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My lovely DS born 10/03/11

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Square head cutie pants

Member since 3/06

6899 total posts


My lovely DS born 10/03/11

My DD was 9/25 and that came and went with a whisper
I was 2-3 cm dilated and 40% effaced for about a week. Dr's stripped my membranes on Thurs 9/29 (not fun) and said it may or may not do something for me. Well, it didn't.

As of Sunday 10/2, i was bored, restless and waiting eagerly for my next dr appt on Monday so they could tell me if i'd be induced at any time.

Well, Sunday night at 2:20 a.m. i woke up and had to pee, then as i was walking to the bathroom, my water broke!
It was unmistakable what it was - and until that time, i'd had no contractions at all.
So, we got my bags ready, got dressed, called dr and headed over to Winthrop. Got there about 3:15 and was in the triage area while they monitored me and waited for the midwife from the dr's office to arrive and check me out. While we were driving to the hospital, i started to get mild back cramps, like i get when i get AF. Didn't know if those were contractions or not since they weren't what i was expecting. When i got to the hospital, they said yup, those are contractions! And of course, they got heavier, and worse and a lot more painful as time went on. All in all, i waited about an hour for the midwife, then they asked me if i wanted an epi, and i did, so they had to wait for a dr to sign off on it, which took another hour or so.
Finally the anesthesiologist came along and they brought me into L&D to get me prepped for the epi - unfortunately DH chose that time to get really woozy and faint! So he had about 4 nurses attending to him while i was having the epi put in (took about 20 minutes because it was meeting resistance). So finally at about 7:30 a.m. i was comfortable and in bed for the rest of the duration.
DH and i spent the next few hours trying to sleep, but it was hard with the constant monitoring, and the IV beeping and fetal monitors going off all the time.

I stayed in that sort of dozy woozy state until about 2-3:00 in the afternoon and i still wasn't very dilated - i think maybe 50-60% and he wasn't moving down, so they hooked me up to Pitocin to induce me.
That helped dilate me fully and at around 5:00 they had me start pushing. That was HELL. For an hour, the dr had her hands all up in me, felt like she was stretching me open and i was just not having luck pushing well enough i guess. DH and the nurses were all there helping, but it was really tough. Try pushing a giant poop out, when you don't have to poop.. its tough! Chat Icon We spent about an hour and a half at it and finally he had moved down enough where they were able to progress with the delivery. Then about 10 people came in the room and they got me all ready.
Unfortunately, they had to use forceps to get him out - he wasn't down enough, and he was BIG. Soooo, they had to cut me, and i also ripped on my own. The forceps felt like someone shoved metal 2x4's up into me and were pulling down on them to yank this big thing out of me (which is essentially what happened).
I won't lie - it really hurt. He finally came out at 7:04 pm (and yes, it felt like i passed a giant poop, but it was only the baby) and because i was torn so badly and he was so big, i was bleeding a LOT, so they whisked him away and DH got to cut the cord while he was on the warming table. They then spent the next 45 minutes delivering the placenta and stitching me up. that also suucked (sorry ladies.. im not sugarcoating it).
So DH got to hold him for half an hour while i was only able to turn my head and see it all while they stitched me up. Finally they were done and i was able to hold my little guy. It was super amazing though.. really honestly amazing.

They wanted me to get up and try to pee - which was the first step in realizing how much my body had gone through. I could barely stand and as i walked to the bathroom i basically gushed blood all over the floor. I was a mess.. the room was a mess.. it was gross. I finally pee'd and the nurses showed me how to make this giant diaper/pad contraption to help catch all the blood and use ointment and witch hazel to soothe my poor nether regions.
Unfortunately i ended up fainting on the way back to the bed, and was shivering for about half an hour after that from the shock.

When we finally went up to the maternity ward (somewhere around midnight), they wanted DS to stay in the room with me. I was so exhausted and honestly couldn't even fathom how i'd get out of bed to attend to him, so i asked them to take him to the nursery for the night. They had no problem doing that.
That night was not good for me either - i hardly slept and the two times i had to get up to pee, i leaked all over the floor - both urine and blood. It was a lesson that all my bodily functions were completely gone and i had no control over anything!

Honestly.. i don't know how they expect people to only stay in the hospital for 2 days - when i left on Wednesday i was still VERY sore and out of it, and was like that for at least 4-5 more days before i started to feel normal again.

All in all - Winthrop was great though. The nurses were super friendly, especially in L&D. They were there to answer any questions, give me any meds (i had a bunch for pain) and help out with all the questions i had about what to do with DS.

We're now all home and trying to get used to each other Chat Icon
it's a constant learning curve and one i'm still trying to figure out

If you asked me would i do it again? right now my answer is no. not going to lie.. it was horrible. Waiting for the memory of it all to fade so i don't remember it anymore!

But don't let that stop the rest of you from having a wonderful experience Chat Icon

Posted 10/17/11 6:41 PM

St. Jude pray for us...

Member since 1/11

2951 total posts


Re: My lovely DS born 10/03/11

congrats on your Chat Icon! what a birth story.. wow, you went through so much and more! and your DH Chat Icon poor guy.. Chat Icon

Posted 10/18/11 2:02 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/06

4357 total posts


Re: My lovely DS born 10/03/11


Posted 10/19/11 5:29 PM

My 4 girlies

Member since 2/08

9702 total posts


Re: My lovely DS born 10/03/11

WOW what a birthing experience ! Congrats on your DS Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/20/11 1:50 PM

Our April Baby is here!

Member since 4/11

2418 total posts


Re: My lovely DS born 10/03/11

congrats on your DS! Wow, i have to admit I cringed and felt nauseous reading it all but you should be so proud of yourself Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon congratulations, again!

Posted 11/16/11 5:15 PM

Thank you, St. Gerard!

Member since 2/11

5043 total posts


Re: My lovely DS born 10/03/11

WOW! i really hope your doing better now and that you and your littl eone are doing much better!

Posted 2/2/12 4:19 PM

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