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Mommies who live on the Island and work in the City.....

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I hope you stay beautiful baby

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Mommies who live on the Island and work in the City.....

...So exactly how hard is it? Do you hate the commute? Do you regret working in the city?

Also- if you had the choice to work on the island with a lesser paying job, or a higher paying job in the city, what would you do? Given the fact that the price of gas is so high, the expenses are probably the same.

I'm trying to make a decision about something, and I need the help of a mommy who does it. TIA

Posted 2/21/08 10:24 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Mommies who live on the Island and work in the City.....

I worked in the city and commuted but I had pretty flexible hours, so I'd be out of the house by 6:45 am and home on the 3:55pm or the latest 4:26. So I got home at a decent hour. The commute never bothered me. Chat Icon

Posted 2/21/08 10:28 AM


Member since 7/05

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Re: Mommies who live on the Island and work in the City.....

I work from home 3 days, in the city 2. I leave at 8am home at 7pm, I usually see ds for about 15 minutes before bed.

If I were full time in the city and that's all I saw ds all week, I'd take a pay cut and stay closer to spend more time with him.

Posted 2/21/08 10:37 AM

I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05

8356 total posts


Re: Mommies who live on the Island and work in the City.....

Thanks for the help ladies! I really appreciate it!!

Any other Mommies out there that commute to the city?

Posted 2/21/08 12:27 PM


Member since 11/05

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does it matter

Re: Mommies who live on the Island and work in the City.....

I used to commute to the city, worked a typical 9 - 5 with overtime as needed. I would spend approximately 2.5 hours a day commuting from Ronk to midtown every day. I now work local, I took almost a 20K hit, but IMO my quality of life is so much better and worth the cost

Posted 2/21/08 12:33 PM

Proud Mommy

Member since 3/06

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Re: Mommies who live on the Island and work in the City.....

Posted by krwm

I work from home 3 days, in the city 2. I leave at 8am home at 7pm, I usually see ds for about 15 minutes before bed.

If I were full time in the city and that's all I saw ds all week, I'd take a pay cut and stay closer to spend more time with him.

my situation is similar

Posted 2/21/08 12:36 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: Mommies who live on the Island and work in the City.....

I was working in the city when my first son was born. I'd leave about 645ish and get home 7ish on a good day. However that was running out the door between 5/530 and I didn't have the type of job where I should be doing that and I could work very late should certain events occur (IT - so never know when issues arise). I found rushing home difficult, having little time with my son and still having dinner and such to prepare. With those hours I couldn't really use day care. Also with Dh also working similar hours in the city - no one was close to home should something happen. I looove working in the city and can't imagine working elsewhere and I didn't mind the commute at all - the only time I felt I had me time - to nap, read, etc.

If I had to pick - closer to home less money would be ideal for my family but not me personlly - - as long as I'd have the same/similar responsibilities. I don't think I would be happy with a leser job. I am full time SAHM now....and miss the city and working (pt is ideal with a great babysitter - but that isn't an option).

Posted 2/21/08 12:42 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Mommies who live on the Island and work in the City.....

Posted by JennasMom

I used to commute to the city, worked a typical 9 - 5 with overtime as needed. I would spend approximately 2.5 hours a day commuting from Ronk to midtown every day. I now work local, I took almost a 20K hit, but IMO my quality of life is so much better and worth the cost

I had to make the same decision when DS was born. I actually turned down a job at a very large company that years ago I would have jumped all over. When I went in for the interview I went for a 9am appointment, and after all of the meetings and interviews were over I left at 4:30. I got the 5:01 train and got home at almost 7pm & realised that I was out of the house for 12 hours, and began to cry. I decided that it was more important for me (for me, no flame or opinion on anyone else's decision) to be home more with DS. Also DH gets home at 4pm & works 3 miles away and would have to do most of the "baby work" himself. Maybe when DS is older I will go back, but for right now I am home & looking for something close to home.

Posted 2/21/08 1:12 PM

Beyond Compare

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Re: Mommies who live on the Island and work in the City.....

Posted by trnity44

...So exactly how hard is it? Do you hate the commute? Do you regret working in the city?

Also- if you had the choice to work on the island with a lesser paying job, or a higher paying job in the city, what would you do? Given the fact that the price of gas is so high, the expenses are probably the same.

Since we have an office in LI that I can occassionally work from I have to say that my commute to and from the city is much more time consuming than LI.

But...the opportunities and salary are in the city so we make the best of it. One thing I do like more about it is that I don't have to drive...and can sleep on the train. I live for those naps.

Ultimately I do not regret working in the city but I will be honest...I hate that I am at the mercy of the LIRR to get to my son. I have had a handful (although in a year I really can count them on one hand) of times that I was late to daycare because we were stuck. If it weren't for that fear every time it rains or snows it would be better.

Also...I have to wake up at 5am to get myself and Lucas out the door on time...get him to daycare (I do get there early to hang with him because I hate the drop and run) and get to work. Then at night I race out the door to catch the train to go get him from daycare. On a good night we get time together while he takes his bath...on a bad night he goes straight to bed and no time together. That's why the time in the morning is so important to me.

So we live for the weekends and spend as much time as we can as a family then. Not ideal but it's the way it has to be. I would love to work in LI but I would not necessarily take a pay cut for it.

ETA: I have to add that organization and team work between DH and I has been key to making this successful. When we get home...Lucas is the priority but once he goes to sleep we are like little robots running around to get things done. There is a entire process that makes me laugh just thinking about it.

Message edited 2/21/2008 1:32:05 PM.

Posted 2/21/08 1:25 PM

Little Brother Christopher

Member since 2/07

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Re: Mommies who live on the Island and work in the City.....

I live on LI and work in the City. I wish I had a shorter commute, but there is no way I'd make even close to what I make in the City on the Island... I am fortunate enough to work from home on Fridays, so that helps a lot. Plus, I have the comfort/flexibility of being at the same Company and same department for almost 14 years. Daycare is open 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. My train in the morning is 7:17 a.m. (daycare is two blocks from train). I get off train at 5:36 p.m. This leaves NO room for problems on the LIRR. It's not easy... But between the salary and flexibility, I couldn't leave my job in the city...


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Posted 2/21/08 1:40 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: Mommies who live on the Island and work in the City.....

I don't love it, thats for sure. For instance, this morning I missed my train by 3 seconds - literally saw the train pulling out of the station just as I got there. And its really hard leaving my office by 5:15 to make the 5:38pm train. Its just another layer of stress, IMO. That being said, I do not have to deal with dropping off and picking up at daycare since we have a nanny. If I had to deal with packing bags, getting my kids dressed and out of the house and THEN dealing with the commute, I would have quit long ago.

Posted 2/21/08 2:14 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 2/08

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Re: Mommies who live on the Island and work in the City.....

I"m a nurse working in the city. I work 3 days a week 7am to 730pm and I drive my car. I leave the house at 530am and I'm home at 8:30pm. I've often debated working on Long Island. With the price of gas, EZ pass for the Triborough Bridge and daily parking of $12.00, I'm willing to take a $5,000 to $6,000 pay cut for the convenience of being closer to home and being less drained from a whole day of work and commuting. I've been doing the commute for almost five years but with 3 kids now, it's getting harder and harder and more tiring and I am seriously considering finding a job out here.
Good luck to you!

Posted 2/21/08 2:20 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Mommies who live on the Island and work in the City.....

It would depend on where the job was located on the Island or in Manhattan.

You could easily spend an hour in traffic for a LI job. I would rather be on a train sleeping, catching up on emails (laptop), doing bills, etc.

I commute into Manhattan now but my office is located upstairs from the LIRR. I've been offered jobs for a lot more money on uptown-Park Avenue. I wouldn't do that either. It adds more than 30 minutes to my commute & I would never make it home in time for the bedtime story.

eta. I catch an 8am ish train, get in 9:30ish & catch a 5:04 home.

Message edited 2/21/2008 3:25:39 PM.

Posted 2/21/08 3:24 PM

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