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Moms of Newborns...tell me about your routine

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St. Gerard, pray for us.

Member since 7/07

7650 total posts


Moms of Newborns...tell me about your routine

DD is almost 10 weeks old. She is a good sleeper - will sleep about 8 hours a clip at night from about 10 -11 to about 6 or 7.

Other than that, I don't feel like we're on a routine. Should we be? Is she still to young to try a nap time routine? She dozes a lot during the day... she'll fall asleep in her bouncy seat or swing or even on her tummy-time mat. She won't nap in her bassinet anymore during the day.

I am a SAHM for my 12 weeks... and I feel like I really need to get on a routine - this first week not at work was really hard. I am past the exhaustion of the first 6 week, but now i feel like i need the structure, KWIM?

Right now, the morning is the only set routine. When she wakes, she eats. Then we play (she's really alert in the early AM). Then I give her a bath, change clothes, play a little bit and then she falls asleep.

Would be interested in hearing other people's routines....TIA!

ETA: Essentially, I am feeding on demand (although it's pretty much every 2.5 -3 hours except at night) and napping when she wants to.

Message edited 9/13/2009 12:18:03 AM.

Posted 9/13/09 12:17 AM
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Re: Moms of Newborns...tell me about your routine

Hi! Tara just posted this afternoon - lemme find it for you Chat Icon

Posted 9/13/09 12:20 AM


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Re: Moms of Newborns...tell me about your routine

found it!

Posted 9/13/09 12:21 AM

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Re: Moms of Newborns...tell me about your routine

Tristan is a little bit younger - only 6 weeks. I'm starting to see a bit of a routine emerging. He wakes up in the morning, eats and is up for about an hour to 90 minutes before he has a morning nap, then wakes up again, eats again, get him washed and dressed, has a little play and by then it's time to sleep again. He usually has a longer nap then, maybe two hours or so. It's easier for me to see when he gets tired - he whines, lol! - and his awake time is getting more defined, ie he's more alert. I'm feeding on demand too and it's also every 2.5-3 hours. The afternoon is a bit less structured becaue we usually go out.

Bedtime usually depends on when DH and I can get dinner on the table, but lately he's been eating around 7 or so, sometimes he'll sit as we eat dinner at around 7.30 and then he has a bath and bedtime is around 8.30-9pm.

Posted 9/13/09 7:58 AM

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Re: Moms of Newborns...tell me about your routine

I also am on maternity leave from teaching for 12 weeks. DS is 11 weeks old. He is pretty consistent in a routine at this point and he put himself on it.
He wakes for the day at 8:30-9:00. He eats, we play for a while and then he naps. He seems to be most alert in the morning and the most smiley! Chat Icon
He wakes again to eat around 11:30-12:00. After this feeding he usually naps pretty quickly, so I use this opportunity to either run errands with him or drop him off at my aunt's so that I can go to the gym.
He eats again around 2:30-3:30. After this feeding he is alert again and we play more. If it is bath day, this is when I give him a bath. He doesn't like baths, so I can't give them at night otherwise it might upset him too much. He then takes a short nap.
DH gets home at 6:00-6:30 and feeds him at that time. Then they play and spend time together- it's so cute! We eat dinner afterwards while he hangs out in the swing, usually falling asleep again for a short clip.
Final feeding for the night is at 8:30-9:00. He eats a ton and then goes into the crib for the night at 9:30 or 10:00.
The feeding at 5:30-6:00 in the morning is very quiet: dark room, no noise except for the fan. He eats a bit more, then sleeps again until 8:30-9:00 and then it starts all over again!
This schedule works for us because it allows DH time to see DS at night and do a feeding which he enjoys. Having DS wake at 5:30-6:00 is going to work well when I go back to work because that's when I'll need him to wake up anyway to get himself and myself ready for the day. I hope it keeps up this way!

Posted 9/13/09 11:24 AM


Member since 1/08

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Re: Moms of Newborns...tell me about your routine

My DD is only 3.5 weeks, so we aren't really in a routine yet. The most i've gotten accomplished is a bath every other day and eating every 2.5-3 hours. Her sleep schedule is all over the place because it's impossible to keep this child awake during the day. When she is awake I try to keep her occupied with tummy time, bouncy seat, play gym, etc. For the past two nights she's been eating around 12 and then sleeping until 4:30-5:00. At some point though she cries and I take her out of the bassinet and she sleeps next to me.

She's kind of all over the place, but she will be one month old on Wednesday and I think i will try to set a more solid schedule then.

Posted 9/13/09 11:53 AM

St. Gerard, pray for us.

Member since 7/07

7650 total posts


Re: Moms of Newborns...tell me about your routine

thanks everyone.... teachergal that was helpful since our babies our the same age, more or less.

anyone else?

Posted 9/13/09 9:18 PM

So Thankful!!

Member since 11/07

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Re: Moms of Newborns...tell me about your routine

DD is six months old now. At around 3 months, I started to notice a pattern with her feeding, nap time, play time, etc. What helped me was writing down what she did each day and at what time. I'd keep track of the day on a pad - when she woke up, ate breakfast, played, took another nap, etc. After a few days, I really started to notice that there was a pattern developing and I sort of went with that and used it as my "schedule". I read "The Baby Whisperer" and it really helped!

Message edited 9/13/2009 9:24:01 PM.

Posted 9/13/09 9:23 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms of Newborns...tell me about your routine

DS was born 6/24--I think he's 10 weeks now? Chat Icon

Anyway, he usually wakes up in the morning around 7:30 or 8. Takes a bottle, then immediately falls asleep for an hour or so (gives me time to shower and get ready for the day). Then we play a bit or run errands.

Another bottle around 11:30 or 12. Naps throughout the day are not consistent, and he fights napping tooth and nail. It usually winds up with him wailing, exhausted, and me resorting to turning on the dustbuster, which calms him immediately.

The rest of the feedings are 2:30PM, 5:30PM (we eat after this bottle while he's in his swing or infant to toddler rocker), and final 7oz. bottle at 8:30 or 9PM. We then swaddle, rock to sleep, and put in crib. We bathe him every other night.

He generally wakes up once during the night, lately 3-4AM, for a bottle. I keep the lights off and don't change him for this unless it's a poopy diaper. He either sleeps through the bottle or falls asleep again immediately after.

Posted 9/13/09 9:28 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: Moms of Newborns...tell me about your routine

DS is 7 weeks today and I am EBF. I need to start writing down his "schedule" as he really doesnt have a set one. He usually wakes at 7am, eats, is awake for about 45 mins - 1hr and goes back to sleep then. He will sleep for about 45 - 1hr then is awake for about 2 hours or more. I usually change him and bathe him then if its his bath day. He will take a nap then which sometimes goes for two hours and sometimes he will only last for 30mins!!

He is the type of baby that sleeps more when we are out and about but at home he is more eratic. He would sleep all day if someone were to sit under him but thats not possible. Lately he has been a bit of a nightmare when we are home as he doesnt nap for long - more like cat naps and wants to be held ALL the day - wont sit in the bouncy chair for longer than 15mins.

He does have a set schedule at night - bedtime around 8.30 -9pm. He wakes to feed at 1am, then again at 4am and then at 7am. The 4am feeding can be difficult as he seems to get a lot of gas at this stage so it can take a long time to get him back down.

I have ordered a sleep book - cannot remember the name but I am hoping it has some advice in there on how to get him on some sort of schedule and how to get him to nap on his own without being held.

Posted 9/13/09 9:35 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: Moms of Newborns...tell me about your routine

This is very general as we aren't in a set routine...but here is an idea...
ETA- DS is 14 weeks

5am-nurse-back to sleep

8am- 5oz bottle of ebm
plays for a little bit


11-5oz bottle of ebm
usually hangs out and plays- MAYBE takes a 30-45min nap

2-5 oz 5oz bottle of ebm



8pm-nurse and bedtime.

The days he goes to daycare he barely naps at all...and the 11 o'clock feeding is replaced with nursing.

Message edited 9/13/2009 9:45:24 PM.

Posted 9/13/09 9:42 PM

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