My 20 month old's skin (on his face) is a mess! Any BTDT mommies?
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LIF Adult
Member since 11/05 9644 total posts
Name: Me
My 20 month old's skin (on his face) is a mess! Any BTDT mommies?
DS used to have great skin - occ he would get pink cheeks from the cold or a pimple here or there but otherwise perfect.
Starting a month ago he started getting what basically looks like red pimples (without ever forming a white head) on his cheek, now it is still on that cheek even worse and there are one or two scattered elsewhere on his face. I took him to the ped who said its nothing - probably just from rubbing his face on his sheet when he sleeps (in his own drool) - like clogged pores like an adult. He said try putting some aquafor on it which only made it worse.
I called the ped again who said there is nothing we can do about it - maybe try some cortisone which he wasn't crazy about since he said it could get in his mouth.
Anyone dealt with this? I really hate how it looks and DS will be in a wedding in a few wks and I don't want him to look like this!
Posted 5/16/09 5:13 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07 16106 total posts
Name: Tina
Re: My 20 month old's skin (on his face) is a mess! Any BTDT mommies?
no experience, but i would take to dermatologist.
Posted 5/16/09 5:15 PM |
My loves

Member since 5/06 19150 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: My 20 month old's skin (on his face) is a mess! Any BTDT mommies?
DS is dealing with this now as he is constantly sticking his hands in his mouth. The 2 year molars are emerging and he even pulls drool out of his mouth and wipes his face in his sleep. I think it's pretty common with teething.
Posted 5/16/09 5:42 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/05 9644 total posts
Name: Me
Re: My 20 month old's skin (on his face) is a mess! Any BTDT mommies?
Posted by waterspout4
DS is dealing with this now as he is constantly sticking his hands in his mouth. The 2 year molars are emerging and he even pulls drool out of his mouth and wipes his face in his sleep. I think it's pretty common with teething.
I didn't even think of this but, yes, DS is also getting his 2 yr molars.
Posted 5/16/09 6:17 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/05 9644 total posts
Name: Me
Re: My 20 month old's skin (on his face) is a mess! Any BTDT mommies?
Posted by 2BEANS
no experience, but i would take to dermatologist.
Yes, I thought of this - but the ped said he didn't see any reason too. I'm going to bring him back to the ped this wk to show him how much worse it is getting and then go from there.
Posted 5/16/09 6:18 PM |
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