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moms who posted about having wrist pain

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wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07

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moms who posted about having wrist pain

My pain has been gone for a little while now, but i just noticed i have a small bump now. anyone else have this?

could it be a cyst?

Posted 3/19/08 7:00 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Love my Baby Boy!

Member since 4/07

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Re: moms who posted about having wrist pain

honestly i think mine is from the baby carrier...

Posted 3/19/08 8:16 PM

I <3 my boys!

Member since 12/06

1389 total posts


Re: moms who posted about having wrist pain

I ahve is a ganglion regular doctor gave me a # of a plastic surgeon to take care of it....he said i can do something about it if i want.
When I was at the gyno's office he told me to do it if it was really really bothering me. I told him it didnt bother me enough to possibly have stitches in my right wrist!! He hurts sometimes but I try to ignore as much as possible...

You could always slam it with something to burst it!---that is what my brother does....I tried it I only hurt my wrist moreChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/19/08 8:24 PM

The Prince & Princess

Member since 7/05

4939 total posts


Re: moms who posted about having wrist pain

Yup, sounds like a ganglion cyst.

I too had wrist pain, but it eventually subsided. No cyst though.

As pp suggested, you can try to make it burst and it will go away. Just that it can be painful. My mom had a ganglion cyst, and she banged her wrist/hand on the floor (related to something else-not intending to burst the cyst) and she noticed the cyst was gone! This is perfectly okay- the cyst is just filled with fluid that the body will absorb.

A friend of mine has a cyst, and she has chosen to do nothing about it. She just lives with it, and it is not causing her any pain.

Posted 3/19/08 8:31 PM

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