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Moms of newborns....

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Member since 5/05

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Moms of newborns....

Am I the only one who finds this not so fun?

I just keep thinking about it and it gets me kinda depressed but this is NOT how I thought it would be, although I have no idea what I "thought".

I feel like all I do is feed DS , try to get some sleep make bottles and do dishes...And repeat, and repeat.

I know I SHOULD be out doing things with him, but I have no motivation AT ALL to do anything.

ANd I feel like a bad mom b/c of I should be loving every minute of it, but Im not.

I feel MORE lazy then when I was PG !
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Please tell me Im not alone here ....

Posted 7/17/07 7:05 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Cake from Outer Space!

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Re: Moms of newborns....


I think everyone has felt that way. The days used to fly by and I had no idea where they went.

It really does help getting out and about with a baby. I would go out EVERYDAY whether I wanted to or not. It helped me with feeling confident and getting some independence back.

Posted 7/17/07 7:08 AM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Moms of newborns....

Posted by shamrock124


I think everyone has felt that way. The days used to fly by and I had no idea where they went.

It really does help getting out and about with a baby. I would go out EVERYDAY whether I wanted to or not. It helped me with feeling confident and getting some independence back.

I dont know where to go. LOL

And the thought of showering, getting dressed etc seems like so much work, when I woudl rather just lay on the couch. AHHHHH Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/07 7:14 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Moms of newborns....

Posted by dm24angel

Posted by shamrock124


I think everyone has felt that way. The days used to fly by and I had no idea where they went.

It really does help getting out and about with a baby. I would go out EVERYDAY whether I wanted to or not. It helped me with feeling confident and getting some independence back.

I dont know where to go. LOL

And the thought of showering, getting dressed etc seems like so much work, when I woudl rather just lay on the couch. AHHHHH Chat Icon Chat Icon

I feel your pain. Most days I was lucky if i showered by 5pm! LOL! It DOES get better but i agree with the others...the best thing I did was to get out of the house with DS.

Go the the mall, run errands like Target, join a playgroup..more for the moms than the babies...visit people if you can or have them over.

The newborn phase isn't as exciting as what most people think but when they react and interact more it gets so much easier!

Posted 7/17/07 7:30 AM


Member since 3/06

18677 total posts


Re: Moms of newborns....

yeah, not a fan of the newborn stage AT ALL. The older she gets the more I enjoy it though - little things like eye contact make my day!

Posted 7/17/07 8:17 AM

Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06

8069 total posts


Re: Moms of newborns....

I felt the same exact way!!!! It does get better. Once they become little "people" (not just sleeping, eating. pooping) it is so much more fun! Chat Icon Just'll be having a great time very soon.

Posted 7/17/07 8:19 AM

hello baby Albert

Member since 9/05

7750 total posts


Re: Moms of newborns....

I'm with you! all I want to do at this point is to sleep, I will take 6 hours straight please, pretty please Chat Icon the only time we go out is on the weekends when DH is able to watch DS so I can actually get ready without rushing...

Posted 7/17/07 8:55 AM

Love my boys soooo much!!!

Member since 8/06

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True love doesn't end with happily ever after...

Re: Moms of newborns....

I go out all the time. To families house, to the store, to sports games (not professional!). We are always on the go. Plus, my SIL had my nephew two weeks after I had Derek, so we are usually on the go together. And my friend is hopefully holding her brand new son right now (I think she started pushing about an hour agoChat Icon )Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/07 9:00 AM

I am an amazing bakist

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Re: Moms of newborns....

I found that taking a shower first chance I get helps motivate me. Yesterday was the first time I took her out to a store, and it felt like such a huge accomplishment!
But I have also made lunch dates with friends, had people over, visited people....anything to break the day up. It can be boring because newborn interaction isn't all that stimulating....but it does get better. Lily is 7 weeks and so much more alert than she was a week ago!

Posted 7/17/07 9:17 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: Moms of newborns....

Posted by dm24angel

Posted by shamrock124


I think everyone has felt that way. The days used to fly by and I had no idea where they went.

It really does help getting out and about with a baby. I would go out EVERYDAY whether I wanted to or not. It helped me with feeling confident and getting some independence back.

I dont know where to go. LOL

And the thought of showering, getting dressed etc seems like so much work, when I woudl rather just lay on the couch. AHHHHH Chat Icon Chat Icon

Take a shower as soon as you can in the am and get yourself "ready". That helps in making you feel human again. I would go anywhere...For walks in parks, villages, beach, around the neighborhood...I just went anywhere.

Posted 7/17/07 9:25 AM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms of newborns....

Oh, absolutely. I think your son is about a month younger than Abby--she's May 8--and you'll begin to see a lot of changes just in the next one month. She's smiling now and "cooing" and generally just better natured. But I'm with you I HATE the newborn stage!

I agree with the other posters who said to take a shower right away. Every morning I get up at 7:20 to be able to shower and at each stage of the "getting ready" process I tell myself, "OK, if nothing else is accomplished today, at least I washed my hair..." "OK, if nothing else is accomplished today, at least I put on some makeup..." etc. etc. etc.

Also, you need to get out. That's another huge accomplishment for me (now with 2, especially) that "makes" my day.

Things we used to take for granted are enormous tasks now, so be proud of the things you *are* doing!
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Posted 7/17/07 9:31 AM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

32461 total posts


Re: Moms of newborns....

I can understand.

I stay home all day doing nothing but hold him and feed him.

I don't go to places since I am listening to the ped and not take him to public places.

The worst part is that days go by quickly and by the time it is supposed to get "better"according to BTDT moms, I will have to go back to work. Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/07 9:40 AM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

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Re: Moms of newborns....

I totally agree with you - but I decided for my own sanity, at around 2 weeks, i took him everywhere. I made plans with people for lunch, I went for long walks, I went to stores, I went everywhere.

i needed a focus to my day.

I needed a timeline to wake up, shower, get dressed, put on makeup, etc.

If i had nothing planned for the day, I felt like I was crawling the walls with insanity - or I was on here all day Chat Icon not too much of a drop...

So, FORCE yourself to get out. Anywhere. Doesnt matter. Pack diapers, clothes, bottles, and go for a walk to the park. You must, MUST get out of the house.

Meet a friend for coffee. Anything!!!

Not only did it save my mind, it got him used to being out and about!

ETA - I also stopped waiting for him to go down before my shower. If he had to scream and cry for 30 mins while I showered, dressed, and put on makeup, thats what it had to be - I figured I'm not going to make him any happier if I'm miserable all day because I feel like a depressed slob....

Message edited 7/17/2007 9:48:37 AM.

Posted 7/17/07 9:46 AM

Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

11618 total posts


Re: Moms of newborns....

I agree- this newborn phase is for the birds....

I'm actually in NY now and my mom has *made* me shower and go out with DD. We've been to restaurants, BRU, the park, Hofstra (mom and sister work there), my sister's bridal gown fitting, etc. Tonight we are going to Flushing to introduce DD to my dad's family.

It definitely helps me feel like I've gotten things accomplished.

Posted 7/17/07 9:56 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Moms of newborns....

you are not alone this stage, they don't do or realize much so doing what you're doing is fine.

I prefer Alysons' age to Paul as well...newborns stink!

If you need a buddy to vent to via phone, emial or AIM--please let me know!

Posted 7/17/07 9:59 AM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: Moms of newborns....

I hated the first six months pretty much. It was only good once he was able to sit up and crawl. It will get better though!! I promise!

Posted 7/17/07 10:05 AM

Little Brother Christopher

Member since 2/07

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Re: Moms of newborns....

I agree and I completely understand! My son is 3 months old today and it has gotten so much better. I go back to work in a few weeks and that makes me SO sad. I just started to get the hang of this mothering thing!!

Good luck!

Posted 7/17/07 10:07 AM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Moms of newborns....

Thank god Im not alone....

( but Im still in my PJ's )Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/07 12:20 PM

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