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My princess!
Member since 5/05 6548 total posts
Hi Jaime! I see your on!!!!!
Posted 8/12/05 2:45 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
My Babies

Member since 5/05 4956 total posts
Name: Jaime
Hello!! Yes, can you tell I am getting my work done!! I have 5 weeks of paperwork to do and I am doing anything and everything but my paperwork. I keep saying five more minutes and then I'll do it and well..I'm still here!!
How did everything go today!!
Posted 8/12/05 2:52 PM |
My princess!
Member since 5/05 6548 total posts
Took a while for everything to come out but it went well! LMAO
Get to your work! I feel your pain though, 3 more week and its back again for me too.
I cant believe the summer is almost over!!!! Did u go to work today?? Has our angel gotten any better at all??
Posted 8/12/05 2:54 PM |
My Babies

Member since 5/05 4956 total posts
Name: Jaime
Actually, I think little angel has some issues going on at home or something. He has been exhibiting some real negative behaviors lately. Putting his fingers back into his mouth and sucking chewing them, not normal for his age, also he has been hitting lately, not kids, ME...he also thinks he is the boss lately and can tell everyone what to do. Like one week he was fine, came back after the weekend and things were changed. Oh, and he does not like to go in the sprinkler, because he doesn't want other kids to see him with no shirt and he won't go on the potty if other people are in the bathroom, really weird stuff. On the other hand, he is better with doing things with the class..he listens when it is time for an activity, which is good.
I think your getting triplets next year, they were there checking things out today. Actually, a lot of people have been coming in this week.
Glad things came out ok this morning, did you help??
Posted 8/12/05 2:58 PM |
My princess!
Member since 5/05 6548 total posts
Noooooooooooo I didnt help! They said no! LOL
Triplets?!?!??!?! Ill die! Just what I need..although I am doing part time again so its ok. I am sure she will be packed in September..I am so looking forward to it...UMM...NOT!
I called Chris earlier, wanted to stop there on my way home, but she said she was leaving really sick. Poor girl..thats the worst! Our little angel has issues I cant even understand if you get my drift, really odd. When you leaving again??
Posted 8/12/05 3:05 PM |
My Babies

Member since 5/05 4956 total posts
Name: Jaime
Yeah, Chris wasn't feeling well, didn't even order breakfast with me. Her side was hurting. I told her to go get it checked out, but no, if its not gone in a few days she'll get it checked. Silly gal, she's got insurance, go get it checked.
I would have helped my husband!! a little bit!! Were you in there??
Oh, you know she'll be packed next year. I hope she doesn't stick you with 20+ kids like she did to Chris this summer. I told Christine she has to join this site with us.
Yes, Mr E, definitely has issues. But they are not my issues anymore! Today was my official last day. I am making up three days next week, so Wednesday is my last last day!! I am still peeved about what his mom said to me months back, about you don't go into teaching for the money...I can't believe she said that...If I were in it for the money, I wouldn't be a teacher..but I gotta live!!! If she were a good parent she'd not work and stay home with her problem child and try to fix him. Ok..enough about him!!
Posted 8/12/05 3:12 PM |
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