moms who had colicky babies come in
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Little Angel

Member since 10/05 1745 total posts
Name: Kristi
moms who had colicky babies come in
Parker is now 3 1/2 months (will be 4 months on Dec 22) and she is still very cranky. She started Zantac last week and it seem to have helped at first. Now we are back to the crying and screaming all the time. It certainly has gotten better with time but it's not completely gone. At what age did you really notice a big change? Everyone kept saying 3/4 months but I'm almost there with no end in sight !
She still naps 3 or 4 times a day. After she feeds she is happy for about 30mins and the rest is crying/screaming until she naps again. She is only lasting about an 1 1/2 before she goes down again. Everyone keeps saying the happy baby will be here soon, but when?? She goes for her 4 month check-up on Jan 2nd. Is there anything I should discuss with the doctor? Do you think the solids will help? Any advice you can give would be greatly appreciated.
Posted 12/7/06 1:21 PM |
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Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: moms who had colicky babies come in
All I can tell you is that although it feels as if it will never end, it will... these months are eternity for moms with collicky babies but I PROMISE it will not be like this forever. It's true, most babies come out of it around 3-4 months. My daughter didn't come out of it until about 6 months. For us, it was a combination of gas, immobility, and well, let's face it, in polite terms, they call it "spirit" my MIL confided in me taht DH was so bad that if he was her first, she would have never had a second child. He was the same exact way, up until 6 months, until he started becoming more mobile... good luck, use what you've got, and remember, take breaks when you need them. If all else fails, if it means keeping your sanity, it's OK to put baby in her crib so you can breathe for a minute or two, even if she cries... it won't hurt her.
Message edited 12/7/2006 2:54:32 PM.
Posted 12/7/06 2:53 PM |
Little Angel

Member since 10/05 1745 total posts
Name: Kristi
Re: moms who had colicky babies come in
Thank you. Did you DD slept at night? That's the only thing I have in my favor is that she goes to bed and sleeps. How did you stay sane during 6 months of non-stop crying? I can't imagine another 3 months of this!! I love her to death and I just want her to be happy.
Posted 12/7/06 3:19 PM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: moms who had colicky babies come in
Nope... that's what made it worse for us. My daughter didn't give us her first stretch of 4-5 hours of sleep until she was close to 8 months old! Meanwhile, I had gone back to work full-time 10 weeks post-partum, so I was operating on empty. In a way, I think it was easier for me because I was able to get away for the day, but god, I remember those times so clearly. Barely able to function at work because I was so tired, and then coming home to a baby who cried most of the night. It was god-awful. It's funny, we have neighbors who told us once that they didn't really like their daughter for the first 6 months - I was horrified when they told me taht, but once I had Alex, I could kind of relate.
With that said, you have so much to look forward too... although it's hell now, "spirited" babies turn out to be the absolute MOST fun as toddlers. She has just so much personality, it's just a riot, and these days, I just adore playing with her. Anytime I'm out, strangers come up to me all the time and comment on what personality she has and how it looks like we're having so much fun together... so, I promise, it WILL get better. What does not kill you, makes you stronger!
Posted 12/7/06 3:46 PM |
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Member since 6/05 1980 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: moms who had colicky babies come in
I also have a "spirited" baby at four months old. Everyone said she will get easier, but it's almost harder now. She gets fussy and cranky very quickly and cries much of the day. She also only sleeps in her swing. She screams her head off in her crib. I've let her go for two hours and she just does not fall asleep. Luckily, she'll go about 12 hours at night in the swing. Today, she napped for half an hour only! She was awake for 11 1/2 hours of the day!!! So I'm in bed at 8 pm ready to pass out. She is exhausting me. I also feel like there is no end in sight...
Posted 12/7/06 7:59 PM |
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