be great. I got told that I have to wait until two years from the diagnosis. But I am not sure if that is because I have other insurance or not. Sure would help though. Two years seems realllllly long to me.
Posted 1/3/08 9:56 AM |

Member since 3/07 39159 total posts
Re: Medicaid Applications
I honestly don't remember filling anything out specifically for Medicaid. I thought it was part of the SSD application. But maybe his lawyer ended up filling it out because DH was approved for it. Sorry I didn't really answer the question.
Posted 1/3/08 9:58 AM |
Pick a cause & stand up for it

Member since 5/05 18602 total posts
Name: The cure IS worse!
Re: Medicaid Applications
Posted by Mssissy
I honestly don't remember filling anything out specifically for Medicaid. I thought it was part of the SSD application. But maybe his lawyer ended up filling it out because DH was approved for it. Sorry I didn't really answer the question. That could be possible. My SSD had questions about it. But I swear that is where I learned that I had to wait two years and I had to be on SSD for at least a year. Would be lovely if I am wrong and I could get them earlier.
Posted 1/3/08 10:07 AM |

Member since 3/07 39159 total posts
Re: Medicaid Applications
Posted by DebG
Posted by Mssissy
I honestly don't remember filling anything out specifically for Medicare. I thought it was part of the SSD application. But maybe his lawyer ended up filling it out because DH was approved for it. Sorry I didn't really answer the question. That could be possible. My SSD had questions about it. But I swear that is where I learned that I had to wait two years and I had to be on SSD for at least a year. Would be lovely if I am wrong and I could get them earlier.
Unfortunatley you are correct. DH was approved after 2 yrs.
ETA: You also have to pay for Medicare. The cost gets deducted from your SSD payment. Since I have medical, we declined the coverage.
ET: correct to Medicare
Message edited 1/3/2008 10:40:26 AM.
Posted 1/3/08 10:08 AM |
Pick a cause & stand up for it

Member since 5/05 18602 total posts
Name: The cure IS worse!
Re: Medicaid Applications
S- you got me thinking so I just did a search and this link looks like it could help us both
Posted 1/3/08 10:10 AM |
Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Medicaid Applications
i met with a lawyer about this. Nursing home medicaid is different from out patient medicaid.
Medicare and medicaid are two different things.
Medicare you have to wait two years. Medicaid is strictly based on financial need and medical need. No waiting period.
We are having a trust drawn up so that my brother will qualify for medicaid so that his income won't go directly to him. After that he will qualify for medicaid but the process is long and arduous. The social worker who treats Fred won't do it because it's a conflict of interest. The lawyer doesn't understand this. He charges $2500 for the medicaid app because it's a lot of back and forth and getting the right papers in and documents signed..etc..
I was looking for some feedback about anyone who has done a medicaid app as an outpatient.
Posted 1/3/08 10:32 AM |

Member since 3/07 39159 total posts
Re: Medicaid Applications
Posted by Blu-ize
i met with a lawyer about this. Nursing home medicaid is different from out patient medicaid.
Medicare and medicaid are two different things.
Medicare you have to wait two years. Medicaid is strictly based on financial need and medical need. No waiting period.
We are having a trust drawn up so that my brother will qualify for medicaid so that his income won't go directly to him. After that he will qualify for medicaid but the process is long and arduous. The social worker who treats Fred won't do it because it's a conflict of interest. The lawyer doesn't understand this. He charges $2500 for the medicaid app because it's a lot of back and forth and getting the right papers in and documents signed..etc..
I was looking for some feedback about anyone who has done a medicaid app as an outpatient.
Sorry I get those confused all the time. You're correct, Gary was approved for Medicare. I corrected my original posts. Does Medicaid offer case workers? Or maybe call the local Social Services office for an appointment?
Message edited 1/3/2008 10:51:10 AM.
Posted 1/3/08 10:42 AM |
Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Medicaid Applications
i wonder if they do. The medicaid office may do that. Although, last time I asked them, they sent me an application and said fill it out. I couldn't fill it out myself because it's not so cut and dried.
I guess they don't make it easy for this. As of March of 2009 Fred will qualify for medicare.
Posted 1/3/08 11:02 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/07 1694 total posts
Re: Medicaid Applications
We are going through this with my BIL. He has no income and is sick, can't work and he was rejected. We don't know where to go from here..
Posted 1/3/08 6:32 PM |
Re: Medicaid Applications
If you don't mind (you can send me a private message if you like), let me know the situation leading up to this and maybe I can give some pointers.
Also, if there is an independent living center for the disabled in your area, they may be able to provide some pointers.
Posted 1/3/08 7:18 PM |
Member since 5/05 4457 total posts
Name: Mama
Re: Medicaid Applications
Medicare is based purely on age (once you hit 65 you can have money taken out of your oncome checks to apply for Medical coverage, not everyone opts for it). Medcaid is based on income levels, I help people woith their Medicaid applications at least 5 times per day. But I have to say...they are pretty benign to complete, it just looks overwhelming. A lawyer will help you and will charge you BIG TIME./ In most facilities that deal with Medicaid they have medicaid counselors to help with the process since you need birthcertificates, pay stubs, bank statments, etc. Let me help you, send me an FM if yu need my help, I am Medicaid certified (had lots of trainings on theapplication and eligibility process)
Posted 1/3/08 7:19 PM |