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Mothers of 6 month olds or BTDT moms...
what stage is your child up to developmentally? Lance is very aware for his age. However, I worry physically that he is not up to the other children. He does not sit up on his own or crawl yet, although he does try. He also will not hold his own bottle. I was just curious to see if other 6 month olds are doing these things. TIA
Posted 6/19/07 7:38 PM |
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LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 1494 total posts
Name: Carolyn
Re: Mothers of 6 month olds or BTDT moms...
My son wasn't a crawler until about 11 months! His doctors weren't concerned...he's 13 months now and not walking but almost! Oh, and he still likes me to hold his MIL said my husband was like that when he was a baby too!
Posted 6/19/07 7:42 PM |
Secret Agent

Member since 8/06 1087 total posts
Re: Mothers of 6 month olds or BTDT moms...
DD did not sit up on her own until 7 months. crawled at 9 months. she held he rown bottle around 10 months. now at 13 months, she took 5 steps on sunday but haven't tried again yet. i wouldn't worry about your kid. every baby accomplishes each milestone when they are ready to.
Message edited 6/19/2007 7:52:27 PM.
Posted 6/19/07 7:51 PM |
Big sister!!!!!!!!!!
Member since 12/05 17450 total posts
Re: Mothers of 6 month olds or BTDT moms...
DD just started scooting backward this week. She sits up unassisted but can be wobbly from time to time but she is alot better then at the beginning of the month. She holds the bottle but is lazy at times. Believe me her biggest milestones were week to week in the 6th month. So you may see a distinct change by the end of the month. She will be 7 months on the 26th.
Posted 6/19/07 7:57 PM |
<3 my family

Member since 1/06 7465 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: Mothers of 6 month olds or BTDT moms...
DD started was sitting up and holding her own bottle at 5 months. She started crawling at 6 months 3 days old. My friends DD that is the same age as my DD still doesn't crawl at 10 1/2 months while my DD is walking already. Every baby is different so its tough to compare them to other babies thier age. He will get there when he is ready!
Posted 6/19/07 8:05 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3380 total posts
Re: Mothers of 6 month olds or BTDT moms...
DD is just about 8 months. She started sittinn up unassisted at 6 months but she doesn't crawl and won't hold her own bottle. Don't worry - each baby does things on their own time.
Posted 6/19/07 9:19 PM |

Member since 5/05 18599 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Mothers of 6 month olds or BTDT moms...
I wouldn't worry at all .. My DS Nikolas is 8 months old. He is on track with some milestones but 'behind' with others..
He sat up unassisted by 5 months or so, but still does not crawl at all. He scoots around on his butt and pulled hiimself up in his crib a few times, but doesn't seem interested in crawling just yet. He doesn't want to hold his bottle at all, though he did do it a few times so I know he CAN (I seriously think he is just too lazy ).. and he wants no part of a sippy cup and I've tried just about all of them on the market 
But he is good with picking up finger foods (puffs, cheese, etc) and can feed himself really well ... so go figure 
My ped. is not concerned yet, some kids skip crawling altogether or just do things a little later than others... no worries!
Posted 6/19/07 9:25 PM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: Mothers of 6 month olds or BTDT moms...
mine is sitting up, but he doesn't crawl, he rolls all over.
He is lazy though. He also is a clingly little monkey. If he's sitting up and playing, he will lay down and wait for me to come and get him.
Posted 6/19/07 10:00 PM |
Member since 5/05 12578 total posts
Re: Mothers of 6 month olds or BTDT moms...
DD is 6 1/2 months:
Rolled belly to back at 4 months, but wasn't able to roll back to belly until almost 6 months.
She just started sitting for long periods unassisted this past week. She couldn't even sit up a week ago.
She starting eat Cheerios and drink out of a sippy
She doesn't not crawl, but does the breastroke (kinda funny)
She can hold her own bottle, but NEVER does it. LAZY BABY!!!
and we got a DADADADA a few times today I was hoping for MAMAMA, but no luck
eta: as Paulette said this month seems to be a big one...she changes so much each week.
Message edited 6/19/2007 10:32:43 PM.
Posted 6/19/07 10:31 PM |
Re: Mothers of 6 month olds or BTDT moms...
I have posted a developmental checklist I refer to - if you are interested, FM me - I post it all the time on here!
Posted 6/19/07 11:35 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 1977 total posts
Name: Cassie
Re: Mothers of 6 month olds or BTDT moms...
LOL my 10 month old just started really crawling (on all 4's) he would just drag his belly and scoot along from like 7 months on. And he still wont hold his own bottle.
Posted 6/20/07 8:48 AM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: Mothers of 6 month olds or BTDT moms...
well, my boys are 9 monthsa nd matthew is crawling all over the place...driving me crazy...getting into evrything and pulling himself up on everything. Christopher just sits there and has no desire to move his tushy. He just rolls all over the floor. But he has 6 teeth
You cant judge from other babies. Everyone will get there, and just may take a little longer than others. Im always coparing my 2 boys and saying how come one is crawling and the other will. He will, just may take a little bit more time
Message edited 6/20/2007 8:57:20 AM.
Posted 6/20/07 8:56 AM |
Making big changes

Member since 5/05 16541 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Mothers of 6 month olds or BTDT moms...
DD is 8 months now. At 6 months, she had just started crawling and eating Gerber puffs and stage 2 jarred foods. She had also just started holding her own bottle. By 7 months, she was pulling herself up into a standing position and sitting unassisted. Plus, she was starting to munch on more solid foods and was able to hold her own bottle very well. Now, at 8 months she's already turning and trying to let go and take steps . She eats table foods very well already (DS was SOOOO much older when he started). I think she's trying too hard to keep up with her big brother. It's kind of scary
Posted 6/20/07 9:01 AM |
Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07 12683 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: Mothers of 6 month olds or BTDT moms...
I had some concerns with my DD as well but I just had to let it go. I was making myself crazy DD sat up at 6.5 months. She started holding her own bottle at about 7 months but it's touch and go. She'd rather have us hold it. Now at 8 crawling or scooting, doesn't pull herself up, loves to stand if I hold her hands or under her arms, only rolls from front to back (?!) and eats like a champ. DD does make an attempt at picking up finger foods and actually gets one in her mouth once in a while (puffs, small pieces of fruit).
I just chock it up to all babies being different. When she is ready, she'll do it all!
Posted 6/20/07 9:10 AM |
My babies
Member since 6/05 5229 total posts
Name: f
Re: Mothers of 6 month olds or BTDT moms...
Sounds like your DC is doing great. They all catch up.
DD sat up unassisted at 5 months, started crawling good at 6 months, and now just started to get into sitting position from belly at 7 months and says mama, dada (not to us), baba, all sorts of cute little baby talk! She seems to be ahead of a lot of my friends with children the same age, so I wouldn't worry!
ETA her favorite thing - food! She has been eating puffs for a while now, just recently she started to actually get some in her mouth. I am afraid to try cheerios still.
Message edited 6/20/2007 9:27:39 AM.
Posted 6/20/07 9:24 AM |
my little man

Member since 5/05 1350 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Mothers of 6 month olds or BTDT moms...
I think all babies go at there own pace. DS is 8 months old. He sat up at 5 months, started crawling at 7 months and at 8 months he pulls himself up to stand. But...he still won't hold his bottle. or sleep through the night.
Posted 6/20/07 9:32 AM |
Mommy of 3!
Member since 5/05 2967 total posts
Name: Mommy to two boys and a girl
Re: Mothers of 6 month olds or BTDT moms...
All babies are different- your DC seems just fine. Matty started sitting up a few weeks ago unassisted but has no interest in crawling- hates to be on his tummy- he can roll over both ways but rarely does it. All he wants to do is walk with us holding his hands. Maybe he will be one of those babies that skips crawling all together!
Also, compared to other babies on here I feel like he is really behind in his solids- not a big solids eater but we get some in him twice a day but it can be a struggle- have to let him play with his food for a long time before he opens his mouth!
Posted 6/20/07 11:17 AM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Mothers of 6 month olds or BTDT moms...
My ds & dd were right on target for their milestones (dd was ahead of the game physically).
I know belly time helps with muscle development. Does he get a lot of it?
Posted 6/20/07 11:23 AM |
I love my DS!!!
Member since 5/05 9340 total posts
Name: Blank
Re: Mothers of 6 month olds or BTDT moms...
Posted by MatteosMom
My son wasn't a crawler until about 11 months! His doctors weren't concerned...he's 13 months now and not walking but almost! Oh, and he still likes me to hold his MIL said my husband was like that when he was a baby too!
Mine still does not hold his bottle and his 12 months now. He was crawling by 9 1/2 months and is only now taking his first steps...
Message edited 6/20/2007 1:51:08 PM.
Posted 6/20/07 1:50 PM |
Life is good...

Member since 9/05 18504 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Mothers of 6 month olds or BTDT moms...
That sounds about right. Steven would sit up for short periods, but not very long. He still can't go from laying to sitting.
He "crawls" by sliding across the floor.
Posted 6/20/07 7:59 PM |