Moms of kids 15-18 months old???
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Member since 12/05 9747 total posts
Name: Kelly
Moms of kids 15-18 months old???
Just wanted to check in with some mommies with little ones around Bella's age...especially since no one I know has a child...
Can we do a little info sharing...
How old? Bella is 16 months as of yesterday.
How many teeth? four on bottom, four on top (just broke two in the last two weeks) teething four molars (one poked through, one is SOOOOO close, other two are right there)
Teething experience? Last two weeks have been really rough...she is in pain at night. Using Motrin pretty regularly as well as Orajel which she opens wide for.
Sleeping? She's always been a good sleeper, but lately she is waking at least once a night in pain
Bottle? Drinks from her sippy cup. Gets a bottle in the morning.
Weight? 23 lbs 6 oz (as of 12/18)
Height? 31 inches (as of 12/18)
Clothing size? Still wearing 12 month onesies. Still can wear 12-18 month shirts, in 18-24 pants, although they are long on her short little legs.
Shoe size? Barely filling out her Size 5 Nikes...
Talking? Lord, the girl loves to hear her own voice. She is saying lots of words and semi-sentences that I don't quite understand, but get where she is going. She sings A LOT! She definitely knows the word NO!
Other? Loves to dance to anything that resembles music, gives high five saying five, if I say one she says two and if I say two shes says three, etc... Answers her "cell" Hello and leans it against her shoulder (totally mimicking me) and if you say night-night she'll run to her bedroom door and say night-night and that's how she goes to bed.
Eating? ALL over the place. She eats table food perfectly fine...still eating jar veggie and fruits a lot (only way to get them in her sometimes) It's REALLY hard to get her to try anything new...
Attitude? I am convinced she is making me look like a public she is halo-girl with a big, fat angel smile and all. At home, she nows\ throws her self on the floor if I don't pay enough attention to her when she wants me too. She is a generally good girl though, although changing time has become a nightmare. Don't know how to discipline at this age.
Would love to hear what your little ones are doing
Posted 1/9/07 1:33 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 6297 total posts
Name: Tracey - brideinapril
Re: Moms of kids 15-18 months old???
How old? Zachary and Hailey turned 15 months on the 6th.
How many teeth? Zachary - 4 on top, 3 on bottom. Hailey - 6 on top (including top molars) and 4 on bottom.
Teething experience? Both of them are teething - Zachary is a drooling mess - but they seem to be tolerating the pain as of now.
Sleeping? They are not good sleepers - Zachary gets up a few times during the night, but settles back down. Hailey - still gets up and wants a drink during the night.
Bottle? Both drink from a sippy cup - but they still get their bottles for before naps and bedtime.
Weight? Zachary weighed 21 pounds as of 1/3 - they both were sick - didn't get measured yet though. Hailey is a whopping 27 pounds! I don't know their heights yet - have to take them for their well checks next week.
Clothing size? Zachary is in 12 months - Hailey is in 18 months.
Shoe size? Zachary is a 5. Hailey is a 5 1/2 wide.
Talking? Not many words - Hailey is a pointer and says da da da (which I think is "that") Ma Ma - woof woof Zachary is pretty much the same. They both know exactly what we are telling them and will do what we ask them. Ex: If asked hailey will retrieve her brothers blanket and binkie for him and give it to him.
Other? They totally mimic everything we do - Zachary will walk around with any object on his shoulder saying "eh, eh" pretending he is on the phone, they both love to dance - Zachary is really good at it too, Hailey really doesn't have the rhythm but looks adorable when she tries!
Eating? Always an adventure - they eat table food, but if we want them to eat anything with substance we give them the jar baby food - or the little meals for toddler. Zachary doesn't really like to chew - (not enough teeth I guess?) Hailey will pretty much eat anything you are eating.
Attitude? They have such different personalitys its funny. Hailey is definetly the queen - she is very bossy - pushes her brother around - we have to watch her. She takes everything that he is playing with and hides it! Zachary is pretty easy going - but he has quite a temper when he gets mad - throws himself on the floor and cries.
Posted 1/9/07 2:09 PM |
Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Re: Moms of kids 15-18 months old???
How old? 16 months on the 30th
How many teeth? four on the bottom, 3 on top- the 4th on top has cut- just dosent seem to be coming down
Teething experience? Not too crabby- but dosent eat good when his teeth are bothering him, and is constantly putting anything in his mouth
Sleeping? Yep- still wakes up everynight to come into my bed 
Bottle? Drinks from a sippy all day- however he still gets one milk bottle in the morning and at night
Weight? 21lbs 13oz (as of 12/15)
Height? 29 3/4" (as of 12/15)
Clothing size? Depends on the brand but either 12-18 months or 18-24 months..... if there is just a plain 18 month size- thats perfect!
Shoe size? 6 wide
Talking? Babbles like CRAZY!!!! says: Mama Dada/ Daddy dog/doggy vaccuum (dacduum) banana baba thank-you Hi/hey/hello
Other? Points to your eyes when you say where is mommas eyes- and nose when ask where is.... Ryan also is obsessed with the phone, he knows how to open it, dial, puts the phone to his ear and babbles away... He loves to color, and adores music/dancing He is my little cleaning machine- aside from being obsessed with the vacuum, he loves to take a rag (clean) and pretend like he is dusting or cleaning  He is climbing on everything- the other day I had my back turned for a second, when I turned around I found him standing on my couch- I didnt even know he could climb it!
Eating? Loves everything! Eats on table food- and has been for months! His favortie would most def. be either: Pasta in tom. sauce or Roasted chicken, mashed pot, and stuffing!
Attitude? FRESH as can be- and I love it He wants what he wants when he wants it- and thats just that.... He throws major tantrums(buries his face in the ground or pillow, total stomping of feet, flaring arms and legs, and screaming bloody murder) He does tend to smack you in the face- and I recently started doing a time out thing (I just sit with him for like 20 secs- and say "we cant hit mommy" or whatever... seems to be working
Posted 1/9/07 2:19 PM |
Happy New Year

Member since 5/05 17334 total posts
Re: Moms of kids 15-18 months old???
Jake is 18 months old as of 2 days ago
Tooth Count 4 Teeth on the top, 2 on the bottom,
Teething Experience Teething like crazy; it seems that they are all trying to come in at once - his gums are so swollen - poor thing! But he's being a trooper and hardly ever shows signs of being in pain or cranky because of it.
Sleep Sleeping is good - always has been. Consolidation to one afternoon nap has completed. Sleeps in later.
Bottle Still gets 2 bottles a day, rest of the time is water in the sippy.
Weight Don't have exact numbers but around 25lbs
Height No exact numbers but definitely around 36 inches
Clothing size All over the place. Some 12 mos pants still fit him, most don't. 18 mos pants fit length but not waist (he has a small waist) so they fall down and appear to be too long. Onsies and shirts have to be 18mos
Shoe size Getting ready to move out of Size 5
Talking Always been very chatty. Latest words include "wow!" (everything is wow!), "Go" (as in Let's go!), and "Agua". I really think he is saying his first sentence: "I did it!" Though it can be hard to understand at times, other times it has come out crystal clear and always in the correct context. "Thank you" is definitely there although it comes out "ank - oo" 
Other RUNS everywhere. Forget walking, everything is running. Amazes me everyday with the things he comes up with on his own. Can repeat several letters of the alphabet, knows several body parts, point out some colors (and says some of them - his favorite to say is yellow) and objects in books, getting very good with following simple directions ("give that to mommy please" is lifesaver sometimes!).
Eating Same as Bella. I still give him jar veggies to get them in otherwise the only way he'll anything is with rice. I could probably chop liver into rice and he'd eat it! Picky about which finger foods he'll eat or try. Don't even show him a slice of cheese.
Attitude Hmmm... how can I put this...the "bratty" side is starting to come out. The I-want-what-I-want-when-I-want-it attitude is definitely there. Still generally a happy boy, though.
Posted 1/9/07 2:19 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 6/05 1140 total posts
Name: Natalie
Re: Moms of kids 15-18 months old???
Great idea!!!
How old? Marissa will be 16 months on the 16th How many teeth? 10. Molars are still on their way in and we're waiting for the canines to come in. Teething experience? The molars were the worst. Other than that, she's been a champ (with the help of some Motrin, of course!). Sleeping? Ever since Xmas eve, it has been a NIGHTMARE. She will not get into her crib...screams bloody murder and holds on to me for dear life. I'm at a loss as to what to do next... Bottle? Drinks from a sippy but still refuses to drink milk from it. We're working on the transition.... Weight? 26 lbs Height? 31.5 inches Clothing size? I think she's about to grow out of her 18 month footed PJs but other than that, she's mostly wearing 18-24 months. Shoe size? 4.5 Wide Talking? Non-stop. She's a parrot and repeats everything we say. I can't even count how many words she says b/c she's constantly learning new ones! Other? She's just a fun little girl. Loves to dance, clap, play and sing. She's great around other babies too. She's always sharing and being gentle around others. Eating? All table foods although, it's hard to get her to eat a lot at one time. Plus, she's started to refuse to get into her high chair which is making me nuts! Attitude? She's definitely testing her boundaries which makes me crazy sometimes. I'm just trying to be patient and teach her as much as I can. Overall, she's usually a happy-go-lucky kid!
Cant wait to hear about the other little ones!
Posted 1/9/07 2:20 PM |
Making big changes

Member since 5/05 16541 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Moms of kids 15-18 months old???
How old? Christopher will be 18 months on the 18th.
How many teeth? All except 2 bottom ones
Teething experience? He did surprisingly well with the pain. He only had trouble with pain really when his molars were coming in.
Sleeping? We got lucky and he's been sleeping through the night since he was a month old. There's only been a handful of nights that he's woken up and hasn't gone back to sleep.
Bottle? We've been officially done with the bottle since before he turned 13 months. He's a sippy cup boy now.
Weight? I'm estimating nearly 23 lbs
Height? Estimating about 32.5 inches
Clothing size? He's still wearing 12 month pants (He's got a skinny little waist and wears 18 month tops and pajamas though they're a little big.
Shoe size? SEVEN...I think he's going to be tall...
Talking? Most of the time he explodes into gibberish. For example, he picks up the phone: "Hi. *gibberish, gibberish, gibberish*. Bye bye." He says about 45 words total, though only about 25 of them are clear and used correctly.
Other? When he wants a drink he says "juice!" then runs to the fridge, knocks on the door, and goes "knock knock!". He dances like a maniac and has the craziest dance moves I've ever seen. For some reason he enjoys walking on his tippy toes. He often says "night night", lays down, and then pretends to snore. Whenever he sees a dog he goes "woof woof!" and when I'm in the kitchen making something he goes "cook!" If Kaylee cries, he grabs her bottle and tries to feed her. There are many more...
Eating? He's got a really healthy appetite and luckily is not picky at all. He actually prefers apples and bananas to snack foods. He's not a big fan of his high chair and though he'll use a spoon, he prefers to use his hands to feed himself.
Attitude? He's a happy kid. He'll smile and talk gibberish to anybody that will let him, though he has quite the dark side. If he's not getting his way, he lets you know he's not happy and throws an enormous tantrum; convulsing on the floor, screaming, and crying (though there are never actually any tears). He's very good with playing by himself, though he prefers that I play with him. He's in a phase now where he has to climb on everything possible and grab everything that's within reach. Our outlet plugs and cabinet locks are pretty much useless, because he takes the plugs out and opens the cabinets...he thinks it's a game. We have to keep the bathroom door closed, because he gets into the toilet and unrolls the toilet paper, but he's started working on the door knob. He can turn it, but doesn't get that you have to push to open it yet. He's very good with puzzle-like toys and loves being read to.
Posted 1/9/07 2:26 PM |
My boys

Member since 5/05 4380 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Moms of kids 15-18 months old???
How old? Logan is 16 months.
How many teeth? 16 :() 8 top and 8 bottom
Teething experience? I think he's done, at least for now. He does still knaw on things though!
Sleeping? usually 11-12 hours throught the night and 1 nap 1-3 hours (usually about 2)
Bottle? AM and PM sometimes one in between. Going to be VERY hard to break!
Weight? 22 pounds
Height? 30 inches
Clothing size? Mostly 12 months, some 18mo
Shoe size? size 5
Talking? Still not many "real" words. LOVES to babble though!
Other? Logan loves to dance too. He dances to ANYTHING...including commercials.
Eating? He won't eat any babyfood at all. He eats most tablefood but isn't really a meat eater (will chew it and spit it out)
Attitude? Very happy baby overall. Yes, he doesn have his moments but it's usually just wen he's confined.
Posted 1/9/07 2:54 PM |
my princess

Member since 10/05 2936 total posts
Re: Moms of kids 15-18 months old???
.. How old? Antonio turned 16 months on the 31st
How many teeth? I stopped bad of me I think about 8. He has 2 molars
Teething experience? When the molars are coming in he is up every 6-8 hours once the motrin wears off. I use motrin over tylenol because it lasts long. I try no to use it more than three nights in a row. Orajel I don't bother with because I don't feel like it works. He bites me when he is teething and tugs on his ear.
Sleeping? When he is teething he loves to watch Sesame Street at 3 in the morning. He usually sleeps through the night but he is very sensitive. If he misses a bottle during the day he will wake up for it. He also looks for his pacifier in the middle of the night and if he can't find it he wakes up fully.
He would got down at at eight withought a fight but since he started walking about a week or two ago he protests for about 10-15 minutes.
Bottle? Drinks water from sippy cup. Gets three bottles during the day. I haven't offered him milk in the sippy yet...I should.
Weight? 23 lbs 6 oz (1/2/06) Height? 31 inches (november they forgot to do it last visit because he was sick.
Clothing size? 12-18 months shoes size 5 1/2 to 6 . Talking? He is saying about 7-10 words my favorite is "mommy" and mimi (milk) I guess he can be considered billingual he says about 2 words in greek.
Another funny thing he says is "b.....ball" over and over
He babbles as if he is having a conversations with you but I have no idea sometimes what he is saying. It could be a "trendy" mix of two languages.
He says "wow" really loud everytime he walks into a new room or sees something exciting.
Other? He loves to carry his toys from one room to another. He loves Sesame Street. He is obsessed with remote controls and cell phones.
He loves to be outdoors he throws a tantrum when I try to bring him in the house or in the car.
He loves bubbles and teddy bears.
He is such a mush and a cuddler.
He loves stacking blocks and legos and talks to the television.
He loves to run around the house with his eyes closed laughing hysterically by himself.
Eating? mostly table food but not necessarily what we are eating he has his own menu. He eats yogurt and I still sometimes give him a jar with cereal and fruit when we are on the go. Cheese is a favorite!
He knows how to use the spork but tosses it when he gets bored.
Overall he is a happy baby. he laugh out loud alot sometimes by himself. He talks to the television and he loves Sesame Street.
He definetly knows what the word no means. Sometimes he will touch something aoof limits and he starts crying and saying no-no-no before I do.
Tantrums are present usually when I try to bing him in the house, put him in the stroller or in the car, I usaully just ignore him and pick him up and remove him from whatever. I can distract him pretty easily.
Diaper changes are a nighmare! Only my cell phone and house phone works and he calls people (redial of course).
He also cries when bathtime is over.
He has strong people preferences...he adores my dad. And he loves ladies with long curly hair, he cries when they leave.
with other babies he is a BULLY..yanking toys, pushing, pulling. He has learned the word share but it only last about a moment and then he grabs it back again.
He loves gymboree he learned to clean up and he loves to cut the line BULLY!
He can be shy at times he comes and buries his little face in my shoulder when he is embarassed.
he loves to feed us and loves sharing his toys with adults...only.
They grow up so fast!!!
Posted 1/9/07 3:02 PM |
My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06 4018 total posts
Re: Moms of kids 15-18 months old???
How old? 16 months on Xmas.
How many teeth? four on bottom & four on top for both of them
Teething experience? No new teeth since October, and the last two were the worst ones coming in
Sleeping? Always good sleepers they go to bed at 8:30 and sleep to 7 - 7:30
They nap from 1:45 to 5:15 every day as long as we get them in by 1:45.
Bottle? Still on 4 bottles a day with straw cups of water or juice. They won't drink more the 3 ozs out of the sippy before they stop drinking it
Weight? Mattingly - 25 lbs Joseph 21.5 lbs
Height? m - 32 inches j - 30 3/4 inches
Clothing size? m- 18 months j- 12 months
Shoe size? M - 6 j- 4.5
Talking? More babbeling then talking but they say a total of 9 words, maybe 10.
Other? Loves music and playing with the brooms and mops. They have started to play with each other more and more and wrestle which is adorable. They constantly have to have what the other has and are all ove rthe place and get into everything.
Eating? they eat very well, Mattingly LOVES veggies. they eat everything I give them. Mandarin Oranges are their favorite food as well as french toast. Joey will try thingks quicker then Mattingly. Mattingly wants to inspect it, put it in his mouth spit it out examine it some more and then will eat it. I can not eat anything in front of them that I don't want to share.
Attitude? They are generally very happy babies, they hug and kiss us and each other all the time. They are really stating to exhibit thier independnece though and rally like to push our buttons which is adorable and frustrating at the same time. But all in all they are very good, will go anywhere with us and will be happy about it.
Posted 1/9/07 3:34 PM |
Where does time go?
Member since 12/05 9747 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Moms of kids 15-18 months old???
Posted by Michelle They nap from 1:45 to 5:15 every day as long as we get them in by 1:45.
Are you freakin' serious...that's awseome. Bella sleeps for an hour on the dot maybe 2x a day if we are lucky.
yesterday DH and I watched as she stretched her little arm through her crib to pull the shade back a bit and then said "hello" like someone was gonna save her...
she didn't nap at all from 9 am until 7:30 yesterday ...
Posted 1/9/07 3:37 PM |
My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06 4018 total posts
Re: Moms of kids 15-18 months old???
If we get them in late though, they might not nap all day. We even ahve to wake them up at 5:25 if they are not up yet since we changed the clocks back.
DH is lucky since he is home with them at this time alone, so he gets to sleep too. Hopefully they keep this up til they are in kindergarten
Posted 1/9/07 3:40 PM |
Member since 10/05 4796 total posts
Re: Moms of kids 15-18 months old???
How old? Kevin will be 17 months next week.
How many teeth? 10. Four on top, 6 on the bottom.
Teething experience? Teething is really hard for him. He will gnaw/mouth ANYTHING to help ease the pain. He loves getting his teeth brushed and even tries to do it by himself.
Sleeping? One nap a day (since 13m) which lasts 1 hr - 2.5 hrs, depending on how much noise his big brother makes! Sleeps ~12 hours a night, but he wakes up for a "5 minute cuddle" about 2x/week.
Bottle? Off the bottle the week before his 1st birthday. He'll drink out of anything. He gets 2 sippys of milk/day and 2 sippys of 1:3 juice/water a day.
Weight? Just about 26 pounds.
Height? 33"
Clothing size? 18-24m
Shoe size? 5.5
Talking? Babbles like there's no tomorrow! He can say (when he feels like it): Mama, Dada, Nawn (for his brother Sean), Id (our cat Sid), milk, doctor!!, outside, up, Nana, no.
Other? Dancing fool. Loves his bathtime with his brother and loves to cuddle, read, play with his pots and pans and just about any toy his brother is playing with.
Eating? All table food. Will eat pretty much whatever we give him. He loves to hold his spoon and *tries* to use it.
Attitude? Sweet, sweet boy. Funny and very coy. I see alot of my side of the family in him. I think he has my wit. Uh-oh. Overall, he's just an angel. We're so blessed.
Posted 1/9/07 3:52 PM |
Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05 12165 total posts
Re: Moms of kids 15-18 months old???
How old? Katherine is 16 mos. as of Sunday!
How many teeth? I'm not quite sure...there are 4 on top and definitely 3 on the bottom...could be more.
Teething experience? I hate to say it...really...but I've never noticed when she's teething. Not an issue for her.
Sleeping? 12 hours. She's woken up about 1x during the night in the past year. Oh, forgot to add...not a big napper...maybe 1 hr. a day.
Bottle? We're still doing the 3 bottle thing although I know, I know I should be weaning.
Weight? 22lb 14 oz (12/22)
Height? 30 1/4 inches (12/22)
Clothing size? 12 mos. is too small; 18 mos. is too big so we're right in the middle. 12-18 mos. is the best size for her.
Shoe size? 5.5 W
Talking? Because I have nothing better to do with my time, I actually made a list of her words last week...we're up to about 50, I kid you not. My favorites are "applesauce" and "no more" because she sounds so cute!
Other? She doesn't play with a ton of toys, but she is obsessed--I mean obsessed--with books. Mostly, she needs me to read them with her andj this can get quite annoying...and I'm an English teacher
She also loves her hat and wears it randomly and sometimes insists on bringing it to bed.
Eating? Yeah, she hates everything. Well, everything except bread and cheese related items. Won't even drink juice.
Attitude? Yes, ATTITUDE! DH and I often say she has her own "little baby agenda." She can be pretty high maintenance. When out in public, she is definitely a social butterfly, very independent once she warms up--at home, very needy. Guess she's a people person!
She also dislikes being confined in highchairs, can be a problem!
Diaper changes and clothing changes can be disastrous, but she's beginning to enjoy the bath...16 mos. later
In short, she definitely has personality...and between you and me...I think she's a genius
I really enjoyed reading about the little ones!!
Message edited 1/9/2007 4:07:06 PM.
Posted 1/9/07 4:05 PM |
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