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Let's be serious for a moment

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Member since 5/05

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Let's be serious for a moment

Do you or anyone you know have
an eating disorder or take medication for anxiety or depression????

I know millions of people live with this everyday and keep it secret because they are afraid of being judge or known as the girl on medication or thats the bullimic girl etc.

Posted 7/29/05 12:39 PM
Long Island Weddings
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You Live, You Learn

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Re: Let's be serious for a moment

Yes i do

Posted 7/29/05 12:41 PM

and Dylan too!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Let's be serious for a moment

I think I am addicted to food, so I guess that is a disorder. And prior to having Cassidy I was taking Wellbutrin XL, which is for anxiety/depression. I really didn't feel like it did anything for me, and have since stopped taking it.

Posted 7/29/05 12:41 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Let's be serious for a moment

I have found that you have to find the medication that works for YOU. There are many anti-depressants that are out there now.
There isn't one that works for everyone...or even a good one. It is the one that makes you feel better.

Posted 7/29/05 12:43 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Let's be serious for a moment

I know many people on medication for anxiety and/or depression.

Posted 7/29/05 12:43 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Let's be serious for a moment

since I am asking I guess I should be honest about myself also....I have an eating disorder also sometimes I dont eat at all then sometimes I binge and purge and it seems like now I just bingeChat Icon I have gained over 22lbs since March

My SIL suffers from depression and anxiety and takes 8 pills a day

Posted 7/29/05 12:44 PM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Let's be serious for a moment

Posted by MamaNDaddyof2

since I am asking I guess I should be honest about myself also....I have an eating disorder also sometimes I dont eat at all then sometimes I binge and purge and it seems like now I just bingeChat Icon I have gained over 22lbs since March

My SIL suffers from depression and anxiety and takes 8 pills a day

8 pills for depression and anxiety....i have never heard of that!Chat Icon

Posted 7/29/05 12:46 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Let's be serious for a moment

At the time I did not realize it, but when I was in my twenties I definitely had what you would consider an eating disorder.

I was never diagnosed and somehow I basically "cured'" myself on my own... mainly because I was getting very sick. But in retrospect, my view about food and my body image were so twisted and I was practically starving myself Chat Icon I was never bulimic, it was closer to anorexic behavior because I ate hardly anything for days, but then would exercis excessively when I felt I had "overeaten" (i.e., having eaten what I'd now consider a normal meal)

I kept a journal during that time and when I read it now, I am pretty horrified at who I was and the things I said Chat Icon

I do still feel as though I have some issues with food and my body image.. just that now I overeat whereas before I would not..

As for depression/anxiety... been there, done that too. At one point the combination of my depression/anxiety/panic attacks were SO bad that I was on medication for a time . It served the purpose but I did not like feeling "emotion-less" ... so I came off those meds too. Luckily I was able to overcome the depression and anxiety but I suffer the panic attacks to this day (not as consistently, but the attacks still manifest themselves when I am under extreme stress)

Message edited 7/29/2005 12:52:36 PM.

Posted 7/29/05 12:48 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Let's be serious for a moment

Does anyones DH/FH know about your disorders??

Posted 7/29/05 1:12 PM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

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Re: Let's be serious for a moment

as for the eating disorder....

i USED to have an eating disorder. if that is something you can "used" to have. at least i'm not like that anymore.
I was 90 lbs a few years ago and my goal weight was 80.
well, first my goal was 90 (which i achieved) then it went to 80.
i still dont think i looked bad but everyone around me was saying i looked disgusting. it was the beginnign of me and DH and he told me too. i dont remember how i got over it. but i did. i remember getting like enemic or something. i kept blacking out. i would get dizzy and not be able to see and then i would just colapse or fraint. it happened a few times at work and htrat was not good. i think i tend to still have the same mind frame sometimes, but i dont act on it. in a perfect world though i wish to be 95 lbs now.

as for the medication....

not me. my thereapist recommended it a few yrs ago when i was having trouble with my dad, but my mom didnt let me go on it. which is fine now, but at the time i have no idea how i got through some stuff!

my mom is on paxil and/or buspar and/or zoloft.
my best friend takes prozac and somethign for anxiety.

eta: this is SO weird, my friend on the prozac JUST sent me a message that they put her on RItalin?!?! isnt that like speed for adults?

Message edited 7/29/2005 1:29:35 PM.

Posted 7/29/05 1:17 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Let's be serious for a moment

I had an out of control eatting disorder years back. It has been since 1999 that I really did anything unhealthy. and I will admit know I was not healthy and don't really know why it even occured, but I can always remember being obsessed about weight, even though I was always skinny.

Now I am much healthier and have a better acceptance of my body and it's shapes (but not 100%) MY boyfriend knows all about it and is great about ensuring that my body is beautiful and think might even worry I would be unhealthy again.

That was bad and would never wish that disorder on anyone. I try to explain to people who don't undersand that it's hard to overcome because it's food. You need food to live, unlike a drug or alcohol that you can completely remove yourself from, you must learn to accept you and your issues with food and being healthy.

Wow...I guess I babbled a little Chat Icon

Posted 7/29/05 1:23 PM

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Re: Let's be serious for a moment

Message edited 8/12/2005 12:39:32 PM.

Posted 7/29/05 1:31 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

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Re: Let's be serious for a moment

Posted by Lolita4Life

eta: this is SO weird, my friend on the prozac JUST sent me a message that they put her on RItalin?!?! isnt that like speed for adults?

it is used to treat ADHD.

Posted 7/29/05 1:35 PM

Fall Is Here

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Re: Let's be serious for a moment

My aunt has Lupus and she takes depression pills. Zoloft I think.

Posted 7/29/05 1:56 PM

I love my Katie Bug

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Re: Let's be serious for a moment

Yes I know someone.

Posted 7/29/05 2:23 PM

Twin mommy

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Re: Let's be serious for a moment

Posted by kelleherkm

Yes I know someone.

Me too

Posted 7/29/05 2:39 PM

Happy Summer !

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Re: Let's be serious for a moment

I do - ME. I am not ashamed of it, I am taking Lexapro & xanax, I am having bouts and bouts of anxiety and this is helping me.

Posted 7/29/05 3:02 PM

Best Friends

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Re: Let's be serious for a moment

Medication can be so helpful. I am glad to hear most of you are not ashamed. I do have a lot of friends and family on meds.

Posted 7/29/05 3:44 PM

Support Cancer Research

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Re: Let's be serious for a moment

Tom Cruise would HATE this thread!! Chat Icon

Posted 7/29/05 3:50 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Let's be serious for a moment

I just want to say that I am relieved that someone posted about this so I can share my feelings about this. I don’t have an eating disorder, but DH suffers from Anxiety. I really didn’t take anxiety seriously until I met him. Some people in his family think it’s a joke and they always say “it’s all in your head”. At first DH was ashamed to let anyone know now he doesn’t care. He’s not a monster cuz he has anxiety, he’s still the same sweet, funny, caring, loving, adorable man I fell in love with. It doesn’t make him less of a man.

He was doing fine and had it under control but lately it’s been back and right now he gets these panick attacks when he gets in a car, whether he’s driving or not. What’s concerning him is how he will feel once the summer is over and school is back in session and he has to drive to work. Trains are not an option because it would take him an 1 hour and 45 minutes to get to work and then the same amount of time to get home. The medication he is currently taking is not going well. I think he’s on paxil or Zoloft. He goes to doctor every other week to talk about his anxiety. I feel so bad for him that I just want to cry because I wish there was something I could for him. He tells me to just support him and he has that but I wish I could physically do something you know. Sometimes I feel so useless. I don’t like watching people I love suffer and I can’t do nothing about it. I just want to cry…

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Now he is so concerned about whether the medication he takes will affect our TTC. Cuz we haven’t had an easy time so far. His doctor said the medication should have no effect, I hope she is right. It would break his heart if his being on this kind of medication prevented us from getting pregnant.

Message edited 7/29/2005 3:52:03 PM.

Posted 7/29/05 3:51 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Let's be serious for a moment

Posted by leighla

Tom Cruise would HATE this thread!! Chat Icon

Yes he would...he's so annoying and I've lost all my respect for him...Chat Icon

Posted 7/29/05 3:55 PM

2 Girls For Me!

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Re: Let's be serious for a moment

Yes I do.

Posted 7/29/05 4:01 PM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


Re: Let's be serious for a moment

Posted by Redhead

Posted by Lolita4Life

eta: this is SO weird, my friend on the prozac JUST sent me a message that they put her on RItalin?!?! isnt that like speed for adults?

it is used to treat ADHD.

oooh ok. yes, she said it is for her attention. she has never seemed to show any signs of it with me, but ya never know

Posted 7/29/05 4:36 PM


Member since 5/05

5208 total posts


Re: Let's be serious for a moment

i also had somewhat of an eating disorder- similiar to felicia.. i have always battled to stay thin.. one summer though it was so bad.. I was drinking a lot- broke up with my boyfriend and was really depressed- lost weight, didnt eat... it got bad and my family kept saying how scared they were that i was so thin. of course i didnt see it.

It wasnt until the OWNER of Paddy McGees in Island Park- who I knew and became friendly with- pulled me to the side and asked me flat out what I was doing to myself. He said I looked scary thin and that as a father, he was worried about me. That started the wake up call.

Posted 7/29/05 6:57 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Let's be serious for a moment

yes I "did" . I was hospitalized at age 14 for 6 weeks because I had lost 87 lbs in 2 months. I basically could not eat. I couldnt even drink things that I felt had "calories". I was somewhat better after that, although I have had bouts of "abusing" things like laxatives, diet pills and episoded of Bulimia. I never binge, but I would purge a LOT.

To be honest, my DH is the only one who's love and support got me better.

I have gained a LOT of weight since then..actually way TOO much weight, but I need to focus on getting it off in a healthy way, because I know its way too easy to fall back into old habits.

Posted 7/29/05 9:46 PM
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