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Member since 5/05 30339 total posts
Name: Properly perfect™
Moms of babies around 18 months....
How much is your little one talking? What are some words they say?
Posted 10/25/06 10:23 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: Moms of babies around 18 months....
Neither of mine are 18 months now, but last year when I took my son to the pedi for his 18 month visit, the pedi said they should be able to say 50 words at that point.
My son did not. However, his speech exploded at about 20 months old. He's 2-1/2 now and doesn't shut up!
Posted 10/25/06 10:26 PM |
Life is berry good!

Member since 5/05 1229 total posts
Name: Debbie
Re: Moms of babies around 18 months....
Posted by chmlengr
Neither of mine are 18 months now, but last year when I took my son to the pedi for his 18 month visit, the pedi said they should be able to say 50 words at that point.
My son did not. However, his speech exploded at about 20 months old. He's 2-1/2 now and doesn't shut up!
I could have wrote this exactly. My dd was two in August. At her 18 month visit, she was not saying much at all. Now, forget it! She is nonstop. She really started chatting away around 20 months old too.
Posted 10/25/06 10:28 PM |
Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05 30339 total posts
Name: Properly perfect™
Re: Moms of babies around 18 months....
I was gonna say 50 at 18 months...isn't that alot?
Posted 10/25/06 10:29 PM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: Moms of babies around 18 months....
DD is only a little over 12 months but she has a long list of words. They proably aren't clear to everyone but eventually you can figure it out.
doggy kitty up boppy (her pacifier) shoes socks juice daddy mommy mama ball book cheese baby she trys to say banana prunes
That's all I can think of right now
Posted 10/25/06 10:30 PM |
Member since 8/05 4987 total posts
Re: Moms of babies around 18 months....
Posted by Moehick
I was gonna say 50 at 18 months...isn't that alot?
I'm a speech pathologist so I thought I'd clarify By 2 years that they should have about 50 words. At that point they should also be putting together 2 word phrases and their speech should be intelligible 50% of the time. I wouldn't expect an 18 month old to have 50 words yet, although some do.
Posted 10/25/06 10:43 PM |
Love my Family!

Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: Moms of babies around 18 months....
Posted by Moehick
I was gonna say 50 at 18 months...isn't that alot?
Julia was just at the Doctor for her 16 month check up and she asked me how many words she is saying and I said about 10-12, she said thats fine they should know up to 15 words at this age.
50 words by 18 months is just crazy!
Posted 10/25/06 10:47 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: Moms of babies around 18 months....
I am glad to hear I am not the only one to think 50 words at 18 months is just too much!!
Long story short, I guess our pedi is conservative. At his 2 year visit, he wasn't answering basic questions the pedi was asking him (we KNEW he knew, he was just being shy), so she recommended we have him evaluated through EI. We did. He passed with flying colors and was on par for most things at the 3 year old level.
Posted 10/25/06 10:57 PM |
Mom of 2 Boys
Member since 5/05 4381 total posts
Re: Moms of babies around 18 months....
My son is 20 months. At his 18 mo visit - I would say he had about 10-15 words but very few maybe 4-5 he used regularly and the ped said that was perfectly fine. She said the most important is each month we see improvement and asked how much I saw between 16-18 months which I did see a lot. He communicates without words, understands more than I think he can and hums and imitates all sounds - all which is part of communication so they said he is fine. She said we'll talk again at 2 unless I don't see improvement and I can call to talk earlier. I have been seeing some - not drastic but a little each week. I would say he has said at least 25 words by now but only a few he uses regularly and many he did use regularly he has stopped.
He's regular words are no, go, woof-woof, broom-broom (dr said animal sounds and broom broom counts), there, over there, this, that, what's this, ut-oh and his latest more and yeah.
Message edited 10/25/2006 11:05:05 PM.
Posted 10/25/06 11:03 PM |
I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05 15652 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Moms of babies around 18 months....
Emily is only 12 months --- and I've found that she'll say some things that are more complex (asha for sasha, BIL's dog, rampa for grandpa, and the other night she said sorry) but it is a random thing --- doesn't stick yet.
As far as her normal words she says Mommy/Momma Daddy/Dadda Duck Dog Done Yea No cheese juice mimi (her paci but she doesn't say it anymore because we took it away) that ouch (when she hits DH over the head)
and she used to say Big Bird a lot but doesn't say it much anymore.
Posted 10/26/06 6:00 AM |
life moves fast

Member since 5/05 4225 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Moms of babies around 18 months....
My son had very few words at 21 months and then all of the sudden he was blabbering whole sentences.... However, my daughter was talking in complete sentences and saying words we had nooo idea she even knew before she was 18 months... depends on the child.
Posted 10/26/06 8:21 AM |
Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05 5133 total posts
Name: Gloria
Re: Moms of babies around 18 months....
Jesse will be 18 months tomorrow. I never counted how many words he says. Sometimes he'll say a word over and over and sometimes once and we'll never hear it again. Here's a list of what I can remember:
Mama/mom Dada/daddy All gone All done duck clock door baby hi (over and over and over again) go okay yeah up oh no ba-bye
I can't think of the rest right now but I'd say he says no more than 20-25 words.
Message edited 10/26/2006 2:51:49 PM.
Posted 10/26/06 2:31 PM |
Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05 3932 total posts
Re: Moms of babies around 18 months....
No, mommy, Daddy, Julie (my niece), Poppie, yes, Einstein (don't ask), doggie, tree, up, Elmo, Ernie, sky, cat, ba-ba, me, Oh NO! , Matt, Tony, Vinny, Nanny, Hello, bye bye, Dawn, Steve, Oh's (Cheerios) , Nana (for Banana)m Moo, Doodle Doo (what a Rooster says), Ruff Ruff (What a dog says), Meow, Boo (what a ghost says), Ava (my niece). More, no more, baby, Boo-boo, light
There are more I can't remember
Message edited 10/26/2006 3:25:38 PM.
Posted 10/26/06 2:44 PM |
Happy New Year

Member since 5/05 17334 total posts
Re: Moms of babies around 18 months....
Jake is at around 20-25 words (combined English and Spanish) at 15 months.
Here's a few:
mama/mommy dada/daddy Papa (that's grandpa) Elmo Tio (uncle in Spanish) Bye bye Nana puppy babo (means bottle in Jake-ish) hush baby uh-oh up Hi Hola Que (sometimes he says 'que paso' but it's not really clear yet) ok
He is very very vocal...constantly talking. I have a feeling a bunch of new words are on their way because I've heard him practicing a bunch of new consonants this week.
Posted 10/26/06 3:06 PM |
Member since 5/05 11726 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Moms of babies around 18 months....
Nate doesn't say much now... He'll be 17 months next week. I'm not too worried about it bc I think he has strong comprehension skills. He understands basic commands and will do them (when he feels like listening). DH was little more concerened so at his 15 month visit he asked if we can have him evaluated. So we're going for the evaluation on Monday.
Right now he says Mama Pa Dog kank-que (thank you) no up mo (which I think is more)
Posted 10/26/06 3:29 PM |
Our life is complete

Member since 5/05 5909 total posts
Name: Stacey
Re: Moms of babies around 18 months....
At 19 months he says"
Mommy Daddy Pa Bubba Bear Puppies Hot More No No More Girl Baby Baba Vikings Michael Wow Me Cheers Manny Up Whats That Airplane Cookie Boat Bath Duck Out Car Boy Hi Hi there Sock Shoe Cheese Ice Ball
Message edited 10/26/2006 3:52:18 PM.
Posted 10/26/06 3:50 PM |