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My Late & Looooooong Birth Story

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Ohh... baby

Member since 5/06

2527 total posts


My Late & Looooooong Birth Story

i had a scheduled induction for October 11th.
That day I did my hair went to the diner & admitted myself to the hospital at 4pm.
They put me in L&D and at about 6pm administered the Cervidil. About 1 hr. later I was having pains every few minutes. I asked the nurse if I was having contractions to my surprise her answer was YES. We were not prepared for contractions, I didn’t know Cervidil could even do that. We thought ok, I guess I’m in labor to which the Dr. Wagner advised us was not the case. Only about 1% of people go into actual labor w/ Cervidil.
My contractions became worse & worse coming every 4-5 minutes and I was in a lot of pain. I received a shot of morphine & It helped me get maybe 3 hours sleep between contractions. They did let DH stay with me and at 1 point he even climbed into bed w/ me to get some sleep.

5am a nurse came in to check me and OMG I wanted to kick this lady in her face. She was digging her hand so far saying how she couldn’t find my cervix. She kept trying while I was screaming & crying until she finally stopped.
Seriously… people with short stubby fingers should not be allowed to do that!

6:30am they removed the Cervidil. They hooked up my IV and gave me ½ dose of morphine until the epidural.
8:45 Dr. Wagner broke my water.
I was dry heaving & throwing up about every hour. They gave me something to help the nausea but I didn’t stop puking until she came out.
10:05am they gave me the epidural & started the Pitocen.
My epi was lop sided so I felt it much more on my left side than my right. They had me on my right side to try & even it out.
8:40am I was 2cm 80% effaced 1:30pm I was 4cm 100% effaced & had a Bloody Show. 3pm I was having terrible back pain. All I wanted to do was change positions but they wouldn’t let me! They checked me and I was 9cm’s.
By 3:30pm I was 10cm’s and started pushing at 4:00pm.
After 2 hours Dr.Wagner gave me a pep talk and said I’d better start pushing harder (like I wasn’t already) because he wasn’t going in after her!
My epidural started wearing off and I was so tired. She wasn’t budging. They could see her dark hair but she just wasn’t clearing my pelvis.
Another hour later he came in and said he was going to try to get her out using forceps. If he didn’t get them on just right and on the 1st try I was going to have an emergency C-Section. I was so exhausted and didn’t care if they ripped her out through my nose. They pushed some more meds. I could not feel anything at all. On one contraction he put in the forceps and on the next with a big push he brought out her out. My DH spoke up just before my dr. cut the cord and got to cut it himself. 2 seconds later she was on my chest and let out 2 small cries.

Just about 24 hours of “labor” with 3 hours of pushing Alexandra Gwen arrived at 6:40pm. 7lbs 9oz – 20”

Her apgar score was 9, 9.
She came out as pink as can be. People are constantly commenting on her beautiful color.

I later found out that the nurses had brought my DH out to the hall and explained that there was a 70/30 chance I was going to need the c-section & handed him a gown. He saw everyone scrambling down the hall getting the OR ready for me. He said he was so freaked out.

All in all it was a long, painful road that I would happily go down all over again.

I want to say that if it wasn’t for Dr.Wagner I know I would have had a C-Section. I can’t begin to thank him enough for the amazing job he did. I can’t even come up with the words to describe how great he was and continues to be. I pray that he delivers all my future children. And anyone delivering in Huntington has nothing to worry about. Every nurse was amazing. They were all helpful, attentive, sweet & caring. (Even stubby fingers was extremely apologetic and very nice). The one nurse that was w/ us from 7am-7pm even cried when Ally was born!
I can’t thank everyone enough for all the support & advise. Now it’s off to Parenting!

You can check out pics in my Album!

Message edited 11/21/2007 11:01:22 PM.

Posted 11/21/07 10:54 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 12/05

10281 total posts


Re: My Late & Looooooong Birth Story

Thank you for sharing. Your DD is beautiful!! Congrats!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/07 11:29 PM

How did she turn 2 so quickly?

Member since 10/07

8257 total posts

Blessed Mama of Kristina Elena

Re: My Late & Looooooong Birth Story

U were so detailed it's amazing! Your birth story was tremendous, but all in all worthwhile - your Chat Icon is Gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/22/07 12:49 AM

Merry Christmas!

Member since 6/07

2153 total posts


Re: My Late & Looooooong Birth Story

Congratulations!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/22/07 10:20 AM

Alyssa's Mommy!!!

Member since 7/07

1138 total posts


Re: My Late & Looooooong Birth Story


Posted 11/22/07 10:22 AM

My two best friends!

Member since 11/06

5879 total posts


Re: My Late & Looooooong Birth Story

Great birth story. Thanks for sharing.
COngrats again!

Posted 11/22/07 10:31 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

1652 total posts


Re: My Late & Looooooong Birth Story

thanks for sharing!

Congrats on the birth of your Chat Icon!

Posted 11/22/07 11:25 AM

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