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Moms of babies born in Dec-Jan...

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I LOVE my sons! :)

Member since 5/09

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Moms of babies born in Dec-Jan...

What size summer clothes are you getting your DC?

I have a sh!tload of 12m short sets that are adorable I cant wait to put him in them, but I'm hoping they'll fit. He's in size 3-6mos, or just 6mos now at 2.5 months old. I was just going to get 6-9mos or 9mos spring stuff, mostly still pants and short sleeves.

And how many bathing suits are you getting your DS? I'm asking for boys bc if I had a girl I would get a new bathing suit everyday! THey're all so cute and different from each other! Chat Icon

Message edited 3/26/2010 3:31:37 PM.

Posted 3/26/10 3:30 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 4/06

1418 total posts


Re: Moms of babies born in Dec-Jan...

Its so hard to tell at this age. and it stinks because stores have this stuff NOW!Chat Icon .my son is growing so fast. he is 6 months old in 9 month clothes. i bought him 12 months for the summer. because hes just gaining weight fast. even if its a little big..its better than being too small.

what if you bought 2 different sizes and saved the receipt. even if you had 30 days to return it, maybe it will get you closer to what size your DC might be in by the summer.

Posted 3/26/10 3:37 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/08

3860 total posts


Re: Moms of babies born in Dec-Jan...

Posted by carissa1643

What size summer clothes are you getting your DC?

I have a sh!tload of 12m short sets that are adorable I cant wait to put him in them, but I'm hoping they'll fit. He's in size 3-6mos, or just 6mos now at 2.5 months old. I was just going to get 6-9mos or 9mos spring stuff, mostly still pants and short sleeves.

And how many bathing suits are you getting your DS? I'm asking for boys bc if I had a girl I would get a new bathing suit everyday! THey're all so cute and different from each other! Chat Icon

Ha ha..I totally hear you about the girls stuff..I would be brokeChat Icon

I just bought a bunch of stuff (for now) that is 9/12 months Carters...For the summer, I bought a couple of 18 month outfits, hopefully for late summer.

I bought 6-12 and 18 months ON and Gap, Gymboree.

At TCP, he has not outgrown 6-9 yet, so that is good...

Posted 3/26/10 3:45 PM

Pookie Love

Member since 5/05

20229 total posts


Re: Moms of babies born in Dec-Jan...

I've been buying 6-9 but I have it a little easier - I'm in Florida so the weather is going to be hot regardless - if he wears it before the summer, that's fine. If it's after, that's fine too.

Posted 3/26/10 3:48 PM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: Moms of babies born in Dec-Jan...

Last year they were wearing 3-6 in the summer, but I have two peanuts!
I had bought all kinds of clothes in 6-9 and they pretty much all went to waste. I'd try to hold out as long as you can on buying clothes.

Posted 3/26/10 3:54 PM

Mom of 3

Member since 11/05

13118 total posts


Re: Moms of babies born in Dec-Jan...

DS was a December baby. Last summer, he wore 6-9/6-12 month clothes. He's a peanut and the clothes were a little big. I actually had to buy some 3-6 month stuff b/c it was pretty warm in April.

All babies grow at different rates. I've learned not to buy clothes too far ahead.

Posted 3/26/10 4:05 PM

I'll love you for always

Member since 2/08

4624 total posts


Re: Moms of babies born in Dec-Jan...

I am getting 3 to 6 months. Evan can still fit in most of his newborn clothes, so I don't think he will be in anything more than 6 months this summer.

As for swimsuits, I have one so far, and I will probably pick up one more. I don't think he needs much more than that.

Posted 3/26/10 4:08 PM

It's a boy!!!

Member since 10/07

6453 total posts


Re: Moms of babies born in Dec-Jan...

DS is a peanut so he was wearing mostly 3-6 months all last summer. My SIL gave DS a bunch of summer clothes that were 12 months and most of them were never worn ....although I may be able to squeeze in a few this year since he is just starting to grow out of his 12 month clothes.

Posted 3/26/10 4:20 PM

Happy Family of 4

Member since 5/08

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Re: Moms of babies born in Dec-Jan...

My Ds was born in November. He is currently wearing mostly 6 months, but has a few 3-5 that fit now. SO I bought him all 9 months, I also saved the receipts in case I need to exchange.

Posted 3/26/10 4:23 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/08

219 total posts


Re: Moms of babies born in Dec-Jan...

I have a hard time with this also...she was born Jan.23 and was in newborn until about 6 she is in 0-3, 3 months....i bought 6 months from carters and 3-6 from gap...we shall see...

Posted 3/26/10 9:56 PM

You give the best smiles!

Member since 1/09

2398 total posts


Re: Moms of babies born in Dec-Jan...

for dd, i'm eyeballing it depending on the brand. she's wearing 6 mos in carter's just recently and both 0-3 and some 3-6 at the gap fits nicely on her now. mil and i took her shopping with us and held stuff up to her - we bought a variety of things that will probably fit over the summer and they're all different sizes, but if you held them against each other are pretty close. hopefully this method works :)

Message edited 3/28/2010 12:35:17 AM.

Posted 3/28/10 12:34 AM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17795 total posts


Re: Moms of babies born in Dec-Jan...

I'm going with 6-9 months. Luckily, I got a decent amount of summer clothes in 3-6 and 6-9 so we're good for awhile. DS is a peanut, He's 3 months and a week and is still wearing 0-3.

Posted 3/28/10 3:38 PM


Member since 5/05

7550 total posts


Re: Moms of babies born in Dec-Jan...

Kaydyn was born in Jan and by summer she was in 6-9 month clothes. She was on the smaller side though.

Posted 3/28/10 3:54 PM

My two boys!

Member since 5/05

7279 total posts


Re: Moms of babies born in Dec-Jan...

DS was born Nov 25, so almost a Dec baby. We have a lot of 9-12 month summer clothes, so I am hoping he is wearing that size by then. He is in 6-9 month clothes now.

Posted 3/28/10 5:32 PM

He's here!

Member since 12/06

9289 total posts


Re: Moms of babies born in Dec-Jan...

DD was born in Jan and was pretty much true to size. So during the summer she wore 6months and towards the end (august) 6-9.

Posted 3/28/10 5:42 PM

Loves being Joey & Vinny's mom

Member since 1/09

3771 total posts


Re: Moms of babies born in Dec-Jan...

DS is 3 months tomorrow and he is in 3-6/6months for the most part.

For the summer I'm looking to get him 9 or 12 months. I am not going to buy his suit until its closer to the summer so I get a better idea.

I am going to get this from gymboree
External Image

Posted 3/28/10 8:35 PM

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