Moms of 2-Getting things done?
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Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Moms of 2-Getting things done?
How do you get things done?
I am drowning here, and I am home all day long It's killing me cause I am such a type A! Showering is a challenge! I need to develop some sort of system or groove, how did you do it?
When does it get better?
Posted 8/20/07 9:38 AM |
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Member since 5/05 1525 total posts
Name: Robyn
Re: Moms of 2-Getting things done?
I'm no help..but would love to know this also!
Posted 8/20/07 9:41 AM |

Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: Moms of 2-Getting things done?
I do house stuff when they go to bed. They are still just so hands on. Not so much Sarah, she can be left alone to play, but Andy is into everything. And it seems like there are constant battles to break up over toys. She's good about sharing, but he just takes whatever she has and after a while she looses her patience with him.
Posted 8/20/07 9:42 AM |
I love these boys

Member since 7/07 2711 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Moms of 2-Getting things done?
I try to get everything done first think in the a.m. after feeding them breakfast I put my 6mo old in his jump-a-roo he will sit in there for hrs if I leave him and my 2yr old I just let him play with his toys in his rm while I clean the entire house (takes about 2hrs). Then I dress them and my 6mo old takes a nap and my 2yr old likes TV so I put a cartoon on he likes and then take a quick shower. I do not remember when the last time I took a 15min shower now they're like 5mins Its hard first but once you get a routine down it makes it just that much easier.
Posted 8/20/07 9:43 AM |
Re: Moms of 2-Getting things done?
1.) I take a shower when they name. It's only once a day that they nap at the same time so I try and take advantage of that. If I don't shower then I straighten up.
2.) Since we moved when DD was a week old and the house was a mess we hired a cleaning lady. For now she comes once a week. Once DD has some sort of schedule down then I plan on getting rid of the cleaning service. The house is very large though (double the size we had in NY). I am going to cut back to every other week though soon.
3.) I do all my laundry on Friday's because that is when the cleaning people come.
My SIL has 3, ages 6, 4, and 1.5 and what does is break down the chores durning the week that way the weekends are free. For ex. Wed. she cleans the bathrooms (1.5 total) and I think she changes the sheets. My MIL does the same thing. I don't like that method because I like to clean everything at once be done in about 4 hours and then sit back enjoy the neatness.
Posted 8/20/07 11:19 AM |
me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05 12013 total posts
Name: Shana
Re: Moms of 2-Getting things done?
do I need to send you pics of what my house looks like????
As long as it's not dirty and the kids are clean and fed...that's all that matters.
I make DH help me or he does it himself when he can't stand it anymore (he vacuumed the LR yesterday) and my grandma helps with the laundry.
I cook more than 1 meal when dh is home and freeze it so I can warm it up when he works till 7:30
Posted 8/20/07 11:40 AM |
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