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Moving from Nassau EI to School District

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Moving from Nassau EI to School District

We have our meeting at the end of November and they will tell me whether or not they are recommending DS continue services. If we do, it will be through the school district since DS will be 3 in April.

Do you change therapists than? I heard the sessions are shorter? Will it stick with them...meaning will he be labeled when he starts kindergarten in a few years?

ETA: Another questions, other than being re-evaluated at the end of EI, do they again get re-evaluated by CPSE to determine if they need services or do they use the recommendations of their EI therapists?

Message edited 10/24/2009 9:00:16 AM.

Posted 10/24/09 8:55 AM

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Re: Moving from Nassau EI to School District

I'm going through the transition process to CPSE with DS as well. I also work in the field but with elementary age students. I'll try to answer some of your questions:

Once your DS hits age 3 and goes through the CPSE- committee on preschool special education - (if he qualifies for services), he will be evaluated usually once a year. You will have a meeting called his "annual review", where you will review all of the evaluations and your DS's services. You will receive a document called the IEP, much like the IFSP, that maps out all of his goals for the year and notes his services. Because your DS is reviewed once a year, the CPSE will determine if he still needs services annually. So he may reach his goals and not need services by kindergarten. Or, if he does continue to need services by kindergarten age, you will transition to the CSE. That's awhile away though and your DS could make great strides in that period of time! I just want to let you know that the IEP is a confidential, legal document. Meaning that only the staff that work with your DS and yourself have access to it. It is not something that goes into his regular cumulative folder and follows him without YOUR permission and consent to continue services.

My DS turns 3 in January. For his evals for CPSE, they used some of the EI ones from June, and some updated evals through an agency as well. I also have his CPSE meeting in November. Because of DS's birthdate (January), once he turns 3, he can continue with his EI therapists/services through August of 2010. That's of course if he still qualifies through CPSE. To my knowledge, the services would not be shorter in length. It all depends on the needs of the child and what they qualify for.

I know what I wrote is lengthy and I hope not too confusing. If you have any more questions, please feel free to fm me Chat Icon . Good luck with the process! I'm sure everything will go fine!

Posted 10/24/09 10:32 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/08

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Re: Moving from Nassau EI to School District

When my ds tranferred from EI to the CPSE, the team recommended that he continue services at a specialized preschool. He attends 5 1/2 days a week and gets all his services at school which works out well. I would have put him in school either way at that age, so it worked out for us. He has made so much progress going to school. Good luck with your meeting.

Posted 10/24/09 11:54 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/09

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Re: Moving from Nassau EI to School District

Once you register with your school dist you pick an agency who will do a full eval (speech, spec Ed and psy). cpse does their own testing they do not use the EI testing they do formal testing and write their reports. Next you have a meeting with the school district who review the reports and decide the best placement which could be a special preschool or home based services. When you talk about shorter session cpse sessions for speech, ot, pt are usually 30min but can be 2,3,4,or five times per week. Special ed teacher (seit) can be longer 45, 60, 90 depending on what the dist feels the child needs.

cpse children are reevaluated once a year and the annual review meeting with the dist in the spring and that will determine services for summer and following school year.

Whether or not your current therapist stays depends on whether or not they do cpse. Not all of them do. But being that your child turn 3 in April. If the school dist determines him still eligible for services he can remain in ei until August 31st 2010. Benefit to this is cpse children do not receive service if your school dist is closed. and summer services thru cpse is not guaranteed and is only 6 weeks.

Posted 10/24/09 2:55 PM

After 4 years, 1000 posts!

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Re: Moving from Nassau EI to School District

Posted by 3girls1dog

Once you register with your school dist you pick an agency who will do a full eval (speech, spec Ed and psy). cpse does their own testing they do not use the EI testing they do formal testing and write their reports.

Actually, the CPSE for my DS IS using some of his EI evals (it is still formal, standardized testing), because they were just completed in June and are within 6 months. They added some new ones as well: an articulation eval, a psych, and an ed eval. I am using the same agency that I use through EI. In my DS's case, again because of his birth date (January), he can continue with the same EI service providers through 8/2010. They told me I will have another CPSE meeting prior to 8/10 to review services again and determine what services DS needs (if any) for the following fall.

So to the OP, they may use some of your DC's evals through EI if they were done recently - within the past 6 months. Otherwise, they will use the agency that you choose to do the evals. Every school district is different so you'll see. Some school districts even have a preschool evaluation center on site.

Posted 10/24/09 4:32 PM

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Member since 9/08

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Re: Moving from Nassau EI to School District

We have our meeting at the end of November and they will tell me whether or not they are recommending DS continue services. If we do, it will be through the school district since DS will be 3 in April.

your DS will remain in EI until August 31, 2010 if at your meeting in Nov he still qualifies.

Do you change therapists than?

most EI therapists are exactly that EI. ask your therapists if they do CPSE.

I heard the sessions are shorter?

that will depend on how the district evaluates your DS... sometimes they will stay 45 min and sometimes they reduce it to 30.

Will it stick with them...meaning will he be labeled when he starts kindergarten in a few years?

he will be evaluated 1x a year... and if he still needs services when he enters K then yes he will be labeled.

ETA: Another questions, other than being re-evaluated at the end of EI, do they again get re-evaluated by CPSE to determine if they need services or do they use the recommendations of their EI therapists?

CPSE will do their own evaluation

Posted 10/25/09 9:04 PM

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