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LIF Infant

Member since 2/13 254 total posts
moment of conception
Around the time of ovulation did anyone here remember having any physical symptoms that they now think were attributed to conception or implantation other than spotting or slight cramping? Just curious...I am still TTC but interested in this occurrence.
Posted 9/12/14 11:00 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09 20494 total posts
Name: Me
moment of conception
Nothing. Didn't even think I ovulated b/c I never got a peak reading on CBEFM.
Posted 9/12/14 11:03 PM |
Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13 7238 total posts
Name: Jessica
moment of conception
Nope nada.... I didn't feel anything until after my BFP.
Posted 9/12/14 11:18 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/14 3196 total posts
moment of conception
I felt implantation cramping about five days before AF was due....I never get cramps that early and they felt different than AF cramps - Much lighter and lower. That was my first sign.
Posted 9/12/14 11:39 PM |
One more?

Member since 2/12 2410 total posts
Re: moment of conception
Posted by bunnyluck
I felt implantation cramping about five days before AF was due....I never get cramps that early and they felt different than AF cramps - Much lighter and lower. That was my first sign.
Exactly this!
Posted 9/12/14 11:47 PM |
We're gonna be big sisters!

Member since 6/06 14887 total posts
Name: J9
Re: moment of conception
Posted by bunnyluck
I felt implantation cramping about five days before AF was due....I never get cramps that early and they felt different than AF cramps - Much lighter and lower. That was my first sign.
Me too! I also had a dip in my temp, the same day. Then it went back up and has been up since. That doesn't always mean you conceived but sometimes it can.
Posted 9/13/14 5:28 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 4/10 1901 total posts
Re: moment of conception
Posted by Jenn79
Posted by bunnyluck
I felt implantation cramping about five days before AF was due....I never get cramps that early and they felt different than AF cramps - Much lighter and lower. That was my first sign.
Exactly this!
Me too exactly! Lighter and lower. I knew it and I ended up testing at night on 10dpo and it was a faint line.
Posted 9/13/14 8:14 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 2/13 254 total posts
moment of conception
Hmmm very interesting. Thank you ladies!
Message edited 9/13/2014 8:19:41 AM.
Posted 9/13/14 8:19 AM |
moment of conception
First time I had AF like cramping and a weird stretching/tugging sensation.
Second time around nothing!!!! Not until after my BFP.
Posted 9/13/14 8:58 AM |
So In Love!

Member since 8/11 1487 total posts
Name: Michelle
moment of conception
I had AF like cramps, but I'm ivf so I knew right when things were happening.
Posted 9/13/14 9:27 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 2/13 254 total posts
moment of conception
So hears the deal, last night I had 2 hot flashes. It's only my first month TTC since I had gallbladder surgery so it's been a long since we have even tried. Based on some of the ovulation calculators it seems that my date of conception could be today give or take a day or two. Since estrogen rise so high when the mature egg is dropped I am hoping that the hot flash could be attributed somehow to actual conception. I tried following deannas plan this month minus actually using the ovulation tests. I have been tracking my cycle for years and I don't have any physical problems fertility wise. I know it's a stretch but I'm just one of those weirdos that overthinks ever random feeling that my body has. I have never had a hot flash ever so of course I'm overthinking it lol
Posted 9/13/14 9:40 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 2/13 254 total posts
moment of conception
Ps we will still do the BD just in case but in the 2ww now
Posted 9/13/14 9:40 AM |
Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7624 total posts
Name: Momma <3
Re: moment of conception
Posted by shellbebaby
I had AF like cramps, but I'm ivf so I knew right when things were happening.
Same here. Really bad cramping 2dp5dt (7 days after fertilization) like I woke up in the middle of the night practically crying.
Posted 9/13/14 10:29 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 1/13 104 total posts
moment of conception
I was the same way while ttc, thought everything could be a sign!! The month we finally did concieve after months of fertility treatments about a week before I was due for af I went to the dr because I thought I had a uti, was having an insane amount of pressure! Turns out I was clear form anything but too a test about 5 days later and got a light bfp.
Good luck!!
Posted 9/13/14 11:15 AM |
Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12 4571 total posts
Name: <3
Re: moment of conception
Really bad cramping a few days before AF was due to the point that I thought she was coming early. Then it stopped and I got my BFP!
Posted 9/13/14 4:06 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 8/12 6791 total posts
Re: moment of conception
hot flashes were my first symptom (after implantation, not at conception) with all my pregnancies.
Posted 9/14/14 1:01 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 2/13 254 total posts
moment of conception
Hmm interesting ty fingers crossed
Posted 9/14/14 1:02 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/10 4399 total posts
moment of conception
I am crashing here. I know this sounds crazy, but I swear I felt a sharp pain at conception and said to DH "I think I am pregnant." I could literally feel it. It was my second kid, so I was more in tune with my body. DH said I was crazy and wouldn't even let me test until a week after AF was supposed to show. I didn't go crazy during that time because I swear I just knew! With DD1 I was in denial and didn't know I was pregnant for a few weeks, but I was exhausted, had spotting and sore boobs. With DD2 I had no symptoms for the first few weeks. Good luck!
Posted 9/15/14 9:54 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/14 638 total posts
Re: moment of conception
Idk about conception but I'm pretty sure I felt the implantation. I got low cramping right above my pubic bone and for a couple days after that I had (TMI) excess discharge. I got some cramps like AF was coming right around the time I was due and then nothing. It was the same thing the last time I was pg, but that ended in MC so I didn't want to get my hopes up. Then AF was a few days late, my boobs were KILLING me and I already had a more sensitive sense of smell so I kinda knew even before I took the test.
Posted 9/15/14 10:53 AM |