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Migraines in children?

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LIF Infant

Member since 6/05

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Migraines in children?

Anyone have any experience in dealing with migraines in little kids?

Posted 2/27/15 10:52 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Migraines in children?

how old of a child are you referring to?

I started getting them around age 12 and was taken to a few doctors just to make sure nothing was wrong. In my case, i was told they can be hereditary and both my mom and dad do suffer from them.

Posted 2/27/15 10:56 AM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

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Migraines in children?

I started getting headaches in 4th grade, so 8/9 (?), but no one really believed me that they were as bad as they were. I was basically told to "suck it up", different time. I think they thought it was because of stress back then (I had anxiety and was teased pretty bad because my parents were divorced). Doctors never seemed to think anything of it.

Posted 2/27/15 11:00 AM

Just another chapter in life..

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Re: Migraines in children?

Posted by jams92

how old of a child are you referring to?

I started getting them around age 12 and was taken to a few doctors just to make sure nothing was wrong. In my case, i was told they can be hereditary and both my mom and dad do suffer from them.

I started them even earlier- maybe like 2nd or 3rd grade.
As I got older they changed- I started getting migraines with aura as a teenage.
I still get them occasionally.

Posted 2/27/15 11:01 AM


Member since 5/09

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Re: Migraines in children?

As a very very small child I had what they believe to be abdominal migraines. I started complaining about actual headaches by the age of 4. At age 10 they were very painful and I went to a pediatric neurologist who dismissed my compaints. By 16 I was getting almost daily headaches. Still get very bad migaines. They actually went away for a while (3 years) after my 1st child was born but they came back. Hereditary in my case and unfortunately haven't had much luck with any preventative meds (and I've seen some great neuros).

Posted 2/27/15 11:07 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: Migraines in children?

My 8 year old has been suffering from severe headaches. I get migraines and was told she is likely to be more prone to them. She also suffers from bad allergies/sinus issues. She was recently put on flonaze and I was told she should continue with it daily for no less than 3 months to try to clear up her sinuses which are most likely contributing to the headaches. It seems to be working she has been complaining much less in the past 2 weeks.

Posted 2/27/15 11:08 AM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

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Re: Migraines in children?

Posted by pnbplus1

As a very very small child I had what they believe to be abdominal migraines. I started complaining about actual headaches by the age of 4. At age 10 they were very painful and I went to a pediatric neurologist who dismissed my compaints. By 16 I was getting almost daily headaches. Still get very bad migaines. They actually went away for a while (3 years) after my 1st child was born but they came back. Hereditary in my case and unfortunately haven't had much luck with any preventative meds (and I've seen some great neuros).

You are a great candidate for Botox, have you tried it? It does take a 3 sessions (usually) to really see a difference, if it's going to work for you. But anyone who has 15 or more migraine/headache DAYS (not 15 or more headaches, but 15 or more headache days), is a prime candidate.

Posted 2/27/15 11:10 AM

My family is complete!

Member since 11/08

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Migraines in children?

i dont want to scare you...but whenever i hear of young kids with headaches i get nervous. my friend's 4 year old son just recently passed away from Dego's Disease which started out as headaches. i would see a doctor just in case. but i'm sure it's not that! :)

Posted 2/27/15 11:22 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

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Migraines in children?

My son suffered from debilitating migraines with nausea and auras (seeing silvery lights) as he grew up, and often had to go to bed until they passed. My DH gets them too. We had to get the doctor to write the school a note that he needed to take Tylenol at the first inkling of a migraine's onset, and the school had us leave Tylenol there just for his use.

When DS felt a migraine coming on he would go to the school nurse to get his Tylenol from her and would lie down in her office until he felt it was safe to go back to class. If he did not do this the migraines progressed until he threw up. The school was very understanding and worked with him all through middle and high school. He does not get them as much now that he is in his 20's.

I do know that chocolate triggers my DH's migraines. You might try to figure out if anything is triggering your child's.

Message edited 2/27/2015 11:27:11 AM.

Posted 2/27/15 11:22 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/05

70 total posts


Migraines in children?

My son is 5 and we went to peditirician, eye dr, ENT for sinus scan and neuro. Neuro did an MRI and full blood work and all is okay, thank goddness!!!! The last 2 weeks its just been day after day of a headache that won't go away. Went back to neuro and said its chronic migraines. We got a medication for it, but he said it might take a while to play with the dosage. Its breaking my heart for my 5 year old to have to deal with headaches!!! Anyone have any experience with cyproheptadine? We are on the lowest dosage right now.

Posted 2/27/15 11:31 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/14

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Migraines in children?

I started getting them at age 7 so debilitating I would have to miss or leave school. I have them more managed as an adult but still have to miss work at times because of them. The best thing that helped me was learning my triggers so I could avoid them as best as possible and I also suggest finding what works to manage the migraine the best way of getting through them is knowing and doing what works and having those things on hand for me it's a cold dark room. A soft pillow I use specifications for migraines and my migraine medication I also eat grapes as they release tension. If I get them in clusters I'll go to the chiropractor multiple times in a week to release tension and that works great for me

Posted 2/27/15 11:34 AM

Mommy to 2 sweet girls!

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Re: Migraines in children?

I started in 4th grade. I was getting a couple a month. My mom took me to a few doctors. I would get so sick projectile vomit and sometimes throw up blood. I couldn't have any light on. I was on a medication for a while I don't remember the name it was a small blue pill. The headaches decreased a lot in my teens. I didn't have any from the time I was 22 until this year now at 32. Now I've had a few and they are just awful.

Posted 2/27/15 11:44 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/09

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Re: Migraines in children?

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by jams92

how old of a child are you referring to?

I started getting them around age 12 and was taken to a few doctors just to make sure nothing was wrong. In my case, i was told they can be hereditary and both my mom and dad do suffer from them.

I started them even earlier- maybe like 2nd or 3rd grade.
As I got older they changed- I started getting migraines with aura as a teenage.
I still get them occasionally.

I started getting them around the same age as you and it was always just brushed off by doctors, now I've been on migraine meds for the past 5 years, thankfully a doctor finally listened to me

Posted 2/27/15 11:44 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/10

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Migraines in children?

I started getting migraines when I was about 8 years old. Pediatrician wasn't surprised since my mom had them and they can be hereditary.

Posted 2/27/15 11:45 AM

Mommy to 2 sweet girls!

Member since 3/09

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Re: Migraines in children?

Posted by eriberry02

My son is 5 and we went to peditirician, eye dr, ENT for sinus scan and neuro. Neuro did an MRI and full blood work and all is okay, thank goddness!!!! The last 2 weeks its just been day after day of a headache that won't go away. Went back to neuro and said its chronic migraines. We got a medication for it, but he said it might take a while to play with the dosage. Its breaking my heart for my 5 year old to have to deal with headaches!!! Anyone have any experience with cyproheptadine? We are on the lowest dosage right now.

I hope the medications work and the headaches stop. That has to be awful for a 5 year old.

Posted 2/27/15 11:46 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/05

70 total posts


Re: Migraines in children?

Posted by mnmsoinlove

Posted by eriberry02

My son is 5 and we went to peditirician, eye dr, ENT for sinus scan and neuro. Neuro did an MRI and full blood work and all is okay, thank goddness!!!! The last 2 weeks its just been day after day of a headache that won't go away. Went back to neuro and said its chronic migraines. We got a medication for it, but he said it might take a while to play with the dosage. Its breaking my heart for my 5 year old to have to deal with headaches!!! Anyone have any experience with cyproheptadine? We are on the lowest dosage right now.

I hope the medications work and the headaches stop. That has to be awful for a 5 year old.

Thank you!

Posted 2/27/15 11:47 AM

My family is complete!

Member since 11/08

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Re: Migraines in children?

Posted by eriberry02

My son is 5 and we went to peditirician, eye dr, ENT for sinus scan and neuro. Neuro did an MRI and full blood work and all is okay, thank goddness!!!! The last 2 weeks its just been day after day of a headache that won't go away. Went back to neuro and said its chronic migraines. We got a medication for it, but he said it might take a while to play with the dosage. Its breaking my heart for my 5 year old to have to deal with headaches!!! Anyone have any experience with cyproheptadine? We are on the lowest dosage right now.

glad to hear everything checked out ok!!

try a chiropractor. sometimes the nerves in the neck affect headaches. if you're in the plainview area i can recommend mine. my 5 year old son goes to him too.

Posted 2/27/15 12:41 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

15659 total posts


Re: Migraines in children?

Posted by IansMommy23

i dont want to scare you...but whenever i hear of young kids with headaches i get nervous. my friend's 4 year old son just recently passed away from Dego's Disease which started out as headaches. i would see a doctor just in case. but i'm sure it's not that! :)

I agree, I know of a few young kids in my community that have, or have had brain tumors. I dislike even saying that, but I would want to rule out of every possibility. I'm sure it's unlikely, but you never know. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Oh geez, I should have scrolled down and saw that all of that stuff was ruled out!

I also wanted to mention magnesium. A lot of us lack it, even kids. Headaches are a common sign from it. And there is no test for it. So maybe a small dosage of OTC magnesium.

Message edited 2/27/2015 12:49:47 PM.

Posted 2/27/15 12:48 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/11

914 total posts


Re: Migraines in children?

Posted by eriberry02

My son is 5 and we went to peditirician, eye dr, ENT for sinus scan and neuro. Neuro did an MRI and full blood work and all is okay, thank goddness!!!! The last 2 weeks its just been day after day of a headache that won't go away. Went back to neuro and said its chronic migraines. We got a medication for it, but he said it might take a while to play with the dosage. Its breaking my heart for my 5 year old to have to deal with headaches!!! Anyone have any experience with cyproheptadine? We are on the lowest dosage right now.

Yes! My DD is now 10. She has had severe migraines since 5 years old. First she feels nauseous, turns grayish, vomits and then needs to sleep in silent, dark room.

Since she has started taking the Cyproheptidine, she went from a few migraines a week to only a few a year.

We adjust the dose as she grows. We see Ped Neuro, Dr Rosen in Plainview.

Make sure he eats and drinks regularly, these are biggest triggers for my DD. Xoxoxo

Posted 2/27/15 1:16 PM


Member since 12/09

27635 total posts


Re: Migraines in children?

My daughter has been having seizures since last summer

Hospital stays video EEG etc etc. All her tests are perfect

Last test is a MRI bc they said migraines in smaller children can cause seizures

She is 2

Posted 2/27/15 1:19 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

4971 total posts


Re: Migraines in children?

I dont have answers but my 11.5 yo has been getting headaches since age 10. She is in 6th grade and I thought it was from hormones plus academic stress. They havent been diagnosed as migraines yet. I feel terrible for her. I get headaches occasionally too.

Posted 2/27/15 1:45 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/06

99 total posts


Re: Migraines in children?

Posted by avabrodymamma

Posted by eriberry02

My son is 5 and we went to peditirician, eye dr, ENT for sinus scan and neuro. Neuro did an MRI and full blood work and all is okay, thank goddness!!!! The last 2 weeks its just been day after day of a headache that won't go away. Went back to neuro and said its chronic migraines. We got a medication for it, but he said it might take a while to play with the dosage. Its breaking my heart for my 5 year old to have to deal with headaches!!! Anyone have any experience with cyproheptadine? We are on the lowest dosage right now.

Yes! My DD is now 10. She has had severe migraines since 5 years old. First she feels nauseous, turns grayish, vomits and then needs to sleep in silent, dark room.

Since she has started taking the Cyproheptidine, she went from a few migraines a week to only a few a year.

We adjust the dose as she grows. We see Ped Neuro, Dr Rosen in Plainview.

Make sure he eats and drinks regularly, these are biggest triggers for my DD. Xoxoxo

Do you mind sharing what the dosage was? Also did you notice many side effects? Feel free to private message me, I'd love to hear some feedback. Thank you :)

Posted 2/27/15 1:53 PM

April already?

Member since 3/06

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Re: Migraines in children?

My DD - 9 years old has had migraines for about 2 years now. She gets them about once/month. They are almost always around the evening hours and she almost always throws up and then falls asleep. She wakes up fine.
We did take her to a neuro - Dr. Rosen - and they did a MRI and EKG. Both were fine. She is on no meds - I doubt she would take anyway. One thing we did do that seems to help is eliminate red dye in her diet.

Posted 2/27/15 3:38 PM

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Re: Migraines in children?

I started getting them when I was about 9. I remember the sun beating on my head at a beauty salon before going to see the nutcracker and feeling weird with a headache. At the nutcracker I remember puking in every garbage can imaginable. I was worked up with a battery of tests. As a teenager they got worsen where I would black out and a numb feeling in my arm before blacking out. Since then I rarely get them. I control my stress, sleep and eating habits much better. Also at the first sign of them I take excedrin migraine, drink coffee or cola, and/or sleep. I usually feel them on the right side of my head.

Eta: I also believe mine are hereditary.

Message edited 2/27/2015 8:17:04 PM.

Posted 2/27/15 8:12 PM

More a stranger than a friend

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Re: Migraines in children?

I was 9 or 10 when I started getting them.

Posted 2/27/15 8:19 PM
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