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Moms Returning to Work

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Best friends!

Member since 12/06

23090 total posts


Moms Returning to Work

Particularly those having their moms, MILS, etc. watch the baby at their home...

Are you registering for duplicates of anything, like:
-high chair
-pack n' play (and would this be sufficient for baby during the day, as opposed to getting another crib for her house?)
-bottle sanitizer
-swing/bouncer/exersaucer/play mat

This is so confusing! I want to register for what I need, in case people want to buy it all!!

Posted 2/7/07 1:42 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

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Re: Moms Returning to Work

my IL's are going to watch our daughter 3 days a week when I go back to work

My friend had given me a hand me down swing and bouncer which I will bring over there

My IL's said they are going to buy a crib

I am going to get an extra playmat to leave at their house

I think that is it...obviously, I will stock them up with some clothes, diapers and wipes at the beginning of each week Chat Icon

Posted 2/7/07 1:45 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Moms Returning to Work

No. This is not a flame, but I think that is a bit much honestly. SMIL is watching our son and the only extra thing that I registered for that she would use is the car seat base.

We actually have a pack and play that SIL bought last year when she was visiting us and that will go to SMIL's for naps, etc.

I think that duplicates really are the responsbility of the parents, and I think people would think you made a mistake on your registryChat Icon

Like I said earlier, this is not a flame at all. I just wouldn't do it.

Posted 2/7/07 1:45 PM

Best friends!

Member since 12/06

23090 total posts


Re: Moms Returning to Work

Posted by KateDevine

No. This is not a flame, but I think that is a bit much honestly. SMIL is watching our son and the only extra thing that I registered for that she would use is the car seat base.

We actually have a pack and play that SIL bought last year when she was visiting us and that will go to SMIL's for naps, etc.

I think that duplicates really are the responsbility of the parents, and I think people would think you made a mistake on your registryChat Icon

Like I said earlier, this is not a flame at all. I just wouldn't do it.

I completely understand what you're saying, and believe me, I'm the furthest from greedy, and I agree that people may think we'e made a mistake w/duplicates. I just didn't know if we should add some of the things we needed two of. We probably won't though.

Posted 2/7/07 2:11 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Moms Returning to Work

Posted by nbc188

Posted by KateDevine

No. This is not a flame, but I think that is a bit much honestly. SMIL is watching our son and the only extra thing that I registered for that she would use is the car seat base.

We actually have a pack and play that SIL bought last year when she was visiting us and that will go to SMIL's for naps, etc.

I think that duplicates really are the responsbility of the parents, and I think people would think you made a mistake on your registryChat Icon

Like I said earlier, this is not a flame at all. I just wouldn't do it.

I completely understand what you're saying, and believe me, I'm the furthest from greedy, and I agree that people may think we'e made a mistake w/duplicates. I just didn't know if we should add some of the things we needed two of. We probably won't though.

I just didn't want to sound like a b!tch. I think people sometimes have the best intentions, but it can be seen as greedy, know what I mean? My SIL thought it would be a good idea to have an ipod and a plasma on her wedding registry and people really thought she wanted those things and found it slightly insulting.

There are good ways to get a lot of that stuff second hand for the second house, either from friends or neighbors or even just from yard sales, etc.

Posted 2/7/07 2:32 PM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: Moms Returning to Work

Posted by KateDevine

No. This is not a flame, but I think that is a bit much honestly. SMIL is watching our son and the only extra thing that I registered for that she would use is the car seat base.

We actually have a pack and play that SIL bought last year when she was visiting us and that will go to SMIL's for naps, etc.

I think that duplicates really are the responsbility of the parents, and I think people would think you made a mistake on your registryChat Icon

Like I said earlier, this is not a flame at all. I just wouldn't do it.

I agree. I think it's the parent's responsibility to buy those things themselves.

In fact, I think it's the parent's responsibility to buy everything themselves. A shower is nice, but I think too many people expect that every single thing will be purchased off their registry and are upset when they actually have to go and spend money themselves to buy the items.

Posted 2/7/07 4:51 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

4580 total posts


Re: Moms Returning to Work

My mom and MIL are watching my baby and have already started getting hand-me-downs and looking at yard sales, etc for items for their houses...they will be watching the baby at my house in the beginning, but both want their own strollers, etc for the baby. I have offered to buy anything that they want/need for the baby though...

Posted 2/7/07 5:43 PM

Then there was 2

Member since 3/06

5696 total posts


Re: Moms Returning to Work

no... not at this time

Posted 2/7/07 6:28 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

2223 total posts


Re: Moms Returning to Work

My MIL watches DS and we did buy an extra highchair when that time came - we got a cheapie one though.

Never had the PNP there - she would just put him on some pillows on the floor and put him down there to nap.

she did without a swing, but I tried to bring the bouncey seat over and I would also bring the stroller everyday.

Posted 2/7/07 6:55 PM

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