Moms of infants, at what temp do you call the doctor?
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Member since 8/05 14624 total posts
Moms of infants, at what temp do you call the doctor?
When your take your baby's temp, at what temp do you call the doctor?
Posted 8/25/06 3:56 PM |
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Member since 8/06 1494 total posts
Name: Carolyn
Re: Moms of infants, at what temp do you call the doctor?
Funny you should ask, I just called this morning, his temp was 100.0. But I think they said 100.4 is considered a fever. That is just my experience.... I'm new to this too so.....
Oh, my pediatrician said to give him a little Tylenol and check his temp again in an hour. I gave him the tylenol and his temp was 97.0 when I checked again. (this is rectally...sorry, wanted to be specific )
Posted 8/25/06 4:01 PM |
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Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Moms of infants, at what temp do you call the doctor?
If it was over 101, I'd call but it would mainly be for my peace of mind. I think it depends more on what else is going on. 101 & not eating at all, not crying tears, diaherrea, I'd call. 103 & just laying around but eating & drinking, I wouldn't call.
Posted 8/25/06 5:35 PM |
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Member since 5/05 1989 total posts
Name: Jess
Re: Moms of infants, at what temp do you call the doctor?
Dominic is prone to high fevers and I used to freak when he was an infant and it went anything over 101-102. It has gotten as high as 105 at which point I went into complete p-a-n-i-c mode and called the Dr. right away and they are like...ok, give him Motrin and tylenol alternating each every 2 hrs and give him a tepid bath...Then if it does not break bring him in tomorrow am. I was like, HELLO - isint that borderline braindamage/convulsions? apparently 105 is no biggie these days. Now I am used to it and when it gets that high I do exactly what they said. If it lingers like that then I call...Sheesh!
Posted 8/25/06 5:47 PM |
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Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: Moms of infants, at what temp do you call the doctor?
Over 102
Posted 8/25/06 5:59 PM |
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Member since 5/05 2412 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Moms of infants, at what temp do you call the doctor?
Posted 8/25/06 8:49 PM |
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