I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05 8356 total posts
Name: Liz
My August 18th, 2007 Birth Story
I had such fun re-reading my birth story!! I feel like I re-lived all of the excitement!! 6 months later, and still can't believe I have a daughter!
Here is what I posted when I got home from the hospital:
So while I have time, I will tell you my birth story.
As some of you know, for the past couple of weeks, I have been monitored by my doctor's office for protein in my urine. I got a call from my doctor on Wednesday, August 15th that my latest 24 hour urine collection had come back high. She wanted me to be monitored that night in her office. They did a NST and a sono. While I was a the doctor's office, I had a really bad headache, and my blood pressure was really really high. They sent me right to Winthrop to be monitored. They brought me into the triage area in the New Life Center and set me up with some monitors. They had a fetal monitor on me, and also were taking my blood pressure every 10 minutes. My blood pressure never went down- so because of that, combined with the protein in my urine, and my headache, my doctor decided to admit me. They started me on Magnesium right away to prevent a stroke because thats how high my blood pressure was. I was also informed that I would most likely be induced around 9am the next morning.
The Magnesium drip is horrible. It makes you feel so crappy and out of it.
So, around 3am, one of the residents came in and informed me that they were speeding up the induction and would be inserting cervadil right away. I was getting so nervous that something was going to go really wrong.
So, they started me on Cervadil on Thursday am around 3ish. They checked me at 3pm and I was 60% effaced and 2cm dilated. I was so excited! They decided to insert another dose of cervadil- but didnt think that it would have to be in for another 12 hours. They decided to leave in for another 12 hours anyway, and when they checked me again, I had made no progress. I was sooo frustrated I was crying.
They decided to not do another round of cervadil, but wait it out through the night, and start pitocin in the morning.
I finally got into a labor and delivey room around noonish on Friday- and they started pitocin right away. The pitocin started working a little bit- but nothing major. They broke my water- what a weird feeling! Dr Dolisi said he "nicked it" to see if it would start anything- and maybe like 15 minutes later, all I felt was this HUGE whoosh- and my water had fully broken! They kept upping my dosage of pitocin after that. The magnesium I was on was basically working against the pitocin, so they lowered the mag drip by half. My contractions really never came regularly, but they were painful!
I got my epidural around 7pm that night. I was in heaven!
I hit a plateau at 8cm dilated at around 11pm- and there were some discussions of possibly doing a c-section- but I progessed to 10cm very quickly after that.
I started pushing around midnight- and she was born at 1:18am. I was so exhausted from the entire ordeal, that I was actually sleeping in between contractions. I barely remember the last few pushes- but I do remember being so thankful that she was born!
Much to the suprise of my husband and I- she is a peanut! She only weighed 5lbs 14oz and measured 19.5 inches long. I would be have 38 weeks this past Sunday, so even though she was 2 weeks early, she was still tiny.
DH and I are so in love with her.
Oh- and btw- for the ladies who use Dr Dolisi and Dr Hanauer- you are in such good care! I go to Dr Hanauer- and she stopped by once on Thursday while I was still in triage. She had office hours all day on Friday- and started her vacation that night. So, unfortunately, because I wasnt ready to give birth while she was still having office hours, she didnt deliver Kaitlyn. Their associate Dr Plancher delivered her. I love him- he was so wonderful. I was his last patient, so I really had all of his attention. I felt like I had such an intimate birth because of him. The nurse who stayed with me during the delivery was also a nurse who had taken care of me while I was in triage. I honestly could not have asked for a better birth!
So without further ado- here is my precious sweet pea:
Message edited 2/20/2008 9:17:22 PM.