<3 I <3 my DD <3

Member since 8/08 3325 total posts
Name: Happiest Mommy <3
My long and not-so-fun birth story...all SO worth it though!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey ladies! I was right on Monday...that was my water leaking and it was pink show! I called up my OB around 8pm because I was getting small gushes and he told me to go to LIJ. I was admitted at 10pm when they realized that my water did break....
Unfortunately I do not have a fun, easy labor story to share :( In fact, it was such a horrible experience that caused me and my family many hours of the end however it really as was worth it, as everyone says it is, when I saw my little girl's face for the first time!
I obviously needed to be induced and they gave me Cervadil at about 11pm on Monday night. That stays in you for 12 hours and the hopes are high from the doctors for some good progress. Fast forward about 6 hours....I started having contractions, was only 1 cm and 50% effaced and had an EXTREMELY horrible reaction to the Cervadil. Since we share stories here, here is my TMI woohoo blew up to about the size of my head....yup you read that right, my head! The pain from that alone was enough to make me lose it. When I had to get internals it was so sore, tender, painful and raw that I screamed on the top of my lungs (still drug-free since I was only 1cm) and begged for a C-section. This was only about 7 hours into labor and I was denied....told to stick it out. OK.....
Fast forward 6 hours....12 hours after the insertion of the Cervadil....still only 1 cm and now 70% effaced.
The doctors then insterted another labor-inducing drug called Cytotec. This was extremely painful due to the swelling and I cried and cried once inserted :( I was told that this would stay inside and work for the next 4-5 hours.
They checked me 6 hours later and I was sad to find out that I only dialted to 2 cm's and became 100% effaced. I had been in labor for 19 hours at this point and had enough...I begged, as did my mom, husband and mother-in-law for them to give me a C-section...I was once again denied and told there wasn't a reason to because the baby was fine. They did however call the anestesiologist and asked if they can give me the epidural being I was only 2 cm's and they agreed....they transferred me to a labor and delivery room and gave me the epidural and started Pitocin.
Over the next 15 1/2 hours, I cried, screamed and begged for them to give me a C-section to no avail. The contractions became 1-2 minutes apart thanks to good ole Pitocin and the epidural wasn't even relieving my pain, yet my legs were numb and I couldn't feel them! They checked me about 9pm and I was 3 cm's and then again at around midnight and was 5-6 cm's....I was thinking we were getting there, but no luck :( When they checked me on Wednesday morning at 5am and I was the same I really thought I was going to break down and lose it completely.....I just couldn't understand why they wouldn't give me a C-section!
When my doctor (who had just gotten there) checked me at 8am and said no progress, me, my hubby and mom cried to him and begged for the section...he left the room and came back with a doctor and said get her ready, this is enough already. So, within an hour or so I was on the OR table and at 9:44am on Wednesday, May 26, 2010 my little princess came into this world!!!!!
Everyone, meet my little girl, Gia Pamela 6 pounds, 15 ounces 19 inches long
When they handed her to my husband, the complete joy and happiness and utter love was so intense....we cried and I couldn't believe that after 10 months and the hardest 34.5 hours of my life, we had our little girl. She is absolutely perfect and is just such an amazing baby. When I hold her I cry quite often thinking how lucky I am and when she sleeps I just stare at her.....get ready for your births really is such an indescribable moment that will be remembered and cherished forever! Image Attachment(s):
Here's to new beginnings

Member since 10/07 7260 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: My long and not-so-fun birth story...all SO worth it though!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry you had such a rough delivery, but your is beautiful! Congratulations!
3 boys and a princess!

Member since 11/08 8178 total posts
Name: Momma
Re: My long and not-so-fun birth story...all SO worth it though!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Geez, no wonder why you were in so much pain! I'm sorry u had such a rough time!
Your daughter is beautiful and I could tell in the hospital how much you adore her already!