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LIF Infant

Member since 9/06 324 total posts
Name: Judy
moms of 2+ year olds...HELP!
My lil man is 2 years and 3 months. A usually calm happy kid, but the past few weeks, we can't dress him or put him in the car seat without a major scene, kicking, screaming a full out tantrum. Took 3 adults to dress the kid the other day. Anyone have similar experiences or helpful hints??? Thanks!
Posted 12/5/06 11:15 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: moms of 2+ year olds...HELP!
Sounds normal to me! I have no suggestions because I am dealing with the same thing with my 2-1/2 year old. He must dress himself or he cries, he has to buckle the car seat straps or he arches his body so I can't do it, he needs like 8 million books read to him or he won't go to bed. It's everything and I think just he age of them getting to be independant. Some days are better than others. Hang in there. Your not alone.
Posted 12/5/06 11:32 PM |
10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06 26792 total posts
Name: Shawn
Re: moms of 2+ year olds...HELP!
We have a 3 1/2 year old DS. If you find any answers, let us know!
He's normally an angel, and even know, some days (or some hours, depending on the day) he's a perfect child. Listens to us, does what we ask, etc. Then, for no apparent reason, he refuses to do anything, is contrary, "needs" that (and when we stand our ground that he doesn't "need" something, he then "needs" something else). We take away toy priveledges, computer access, TV access, but to no avail. Then, in a little while, for no reason, he's back to his perfect little self. We're assuming (hoping) that it's a phase, and he's just testing his boundaries. If he doesn't outgrow this by 18, he's out of the house!
Posted 12/5/06 11:34 PM |

Member since 4/06 2784 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: moms of 2+ year olds...HELP!
DD is 2 1/2 and depending on the day it can be crazy. I actually noticed the "terrible twos" started just after she turned 2 1/2. Our biggest issue right now is getting her to be a "good listener" There are other issues like when she has to put her shoes on (she sometimes puts her shoes on the wrong feet), or she won't let me do her hair but I have learned to pick my battles. I am not sure if it will get better before it gets worse.
Posted 12/6/06 12:15 AM |
Mom of Three
Member since 9/05 7900 total posts
Name: "MOMMY!!!"
Re: moms of 2+ year olds...HELP!
Oh so very very normal. Enjoy Im right there with you, my DD is almost 2 1/2
Posted 12/6/06 7:16 AM |
Best Friends

Member since 6/05 10228 total posts
Re: moms of 2+ year olds...HELP!
yup, totally normal. I had a similar problem around that age and I swore there was something wrong with him. Nope.... just a glimpse of the terrible twos.
Posted 12/6/06 7:28 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 9/06 324 total posts
Name: Judy
Re: moms of 2+ year olds...HELP!
Thanks everybody.....this makes childbirth seem like a breeze!!! :)
Posted 12/6/06 5:10 PM |