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Miscarriage support groups -- online or facebook?

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LIF Infant

Member since 1/13

337 total posts


Miscarriage support groups -- online or facebook?

I'm emotionally struggling from my miscarriage in July. This board is so quiet, so wondering if anyone who possibly lurks here can suggest some good websites/online support groups? TIA.

Posted 9/6/16 11:07 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 3/11

482 total posts


Miscarriage support groups -- online or facebook?

I'm not aware of any groups but just wanted to send hugs. I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks in December 2014 (had my rainbow baby in February 2016). I know that it can be so emotionally taxing -- I cried for weeks (random times the feelings would bubble up) and became obsessed with getting pregnant again. You were blissfully happy and then it gets taken away, it's a hard thing to deal with, but I can say that It does get easier with time - give yourself some time to heal, mourn....dont let anybody tell you that you should "be over it" at any certain time. I hope you get your rainbow soon!

Posted 9/6/16 3:06 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/13

337 total posts


Re: Miscarriage support groups -- online or facebook?

Posted by brooke23

I'm not aware of any groups but just wanted to send hugs. I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks in December 2014 (had my rainbow baby in February 2016). I know that it can be so emotionally taxing -- I cried for weeks (random times the feelings would bubble up) and became obsessed with getting pregnant again. You were blissfully happy and then it gets taken away, it's a hard thing to deal with, but I can say that It does get easier with time - give yourself some time to heal, mourn....dont let anybody tell you that you should "be over it" at any certain time. I hope you get your rainbow soon!

Thank you so much. I literally said to my husband today that the grief comes in waves...sometimes I'm fine and happy, and then other times I just want to lay in bed and cry/feel bad for myself. Facebook doesn't help with the constant pregnancy announcements or now, gender announcements of people who are due the month I would have been. It's rough!!

Posted 9/6/16 3:17 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/08

344 total posts


Re: Miscarriage support groups -- online or facebook?

Posted by OhMaybeBaby

Posted by brooke23

I'm not aware of any groups but just wanted to send hugs. I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks in December 2014 (had my rainbow baby in February 2016). I know that it can be so emotionally taxing -- I cried for weeks (random times the feelings would bubble up) and became obsessed with getting pregnant again. You were blissfully happy and then it gets taken away, it's a hard thing to deal with, but I can say that It does get easier with time - give yourself some time to heal, mourn....dont let anybody tell you that you should "be over it" at any certain time. I hope you get your rainbow soon!

Thank you so much. I literally said to my husband today that the grief comes in waves...sometimes I'm fine and happy, and then other times I just want to lay in bed and cry/feel bad for myself. Facebook doesn't help with the constant pregnancy announcements or now, gender announcements of people who are due the month I would have been. It's rough!!

I didn't really have an online support group per say, but the ladies on here were wonderful. I went to therapy and I also was very honest about my loses with my friends and family when they asked what was wrong. It's amazing how many people have dealt with loss and infertility. I had to go off the grid on Facebook during both my miscarriages. I also went off the grid with parties and holidays. I just couldn't deal and I tried my best not to feel guilty about it. I needed that time. DH and I learned to lean on each other because I had realized he lost his babies too. Having to go through the physicality of it made me feel as though I was alone, but I wasn't. Realizing that helped us both a lot. Dealing with infertility and the uncertainty of ever getting pregnant added to the stress. I was afraid I would never be pregnant but part of me was afraid to be pregnant again. I just didn't know how I could go on grieving yet another loss. I lost both my babies in 2014 and had my rainbow DS in December 2015. I still cried on both my due dates. You can't help but imagine them the second you get a BFP. As PP said, you take care of you, mourn, grieve and ignore anyone who says to get over it. They don't get it. I hope you get your BFP ASAP. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/7/16 8:37 PM

Brighter days ahead

Member since 4/07

7364 total posts


Re: Miscarriage support groups -- online or facebook?

I was added to a Facebook group for MC/loss, but I'm not sure how I could get you added… It's been helpful but also isn't super active either. You're right that this board has been so inactive lately (but all of LIF seems to be getting less traffic lately...).

I found websites to be more upsetting to me than helpful, reading statistics and about other people's painful losses. I would just cry over them.

You can FM me any time. I had two back to back 8-week losses in 2015, and back to back chemical pregnancies in 2011. It is so difficult. I'm sorry you are struggling. Chat Icon

Posted 9/7/16 11:25 PM


Member since 1/14

7997 total posts


Miscarriage support groups -- online or facebook?

look st the Resolve website they usually have support groups

Posted 9/17/16 6:43 PM

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