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Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Moms of Belly Sleepers....
When did your DC start sleeping on his/her belly?
Do they only do it for naps or do they sleep that way overnight also?
Jack was trying really hard to roll over last night in his crib for about 40 minutes. I finally nudged him and he went onto his belly. He looked so peaceful. Of course, I am a freak and rolled him right back over bc I am sooooo paranoid.
Are you nervous about them sleeping like this?
I feel like he is too young to be belly sleeping just yet.
I just don't know what to do to be honest. I want him to get a good nights sleep and be comfy - but I don't know if I can let him sleep that way overnight yet. Naps are one thing....ugh - who knows!
Posted 9/20/07 10:09 AM |
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Re: Moms of Belly Sleepers....
The way I see it is that they recommend back sleeping for a reason. I know many mothers are comfortable with it, but I am not. I personally don't want to take the chance and have my child be a statistic. Now that she rolls, I still roll her back onto her back to sleep at night.
Posted 9/20/07 10:14 AM |
Member since 7/05 3466 total posts
Re: Moms of Belly Sleepers....
Justin just started sleeping on his belly last week and now as soon as I put him down he rolls over. At 1st it was just overnight now its naps also.
He's still getting used to it though and even though he can roll over I think when he wakes up he doesn't realize that and cries bc he thinks he's stuck.
The 1st night he did it I pretty much started at the video monitor all night making sure he was breathing....
my suggestion, keep him on his back or side for now, he's still kinda little to sleep on his belly (just my .02)
Message edited 9/20/2007 10:15:33 AM.
Posted 9/20/07 10:14 AM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Moms of Belly Sleepers....
I honestly don't think I'll be ready for him to belly sleep until he is closer to a year. I just can't do it - the paranoia will just take over my body.
So, basically I should just keep rolling him back when he does it?
Little guy was so determined last night it was so cute - but I felt bad for him that he couldn't do it, I had to help him along.
Posted 9/20/07 10:17 AM |
Member since 7/05 3466 total posts
Re: Moms of Belly Sleepers....
Posted by Diana1215
I honestly don't think I'll be ready for him to belly sleep until he is closer to a year. I just can't do it - the paranoia will just take over my body.
So, basically I should just keep rolling him back when he does it?
Little guy was so determined last night it was so cute - but I felt bad for him that he couldn't do it, I had to help him along.
I have no idea, the whole sleeping on the belly situation makes me nervous...especially when he buries his head face down in the mattress, that's fun to watch.
Personally, at Jacks age, I'd roll him back if he winds up on his belly, but that's just me.
Message edited 9/20/2007 10:19:04 AM.
Posted 9/20/07 10:18 AM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Moms of Belly Sleepers....
Posted by krwm
Posted by Diana1215
I honestly don't think I'll be ready for him to belly sleep until he is closer to a year. I just can't do it - the paranoia will just take over my body.
So, basically I should just keep rolling him back when he does it?
Little guy was so determined last night it was so cute - but I felt bad for him that he couldn't do it, I had to help him along.
I have no idea, the whole sleeping on the belly situation makes me nervous...especially when he buries his head face down in the mattress, that's fun to watch. QUOTE]
Just kill me now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 9/20/07 10:23 AM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Moms of Belly Sleepers....
Posted by Summerrluvv
The way I see it is that they recommend back sleeping for a reason. I know many mothers are comfortable with it, but I am not. I personally don't want to take the chance and have my child be a statistic. Now that she rolls, I still roll her back onto her back to sleep at night.
I agree
Noah sometimes likes to nap on his belly, but I would rather make him uncomfortable and get up to roll him back over 20 times then ever take a chance of losing him. I would never ever forgive myself.
I agree that the statistics of SIDS incidence went down so drastically for good reason.
I wont allow him on his belly till after 6 months when the risk goes down.
Posted 9/20/07 10:35 AM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Moms of Belly Sleepers....
as soon as dd knew how to roll over, which was at 3 months, she began to sleep on her belly. I always put her down on her back but she instantly rolls over to her belly
Posted 9/20/07 10:41 AM |

Member since 2/07 2642 total posts
Name: Belladonna219
Re: Moms of Belly Sleepers....
Per my Ped he said if my son rolls over to sleep on his own then just let him be because he has the ability to move. Regardless of what he said I was way too nervous when he started sleeping on his belly. I would run into his room to check on him. He was round 4mths old. I would not encourage belly sleeping if they are not able to roll over on their own.
Posted 9/20/07 10:47 AM |
Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05 12165 total posts
Re: Moms of Belly Sleepers....
Posted by stephanief
as soon as dd knew how to roll over, which was at 3 months, she began to sleep on her belly. I always put her down on her back but she instantly rolls over to her belly
Exactly the same for us. My pediatrician said to keep rolling her back until she was like 4-5 months, but I was like "yeah right" in my mind. I tried that--yeah, didn't work
Posted 9/20/07 11:08 AM |
My girls!!

Member since 8/06 5843 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Moms of Belly Sleepers....
we just started at 4 1/2 months.............
Posted 9/20/07 11:45 AM |
Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05 17988 total posts
Re: Moms of Belly Sleepers....
I have no problem and no guilt sleeping Lucas on his tummy...but with that said I will be the first to always tell mom's you have to do what you are comfortable with.
If you feel that Jack is too young and if you worry about something happening to him then definitely don't do it. Sleep him on his back and roll him over when he does go on his tummy.
SIDs is a very scary I want to make it very clear that I fear it as well and have no intention of harming my child. My pediatrician understands that we do this and has guided us along the way on how to check on him, what to look for, etc. We didn't make this decision on a whim...we did our research. SIDs is what they label a death when there is no explanation...meaning suffocation was not the cause. I have heard countless stories of babies that died with SIDS listed as cause of death who were on their backs or even in someone's arms. From what I understand there is a problem where the baby's brain doesn't communicate the breathing function and so they stop. In my opinion if this is going to happen I don't see how position would necessarily prevent it. Just my opinion. I agree that the statistics have improved but I also think that it's because more parent's are paying attention and reacting faster. I'm not trying to argue for one or the have to do what you are comfortable with.
We started Lucas at 5 weeks. That was our choice and for us a good one. He is far more advanced that children his age in terms of neck muscles and can push his entire upper body up with his arms.
I will warn you...from the research...most of the numbers you see in regard to SIDS and prone sleeping (tummy) is in the early stages of switching a baby from back to tummy. The longer the baby sleeps on his/her tummy the more the statistics decrease. It's the beginning of the transition that has the higher risk and it decreases over time (again I acknowledge that it decreases - doesn't eliminate completely).
Do what you think is sounds like you are not ready to sleep him on his belly - and Diana - that's more than okay! Just find another way to help him sleep.
Posted 9/20/07 11:46 AM |
It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06 15404 total posts
Name: Isn't it obvious?
Re: Moms of Belly Sleepers....
Posted by Ang-Rich He is far more advanced that children his age in terms of neck muscles and can push his entire upper body up with his arms.
Same with Bella. She's been a belly sleeper since 2 months (on her own) and in the beginning she slept on my chest on her belly. She only slept on her back, swaddled for a very short time.
Posted 9/20/07 11:55 AM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: Moms of Belly Sleepers....
very early...about 3 months.
Posted 9/20/07 12:16 PM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: Moms of Belly Sleepers....
I kept putting DS back onto his back until I knew he could roll on his own. Now, finally, last month he can roll from both tummy to back, and back to belly.
I still check on him a few times before I fall asleep. Im sure I will be doing that for quite a long time.
You have to do what you are comfortable with.
Posted 9/20/07 12:24 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Moms of Belly Sleepers....
Thanks everyone - and Ang thank you for all of the information. SIDS scares the hell out of me (as I'm sure it does everyone) -- and I hate the unknown of Sids.
I'll see what happens tonight but def. until he can roll over - he will be on his back.
Posted 9/20/07 12:59 PM |
hello baby Albert
Member since 9/05 7750 total posts
Name: Aga
Re: Moms of Belly Sleepers....
ds only naps on his belly and I constantly check on him or just sit next to him and watch tv or read, I just dont feel comfortable leaving him alone yet...
Posted 9/20/07 1:30 PM |
Love my family

Member since 6/06 4546 total posts
Name: SNV
Re: Moms of Belly Sleepers....
I am scared of SIDS too. However, i do let DS nap on his belly which he loves. I watch him closely though.
Posted 9/20/07 7:26 PM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: Moms of Belly Sleepers....
Josh started at 5 the 6 month appt dr said that was fine. Once they can roll both ways its okay
Posted 9/20/07 7:37 PM |
Re: Moms of Belly Sleepers....
7 weeks she started belly sleeping. No I was not nervous b/c my first DD did the same. And so did I. Yes she naps on her belly.
When my my 1st DD was born the rule was to put them on their sides. 7 years later it's on thier backs. so I follow the rules until 7 weeks. And then they go on their bellies.
Posted 9/20/07 7:54 PM |
I love these boys

Member since 7/07 2711 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Moms of Belly Sleepers....
All of my dc slept on their belly's. My 1st started about 2mos becuase at that time they had to sleep on their side and he did fine with that but when he started to roll over it was all over My othe two about 1.5mos. They could never stay a sleep on their backs for a long period of time. I started letting them take naps on their bellys and it worked so well. However I did inform my ped that I was doing this and he just advised me to check on him on and off and my children also were able to lift their heads up and move side by side (they were very strong) so it didn't scare me too much. But don't get me wrong I am scared of sids but I feel if something is going to happen it's going to happen either way not just because I have him sleeping on his belly. My mother said all of us (her children) slept on their bellys and we're ok But you should go with your gut feeling.
Posted 9/20/07 9:04 PM |
Re: Moms of Belly Sleepers....
I honestly can't remember when they started to do it. For naps I wasn't that nervous (b/c I could go in and check on them) but for sleeping yes, I was very nervous. I went in and checked on them constantly, until after a few weeks I guess, I realized they were ok. I would see them napping face completely down and breathing fine, I figured they probably did the same thing at night.
Posted 9/20/07 9:18 PM |
Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06 7178 total posts
Re: Moms of Belly Sleepers....
i also wont let DS sleep on his belly, (just playing it safe). He fell asleep on his belly yesterday and i moved him into his crib and put him on his back.
Posted 9/20/07 9:22 PM |