O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
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My Girl

Member since 7/06 3395 total posts
Name: Tara
O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
Since I found out that we are having a boy, yesterday, I am a little freaked.
Ava will be 4 in July, so all I really know is girly stuff...the clothes, the hair, the toys, the attitude!!!!
I feel like I have been working at a company for 4 years, and am finally getting the knack of what my department requires, now, I got a "promotion" and I have to run 2 departments simultaneously!
Tell me about the boy department.
What are they really like??? I hear that they are sweeter, calmer and easier than girls??? Is it true? I hope so, because we have The Queen Diva on our hands.
Where do you buy great boy clothes??
How do you get your boys hair cut? Short, long, Flip, gel? Hair salon or barber?
What about the toys? Do you play cars/tranformers/etc with them? I never played thay kind of stuff, I guess that I will learn.
When you change a new baby boy, do you tuck "it"? Up? Down? Any special brand of diapers?
One of my favorite strollers that I have is a Maclaren with magenta and grey polka dots, do you think he will mind strolling around town in it??!!!
Also, how did you pick your boys name? Is he named after someone?
Sorry for all the silly questions, I am curious..
Thanks, Tara
Posted 4/11/08 8:40 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
First off - congrats!!!!
Umm - let me see if I can answer some of these questions.
I always wanted a boy and a girl - before I had a boy - now I could care less if I had 12 boys.
I don't know about all little boys but Jack is just the most fun - sweetest little man ever. His face lights up when I walk in the room. Even if I only left 2 seconds ago. He is a total Momma's boy. He has a great sense of humor and laughs all day long.
We are not at the car/transformer stage yet - thank god - but I guess I would play with him if he wanted me too.
I buy clothes for him everywhere. Children's Place, Gap, Denny's, Lord and Taylor, you name it - I shop there. I dress him more on the sporty side - then the preppy side. During the days - he wears sweatsuits, running pants etc. When we go out out - he is usually in nice pants - or jeans - and a nice shirt or sweater.
I think you need to retire the Maclaren - otherwise he may have a complex down the road
We loved the name Jack - we are big 24 fans - and Jack Bauer - just seemed like such a strong name. I LOVE it still
HAHA - I don't tuck anything - it just goes on it's own! When he was first born i faced it down I think. I'm pretty sure boys are easier to change then girls!
Hope some of that helps - it's going to be just as amazing as it's been with your little girl - I promise!
Posted 4/11/08 8:50 PM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
here's something that I have been noticing...
we live at the park. Its my boy and the boy I watch.
We always see the same 8 boys there. That's it. Every now and then, I see a dad there with his twin girls.
That leads me to believe that these moms need to get the boys out of the house to climb and run.
I love having a boy, I always wanted a boy.
I live at gap and osh kosh. I like gymboree also.
He is sooooo go with the flow. I take him everywhere and anywhere.
He loves running errands with Leo during the day.
Super affectionate
Never met a Josh we did not like
Posted 4/11/08 8:54 PM |

Member since 5/05 23599 total posts
Name: Stefanie
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
Sweeter, calmer and easier???
Well, I don't know about that. But I'm only one person speaking about my own boy.
My son is very sweet. When he sees that I've hurt myself, he runs to me and asks me if I want him to kiss it better.
Calm? That word isn't in our vocabulary. The only time he's calm is when he's totally engrossed in his curious george show or when he's sleeping.
Easier? I don't have a girl, so I can't compare my boy to a girl. All my friends have girls though. I do thinks that boys can be easier especially when it comes to dressing them. You don't have to dress them up, you can throw on sweats and they'll look adorable and be comfortable. Hair is easy, unless you're giving your boy a long hairstyle.
They say there is nothing like a mother and her son...there will always be a special bond. I feel it already.
ETA: Toys are fun too. I used to play with matchbox cars when I was a little girl and Jared loves cars. If you can say vroom and beep beep...he'll love playing with you.
Clothes? Old Navy, Children's place and the Gap.
Diaper change~I tuck it down.
Stroller? Gray/black~works for either sex.
Where I got the name? Jarrett was my cousin's friend's name. I thought it was a great name....I just didn't like the spelling. So I changed it to Jared.
Message edited 4/11/2008 9:03:17 PM.
Posted 4/11/08 8:59 PM |
Train Ride
Member since 5/05 3127 total posts
Name: A
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
What are they really like??? I hear that they are sweeter, calmer and easier than girls??? Is it true?
Can't answer this, I only have a boy... From what I'm told they are a bit slower to talk and potty train
Where do you buy great boy clothes??
Janie and Jack Normal everyday from Target, walmart, gap
How do you get your boys hair cut? Short, long, Flip, gel? Hair salon or barber?
I like short hair, a little bit longer in the winter. We get DS hair cut at a barber, can't beat the price
What about the toys? Do you play cars/tranformers/etc with them?
Yes, DS is now 20 months and loves match box cars
When you change a new baby boy, do you tuck "it"? Up? Down? Any special brand of diapers?
I liked pampers for DS when he was younger, now he uses generic brands. I don't tuck it, just let it be the way it wants to be.
One of my favorite strollers that I have is a Maclaren with magenta and grey polka dots, do you think he will mind strolling around town in it??!!!
No, It does not matter to him, not for a while anyway!!
Also, how did you pick your boys name? Is he named after someone?
First name was just a name we liked, Middle name was after someone
Posted 4/11/08 8:59 PM |
Member since 6/05 9878 total posts
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
It is true.. I have a sweet, calm, mellow little boy on my hands but what a little tough guy... so not a cuddler.
I buy a lot of his stuff at baby gap. i love carters and children's place has cute stuff too. I know everyone complains about boy clothes but I LOVE them AND i get to dress him exactly how i always wanted Dh to dress 
We use Pampers and don't point it in any direction.
He won't know what color his stroller is 
We picked the name (Nate short for Nathaniel) just because we loved it
Good luck
Posted 4/11/08 9:01 PM |
Big brother to be!
Member since 9/06 6314 total posts
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
Posted by avamamma
Since I found out that we are having a boy, yesterday, I am a little freaked.
Ava will be 4 in July, so all I really know is girly stuff...the clothes, the hair, the toys, the attitude!!!!
I feel like I have been working at a company for 4 years, and am finally getting the knack of what my department requires, now, I got a "promotion" and I have to run 2 departments simultaneously!
Tell me about the boy department.
What are they really like??? I hear that they are sweeter, calmer and easier than girls??? Is it true? I hope so, because we have The Queen Diva on our hands.
Where do you buy great boy clothes??
How do you get your boys hair cut? Short, long, Flip, gel? Hair salon or barber?
What about the toys? Do you play cars/tranformers/etc with them? I never played thay kind of stuff, I guess that I will learn.
When you change a new baby boy, do you tuck "it"? Up? Down? Any special brand of diapers?
One of my favorite strollers that I have is a Maclaren with magenta and grey polka dots, do you think he will mind strolling around town in it??!!!
Also, how did you pick your boys name? Is he named after someone?
Sorry for all the silly questions, I am curious..
Thanks, Tara
i don't know what it's like to have a girl, but jonah is the most mellow, sweet, delicious little thing i could ever imagine
i buy lots of boy clothes at gymboree - it's boyish yet still babyish - not like a man's clothing for a baby, which is sometimes what i see in other stores...
jonah's never had a haircut - he's just 6 months - but i do flip it using a touch of baby oil when he gets out of the bath
right now we only play with baby toys, nothing too boyish yet...
i don't tuck it. and i really like pampers swaddlers.
i would pack away the stroller... the magenta dots may be too much!
jonah is named after my father, whose name also began with a 'j'. i picked the name jonah specifically because it's not common and we just liked the sound of it
good luck... you will LOVE having a boy!!
Posted 4/11/08 9:02 PM |
Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05 9300 total posts
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
What are they really like??? I am so in love with my son it is ridiculous! He is very sweet, loving, mushy and also VERy active! I now know why mother's are known for saying "my son my son"! The way a son looks at his mother is undescribeable. I am pg with baby #2 and we are blessed to be having a girl, but I would of been happy with all boys that is how much I adore my son!
Where do you buy great boy clothes?? I never dressed my son in baby, cutesy clothes, not a fan. I like little man clothes: polo shirts, lacoste, camo, cargo pants/shorts, sporty. I love Denny's and get most of his clothes from there. I also like the Gap, Lord & Taylor, Neiman Marcus (online), Old Navy
How do you get your boys hair cut? DS goes to Mario the barber!!
What about the toys? Do you play cars/tranformers/etc with them? DS loves baseball, football, soccer anything sports related. He does play with cars, but he likes to be active.
When you change a new baby boy, do you tuck "it"? Up? Down? When he was an infant,I tucked it down..now it just tucks itself,LOL!
One of my favorite strollers that I have is a Maclaren with magenta and grey polka dots, do you think he will mind strolling around town in it??!!!
Like Diana1215 said, it may be time to retire the stroller! I have a orange and grey Maclaren, you may want to look into something similiar (just kidding)
Our son is named after my FIL. I come from a very traditional Italian family and it is custom to name the 1st boy after the husband's father...didn't hurt that my DH's name is the same as well!
Congrats..you are going to be thrilled with a boy!! Something about mother's and son's!!!!!!
Message edited 4/11/2008 9:09:45 PM.
Posted 4/11/08 9:04 PM |

Member since 8/06 13803 total posts
Name: Jeannie
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
What are they really like??? I hear that they are sweeter, calmer and easier than girls??? Is it true? I hope so, because we have The Queen Diva on our hands.
My girlfriend has 2 girls and I have 2 boys. Her daughters are WAAAY more mellow than my sons. But it could just be a personality thing? My sons ARE sweet though. They are complete mushpots. And while they love their dad - I hung the moon in their eyes.
Where do you buy great boy clothes??
I shop everywhere and anywhere. But I think it is easier to be frugal with boys. I mean - jeans are jeans! You don't have a lot of the accessories and what not that comes with girl shopping which is great for the wallet, but makes me sometimes wistful when I see so much cute girlie stuff. Target, Kohl's, The Gap, Gymboree, Old Navy and Children's Place are staples.
How do you get your boys hair cut? Short, long, Flip, gel? Hair salon or barber?
I let them decide. And they have had an opinion since they were old enough to have haircuts! So far they have had mohawks, flips, crew cuts and mangy in between sloppy looking messes.
What about the toys? Do you play cars/tranformers/etc with them? I never played thay kind of stuff, I guess that I will learn.
I play everything with them. Yeah - cars and trucks and whatever are big - but they also like 'girlie' stuff too. We play kitchen and supermarket and we have played dress up too. They love costumes (Superman, Spiderman and the Hulk are year round in our house). And anything where they can spend that endless energy - swings, monkey bars or just a big open field that they can run like lunatics in.
When you change a new baby boy, do you tuck "it"? Up? Down? Any special brand of diapers?
Diapers are treat compared to girls! They don't have as many.. er.. nooks and crannies for the mess to hide it! And the baby wink is a bit to small to be tucked anywhere.
One of my favorite strollers that I have is a Maclaren with magenta and grey polka dots, do you think he will mind strolling around town in it??!!!
He's not gonna mind if YOU don't mind. Your husband.. MAY mind.
Also, how did you pick your boys name? Is he named after someone?
My oldest was supposed to be Vincent because I really liked the name. But I asked Rob if he wanted to name the baby after himself. He said NO (and emphatically too!). After I came into recovery, Rob was holding our new son. I asked if it was a boy or a girl and he said "It's a boy!" full of so much wonder. I said "Vincent?" and he looked at me with this LOOK. And I said.. "You want to name him Robert, don't you?" And we did. He has 2 middle names - Louis for my father - and my maiden name.
I just LOOOOVED the name Noah and when my 2nd son was born I KNEW that was the name. But my husband wasn't sold. He liked Jason. I waited until that evening and when Rob came up I said "I have been thinking that he really looks like a Noah" - I put on my best 'withered look' and tried to look hopeful and pale from having just given birth to his son. He was willing to do whatever I said and Noah it was. We gave him my FIL's name as a middle name and my maiden name as a second middle name.
I am so excited for you! You will LOOOOVE being a member of Team Blue!
Posted 4/11/08 9:24 PM |
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
I have a boy and a girl and well my DD is so easy but I have to say I think it is because she is #2. DS is very good but like any child he has his meltdowns and is pretty loud which a few of the moms can attest to on here . DD is so mellow and just goes with the flow. She is more serious that DS and you really have to work to get her to giggle and smile. DS would crack up if you pretended to sneeze.
I dress DS like Sweet13 does. I shop mainly at Gap because I feel like the clothes fit him the best from there. I do also shop at Children's place and old navy.
He hasn't had many hair cuts, maybe 5 or 6 in 2 years. We brought him to some kiddie place by me and they did an ok job. We decided to buzz his hair at home the last time and well that will be the last time it is buzzed.
I never tucked anything because no matter what I did he still leaked. That was probably the most annoying thing about having a boy. He leaked through his clothe at night for the first 6 weeks.
I also agree with Diana..I think a new stroller might be in order if you can afford it. Wendy Belissmo makes one that looks just like the McClaren that is navy/greyish color with camo on the sides that is blue/grey for $100 and it is on sale now for $80 I think. I also would get another one becaue I have issues with doing for one and not the other. I know my DD doesn't know if I did something for DS and not her, but I know and that is enough for me.
How we came up with his name...well DH and I are both Croatian and I was into the ER. Dr. Kovac on the show is croatian and his first name is Luka so I threw it out and that was the only name DH liked. I warn you though, any Luka I have run into is spirited
With all that said I love both my kids so much but I feel a different love for each of them and DH says the same thing. It's not loving more than the other it is is just different.
Congrats on having a boy....it really is so much fun.
Message edited 4/12/2008 9:03:40 AM.
Posted 4/11/08 9:31 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 11/06 268 total posts
Name: Gia
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
Lets see...
Is Jack easier or calmer than a girl???? HMM. I wouldnt say that but he has always been a hand full. I will say however he is very affectionate. He loves him AHHHMEEEE and DADA. I agree with a post above. There is just something special about the bond a mother has with her son. I would have all boys if I could.
As far as the clothes are concerned I typically shop at Old Navy, The Gap and Childrens Place. For the really good stuff go to Janie and Jack but thats really for special occasions.
His hair...we like it short. It's just easier that way because its always funny when it's alittle long and he gets bed head or its in his eyes.
Toys....early on it is the same toys you would get for either gender. You dont really see much boy vs girl stuff for the first year or so. It's really once they turn 1 that you start getting into the gender toys. It's pretty easy though. My DS drives a car across the floor the same way he used to with my remote control. It just comes natural. You'll find yourself "VRMMMMNG that car" with your son without thinking about it.
The stroller......Sorry but I think you will need to retire it for your sons sake.
Lastly, It is soooo much easier to change a boys diaper than a girls diaper. You wipe all around it and run over it and then tuck it down so that the pee doesnt run all over there belly. If your DS is circumcised you will also need to pull his foreskin back atleast 1 time per day...but now your getting ahead of yourself. It's pretty easy!
Hope this helps. CONGRATS!!!!!
Posted 4/11/08 10:09 PM |
Mom of 2 Boys
Member since 5/05 4381 total posts
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
Congrats!!! You are too funny.
What are they really like??? I hear that they are sweeter, calmer and easier than girls??? Is it true? I hope so, because we have The Queen Diva on our hands.
Not sure about comparison to girls too much because I have two boys. But my boys are always on the go and don't sit still for long. Very active, climbers, etc. Little toughies/bruts but yet are loveable and affectionate.
Where do you buy great boy clothes??
Gap, gymboree, Old Navy, CP mostly
How do you get your boys hair cut? Short, long, Flip, gel? Hair salon or barber?
Dad takes him to the barber - cut short
What about the toys? Do you play cars/tranformers/etc with them? I never played thay kind of stuff, I guess that I will learn.
Trains and cars and balls and sports!!! They will show you how!!!
When you change a new baby boy, do you tuck "it"? Up? Down? Any special brand of diapers?
down. cruisers. in the early days keep a wash cloth close by to cover it up!! vaseline on the peepee esp if it is a inny (some boys esp those chubsters like mine have innies for awhile and have to push it out and vaseline it up)
One of my favorite strollers that I have is a Maclaren with magenta and grey polka dots, do you think he will mind strolling around town in it??!!!
Baby won't mind but you will and so will dad! By 2.5 my son has told me pink is for girls!
Also, how did you pick your boys name? Is he named after someone? Had very hard time with boys names - nothing grabbed us either time. My 1st - liked the first name but decided on way to hospital. Middle name is DH's. 2nd - First name was after my dad and middle name after DH's grandfather - both who had passed between the time of my 1st and 2nd son's births.
Boys are fun!!!
Message edited 4/11/2008 10:22:55 PM.
Posted 4/11/08 10:20 PM |
The Prince & Princess
Member since 7/05 4939 total posts
Name: J
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
Posted by avamamma I feel like I have been working at a company for 4 years, and am finally getting the knack of what my department requires, now, I got a "promotion" and I have to run 2 departments simultaneously!
Tell me about the boy department.
First, congrats and I love this statement!
What are they really like??? I can only compare DS to my niece (only girl on both our sides). Our niece is a drama queen and only 15 mos! There are noticable differences in their personalities, even this young (DS is 11 mos).
Clothes: I was fortunate enough to receive a lot of hand-me-downs from friends who were done having kids. But I did buy alot from Carters and Childrens Place. I do notice that MANY stores are 70% girls and 30% boys.
Haircut-We did just a trim, so he could see! But all future cuts will be a buzz type done at the Barber shop w/ Daddy!
Toys-I have a nephew who is 7, and is the only child on my side of the family, so i was used to the trucks and cars playing.
Diapering- **TUCK IT DOWN** if not, he will pee out the top! One VALUABLE lesson I learned on LIF before having DS! We started w/ Pampers Swaddlers, when he outgrew them we went to Cruisers, but he started leaking, so we switched to Luvs (good so far, knock on wood). We do use Huggies Overnights with a Diaper Double- that makes SUCH a difference.
Magenta Stroller-I'm SURE he won't care. Your DH might! This is why we registered for gender neutral "cargo" so we could utilize it with all the kids.
Name- As soon as I found out I was PG, we instantly had a girl name. Boy name-we couldn't agree on one. As soon as we found out it was a boy, the "battle" began. I loved Troy, and DH said "Eh, it's okay" He said it grew on him and he now loves it. DS' middle name the same as DH's first name.
**Welcome to the Boys Team!!**
Posted 4/11/08 10:29 PM |
Mommy to 2 amazing little boys
Member since 5/05 9306 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
Posted by Diana1215
First off - congrats!!!!
I always wanted a boy and a girl - before I had a boy - now I could care less if I had 12 boys.
I totally agree! I always wanted a girl but now I just love my little boy! Although he is only 16 weeks old, he barely cries and is always smiling. He is just such a happy content little kid, its amazing.
Point that sucker down in teh beginning, DS was always peeing through things until we did this and then he never peed through another outfit!
Dont ask us about naming a kid, it took us until he was almost 3 days old to decide!
Posted 4/11/08 10:38 PM |
my princess

Member since 10/05 2936 total posts
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
Posted by Sweets13
What are they really like??? I am so in love with my son it is ridiculous! He is very sweet, loving, mushy and also VERy active! I now know why mother's are known for saying "my son my son"! The way a son looks at his mother is undescribeable. I am pg with baby #2 and we are blessed to be having a girl, but I would of been happy with all boys that is how much I adore my son!
Where do you buy great boy clothes?? I never dressed my son in baby, cutesy clothes, not a fan. I like little man clothes: polo shirts, lacoste, camo, cargo pants/shorts, sporty. I love Denny's and get most of his clothes from there. I also like the Gap, Lord & Taylor, Neiman Marcus (online), Old Navy
How do you get your boys hair cut? DS goes to Mario the barber!!
What about the toys? Do you play cars/tranformers/etc with them? DS loves baseball, football, soccer anything sports related. He does play with cars, but he likes to be active.
When you change a new baby boy, do you tuck "it"? Up? Down? When he was an infant,I tucked it down..now it just tucks itself,LOL!
One of my favorite strollers that I have is a Maclaren with magenta and grey polka dots, do you think he will mind strolling around town in it??!!!
Like Diana1215 said, it may be time to retire the stroller! I have a orange and grey Maclaren, you may want to look into something similiar (just kidding)
Our son is named after my FIL. I come from a very traditional Italian family and it is custom to name the 1st boy after the husband's father...didn't hurt that my DH's name is the same as well!
Congrats..you are going to be thrilled with a boy!! Something about mother's and son's!!!!!!
i could have written most of this post myself...except our barber's name is Rocco!
Seriously...I always wanted girls...after Antonio I would not have minded a house full of boys
The other day he turned to my sis and said "I like mommy's face"...
Posted 4/11/08 10:43 PM |
Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05 17988 total posts
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
I love the quote "a boy is a joy" - it's so true!
What are they really like??? Definitely adventure seeking - I see it in my 10 month old already but at the same time he really is a sweetie pie. He lights up when I walk in the room (and vice versa) and he's just my whole world. I love having a little boy.
Where do you buy great boy clothes?? You'd be surprised with what's out there. Yes, there are twice as many things to choose from for girls but there are so many great things for boys. I have had such a great time dressing my son. I love how he looks like a little man in his clothes. I never really dressed him cutesy...never in pastels. I like more of the casual/sporty look. He's usually in a pair of cargo pants with a thermal top...that kind of thing. I love Gap for him but I also get good stuff at Janie & Jack, Carters (especially for basics), Old Navy, and Crazy 8.
How do you get your boys hair cut? After his first haircut he will go to the same barber shop as my husband.
What about the toys? Do you play cars/tranformers/etc with them? In the beginning it's easy - the infant toys are easy to play with and very interactive. I think that as they get older and get into the action figures - that ends up being more solitary or peer play. But I plan on lots of family games...cards, board games...that sort of stuff.
When you change a new baby boy, do you tuck "it"? Up? Down? Any special brand of diapers? I make sure it's pointing down but don't go crazy to get it that way or make it stay. For the most part it's not an issue. Make sure that in the beginning that you pull down on the skin (my experience comes from a circumcision perspective) when cleaning because there are fold and you want to make sure to clean it as well as prevent the skin from fusing. I prefer pampers for DS.
One of my favorite strollers that I have is a Maclaren with magenta and grey polka dots, do you think he will mind strolling around town in it??!!! I would get something more gender neutral for the both of them to share.
Also, how did you pick your boys name? Is he named after someone? We honeymooned in Cabo San Lucas where we both agreed that in a year we would try...we got pregnant in St. Lucia so we thought Lucas was perfect. Plus we loved that it translated easily in Italian. I was in love with the name Matteo and we both loved the names together so we got...Lucas Matteo.
Congratulations...I'll start and finish by saying....a boy is a joy!!!!
Posted 4/11/08 10:57 PM |
I love these boys

Member since 7/07 2711 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
I have 3 boys and I love it! I usually buy their clothes at babies r us, khols, gap, children's place, and old navy. My 2 oldest have flip hair cuts and my youngest is only 1 so he still has the little boy hair cut but by next yr he'll have the flip too. (it's just so easy to take care of ) I take them to a barba or my friend that cuts hair (once a month) My boys are very active being at the park or outside for them to run around is the best for them otherwise they are climbing on tables at home. I love the fact that when they marry I get my special dance with them. My boys love cars and yes I play them all the time however my 3yr old loves to help clean and my 1yr old is starting to enjoy it as well (so give them a magic eraser and they'll doing your molding for ya ) How I chose their names I like short names and names that can't be shortened (Kyle, Jake, & Gavin) their middle names are after family though. I do have a step dtr and I do feel that boys are more immature then the girls unless just mine are but the famous question everyone askes me if I would to have another baby would I want a girl to be honest I would be happy with what ever god gave me however I like the idea of having another boy, I just feel like I have a strong bond with each of them. They are mama boys By the way congrats !
Posted 4/11/08 11:23 PM |

Member since 6/05 2922 total posts
Name: N
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
What are they really like??? Well I can go by my DS, and he's just amazing... he's always so happy when he sees me walk into a room (he is when his dad walks in too, but always goes back to mama) He's just so sweet, so loving, loves to give hugs. I can go on and on... But I always did want one of each, but I wanted a boy first, to be honest at this point I dont really care, I love my son so much, that if another replica came along of him I'd be just as happy.
Where do you buy great boy clothes?? mainly the GAP, dpmt stores, Lucky. I never dress DS baby like, he's always dressed like a lil man... if I can have him and DH dress alike I do... DS is mainly in jeans and polos or t'shirts, and sneakers.
How do you get your boys hair cut? Short, long, Flip, gel? Hair salon or barber? well DS was born with barely any hair, but when he does get his first haircut it'll be my mom that does it...shes a retired hairdresser.
What about the toys? Do you play cars/tranformers/etc with them? as far as toys, its mainly infant toys right now, but he has a tonka truck that he likes to play with and i just play with him.
When you change a new baby boy, do you tuck "it"? Up? Down? Any special brand of diapers? I never tucked anything, I used Pampers Swaddlers in the beginning and now on Pampers Cruisers.
One of my favorite strollers that I have is a Maclaren with magenta and grey polka dots, do you think he will mind strolling around town in it??!!! umm yea he'll mind... get something neutral
Also, how did you pick your boys name? Is he named after someone? DS is named Luka Ivan, Luka is the only name DH and I agreed on and Ivan is after DH's father.
enjoy it.. alot of mommies that only have girls, always say boys are no fun or they're no fun to dress... but i promise you they really are!!!
Posted 4/11/08 11:35 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
What are they really like??? I hear that they are sweeter, calmer and easier than girls??? Is it true? I hope so, because we have The Queen Diva on our hands. Im my case, absolutely true. I have one of each, my boy is going to be 4 next month and my girl is going to be 2. He is so much more calm than she is. My DD is a HUGE Diva, cries all the time. However, both are great sleepers and eaters, so I can't complain!
Where do you buy great boy clothes?? It's hard, I can't really say I buy "great clothes". I get my son's clothes in Target, Children's Place, Old Navy, Gap, Kohl's, etc. He dresses more comfy, in sweats and stuff.
How do you get your boys hair cut? Short, long, Flip, gel? Hair salon or barber? He's only been the the barber. Get's it nice and short, no gels or anything, just combed every day
What about the toys? Do you play cars/tranformers/etc with them? I never played thay kind of stuff, I guess that I will learn. I grew up with 3 brothers, so playing cars and trucks (especially since my DH is in the business) was no big deal. He's obsessed with things like the garbage men, the mailman, big trucks, car haulers, etc.
When you change a new baby boy, do you tuck "it"? Up? Down? Any special brand of diapers? His was a hider, so I never had to tuck. I did use a lot of vaseline on his circ to keep him from having adhesions. I always used Pampers for my kids, Cruisers in particular. Boy are by far much easier to clean when they have a dirty diaper. But you do have to watch when the pee with out a diaper, expect to get soaked a few times!
One of my favorite strollers that I have is a Maclaren with magenta and grey polka dots, do you think he will mind strolling around town in it??!!! I'd look for a more neutral one. Look on Craigs List or ask on LIF for a gently used one if you don't want to spent the money on brand new
Also, how did you pick your boys name? Is he named after someone? He's not named after anyone, we just liked the name and it was one we could agree on
Posted 4/11/08 11:43 PM |
Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05 9300 total posts
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
Posted by Seles81
DS is very good but like any child he has his meltdowns and is pretty loud which a few of the moms can attest to on here .
Luka was so good at Gymboree!! He was an angel. I believe it was my son telling Diana to share the balls and having the meltdown when it was time to go
But like any child, meltdowns happen
Posted 4/12/08 7:22 AM |
Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
Tell me about the boy department.
What are they really like??? My DS is wonderful, he is sweet and cuddley and very good natured.
Where do you buy great boy clothes?? I'd take Ang's advice, I love the way Lucas is dressed! But I like Carter's, Gap and oddly enough my MIL buys him clothes at Kmart and they are CUTE and very durable!
How do you get your boys hair cut? Short, long, Flip, gel? Hair salon or barber? Ask me in about 4 years, that si when Christopher will need a haircute. LOL
What about the toys? Do you play cars/tranformers/etc with them? I never played thay kind of stuff, I guess that I will learn. Well, right now his toys aren't very "boy", but I am sure I will and you will want to play the boy toys when the time comes.
When you change a new baby boy, do you tuck "it"? Up? Down? Any special brand of diapers? I never tucked anything anywhere, we use Luvs diapers.
One of my favorite strollers that I have is a Maclaren with magenta and grey polka dots, do you think he will mind strolling around town in it??!!! He won't mind it, but you may get some comments. And my DH would not be too happy about it either...
Also, how did you pick your boys name? Is he named after someone? Well, my DS is a III, so yeah, he is.
Posted 4/12/08 7:53 AM |
needs to update her avatar pic
Member since 6/05 10212 total posts
Name: Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
First off, congratulations and welcome to team blue!
I will add my comments too as we each have our own special boys
What are they really like??? I hear that they are sweeter, calmer and easier than girls??? Is it true? I hope so, because we have The Queen Diva on our hands. I can only speak for my boy. Yes, he is the sweetest most wonderful little mush. He will stop playing to run over to me and give me a hug or a kiss. His face also lights up when DH comes home from work. He is amazing and I can only hope that all future children will be as sweet. This is isn't to say that there aren't meltdowns and tantrums
Where do you buy great boy clothes?? We buy at the GAP, Old Navy, Children's Place, Carters (PJs mostly and baby clothes), RL, Polo. I like to dress up DS for parties and when we are going out in button downs and sweaters or vests with either khakis or jeans. For everyday, he is generally in sweat suits or jeans. Really depends on what we are doing.
How do you get your boys hair cut? Short, long, Flip, gel? Hair salon or barber? I still take DS to a Kids Cuts place in the mall by me. He flips out when he is getting his hair cut and I don't think DH could handle it yet
What about the toys? Do you play cars/tranformers/etc with them? I never played thay kind of stuff, I guess that I will learn. Like anything, you too shall learn! Believe me, he will teach you!
When you change a new baby boy, do you tuck "it"? Up? Down? Any special brand of diapers? I am a fan of Pampers (Swaddlers to Cruisers). In the beginning, no tuck but now I tuck it down. It doesn't always stay that way though!
One of my favorite strollers that I have is a Maclaren with magenta and grey polka dots, do you think he will mind strolling around town in it??!!! Yeah, you might want to get a more neutral stroller!
Also, how did you pick your boys name? Is he named after someone? I always loved the name Jeremy. His middle name is Nathan and that is after an uncle who passed away.
Feel free to ask away! That is what we are here for
Posted 4/12/08 8:14 AM |
Welcome 2010!
Member since 2/06 8879 total posts
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
My boy is only 4 months, and at this point I don't know if there is any big difference between him and a baby girl--I think some of that is not evident yet. But I did watch baby girls when I was younger, so here goes:
They may be slightly more active on average, though this can vary. My cousin Heather was a very active little girl and kind of a tomboy. My friend's daughter is the same.
You are supposed to point it down when changing--usually that's the direction things go in anyway. We use Pampers, Huggies leaked all the time with him. Don't know if this is a boy thing though. We did decide to circumsize, and care was pretty easy. You just have to cover it with vaseline so the wound doesn't stick to the gauze pad.
Clothes--disappointing IMO. Mainly because neither DH nor I like the typical guy sports, and almost everything is sports, sports, sports(baseball, football). Of course DS has no preferences yet, so we wind up getting him some sports clothing out of necessity. I go to Children's Place a lot (there is one near our house), but I like Gap and Old Navy for boy clothes. Carters fit him well--he's long, and they tend to cut their clothes longer.
No haircuts yet! There is almost no hair, so I have no advice on this. I probably won't put any products in it though.
As far as easy, so far I'm not seeing it. DS had colic the first few months, and while that's mostly past, he has his really fussy moments now. I think people think of the teen and preteen years when they say this. As far as young children, I would say girls are easier actually.
He shows no preference for trucks, etc. yet, and we're buying him pretty gender neutral toys at this point. If he likes trucks we'll get him truckes when he's older, but I'm not planning to surround him with them.
Good luck and congratulations!
Posted 4/12/08 11:48 AM |
Member since 5/05 11726 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
Posted by Stefanie
Sweeter, calmer and easier???
Well, I don't know about that. But I'm only one person speaking about my own boy.
My son is very sweet. When he sees that I've hurt myself, he runs to me and asks me if I want him to kiss it better.
Calm? That word isn't in our vocabulary. The only time he's calm is when he's totally engrossed in his curious george show or when he's sleeping.
Easier? I don't have a girl, so I can't compare my boy to a girl. All my friends have girls though. I do thinks that boys can be easier especially when it comes to dressing them. You don't have to dress them up, you can throw on sweats and they'll look adorable and be comfortable. Hair is easy, unless you're giving your boy a long hairstyle.
They say there is nothing like a mother and her son...there will always be a special bond. I feel it already.
ETA: Toys are fun too. I used to play with matchbox cars when I was a little girl and Jared loves cars. If you can say vroom and beep beep...he'll love playing with you.
Clothes? Old Navy, Children's place and the Gap.
Diaper change~I tuck it down.
Stroller? Gray/black~works for either sex.
A lot of the things Stef said about Jared are the same with Nate. Jayden is a little more easy going than Nate. Nate is definitely high energy and a drama king.
Now Jayden's hair is another story it takes me 30 to wash and detangle it. But we'll fix that today, he's getting a hair cut.
Clothes we also shop at JCPenney, Target, Marshall's, Macy's, and Carters. I will say that shopping for the holidays is disappointing bc there are not very many options. Same sweater vests, khakis/chinos/cords, white/striped/checkered shirts every season but different colors.
DS#1 is Nathaniel Alexander. I loved the name Alexander but DH's niece's name is Alexis so we decided to use it as a middle name. Nathaniel is another name that I liked when I was pg but DH wasn't thrilled about it. He want Gabriel for first name but I didn't like it. So when he was born we chose Nathaniel.
DS#2 is Jayden Xavier. This kid didn't have a name until he was 3 days old. We were going to go with Charles Xavier but every male we told the name to immediately referenced Professor X. I have no idea where Jayden came from.... I just said it and then DH said OK.
Message edited 4/12/2008 12:56:52 PM.
Posted 4/12/08 12:19 PM |
Happy Days!

Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: O.K. Moms, tell me about boys!!!!
BOYS are AWESOME. they love their mommies, they are sooooo affectionate and they always need you. I love love love love love little boys!!!
Posted 4/12/08 12:36 PM |
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