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Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13 7238 total posts
Name: Jessica
Moving Placenta?
Anyone have experience with their placenta moving up? Right now (just about 31 weeks, though he's measuring at about 32 weeks) my placenta is still 1.6 cm away from my cervix and they said the minimum they want for me to be allowed to delivery vaginally is 2cm. Baby boy is perfectly in position to, his head is literally right on top of my cervix. Has anyone had experience where their placenta moved more and they were able to delivery vaginally? I go back in 3 weeks to check it. Otherwise baby boy is looking perfect... He was VERY angry that he was being poked and prodded again.
Posted 10/2/14 11:40 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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mahna mahna!

Member since 2/12 1952 total posts
Moving Placenta?
It doesn't really move ... it's always attached to the same spot in your uterus - but as your uterus grows and expands, the placenta moves away from the cervix.
So your answer is that it really depend on how much your uterus grows in the next 8 weeks ...
FWIW - with my first, I had a low-lying placenta at 16 weeks and by 20 it was at a normal location.
Posted 10/2/14 11:47 AM |
Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13 7238 total posts
Name: Jessica
Moving Placenta?
Yeah, I had previa at 12 weeks, by 21 weeks it was "just low", now at 31 it's still low, it only needs to get 0.4 cm away from where it is now... here's to hoping....
Posted 10/2/14 12:05 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/09 745 total posts
Name: A
Re: Moving Placenta?
i had a low lying placenta 35 weeks it wasnt considered low lying anymore.
I was having a repeat c-section...
Posted 10/2/14 1:39 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
Moving Placenta?
No experience but I hope it works out in the end. It would definitely stink to end up with a csection over a couple tenths of a cm.
Posted 10/2/14 1:44 PM |
Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13 7238 total posts
Name: Jessica
Moving Placenta?
That's just it... it's literally 4mm this little thing needs to move, I'm hoping that they will let me wait as long as possible before making the final decision. If it ends up being a c-section then so be it, whatever it takes to get this little guy here safe and sound, but this is my first and as weird as it may sound but I've been so looking forward to child birth.
Posted 10/2/14 2:01 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/08 1238 total posts
Name: Meredith
Re: Moving Placenta?
Mine was low initially but had moved by my 20 week ultrasound and the OB thought it would continue to move out of the way as the uterus expanded(that was the last U/S I had till my vaginal delivery @ 41 weeks)
Posted 10/2/14 3:30 PM |
Moving Placenta?
Mine was low at my 28 week appt. Moved up by about 33-34 weeks so yes it's still possible. Delivered dd vaginally at 40 weeks.
Posted 10/2/14 4:15 PM |
Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13 7238 total posts
Name: Jessica
Re: Moving Placenta?
Posted by KevinNKristin8-15-08
Mine was low at my 28 week appt. Moved up by about 33-34 weeks so yes it's still possible. Delivered dd vaginally at 40 weeks.
Woohoo!! Yours is the closest timeframe to mine, phew! I'm hoping and wishing and praying to be able to deliver vaginally!
Posted 10/2/14 4:21 PM |
Love my girls
Member since 7/10 3580 total posts
Re: Moving Placenta?
I had the same problem. Mine did not move. But everyone I know that had it moved.
Posted 10/2/14 4:33 PM |
Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7625 total posts
Name: Momma <3
Moving Placenta?
My was low in the beginning and moved.
Posted 10/3/14 8:21 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/13 639 total posts
Name: Nicole
Moving Placenta?
I had previa till 20 weeks, then low lying up until 36 weeks. At 37 weeks it was my last checkup and I was supposed to schedule a c-section.. It was moved enough. I delivered vaginally (a week late)
Posted 10/3/14 1:55 PM |
Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13 7238 total posts
Name: Jessica
Re: Moving Placenta?
Posted by Nic1229
I had previa till 20 weeks, then low lying up until 36 weeks. At 37 weeks it was my last checkup and I was supposed to schedule a c-section.. It was moved enough. I delivered vaginally (a week late)
Woohoo! These are the stories I want to hear! The doc said she was being conservative when she said it was 1.6 cm from the cervix, and she was very optimistic that it will move... I'm keeping my fingers crossed, I really want to deliver vaginally for my first!
Posted 10/3/14 2:26 PM |
my little love

Member since 12/09 5054 total posts
Name: Me
Moving Placenta?
My previa resolved by my 36 wk appt. I had the c section planned and everything, but I wound up delivering vaginally at 41 wks.
Posted 10/3/14 2:29 PM |