I wanted a fairly cheap jogger stroller. I won't use it for running just for grass, gravel, etc...

I ended up with the Jeep Liberty Limited Urban Terrain and took it for a "test" drive in my neighborood tonight (before the rain!).

I love it so far. It's a fairly heavy stroller but I will only use it for outdoor activities and will use my regular stroller for in and out of the car errands and stores.

The seat is nice and deep and DS will be able to grow and still use it.

There are 2 baskets. There is a separation so it's accessible from the back (the bigger portion) and a front access. VERY useful!

DS is almost 14 months and his feet are nowhere need the footrest so it won't be a problem when he grows up.

It's really made for a toddler to be able to use it.

It's very maneuverable

It fold fairly compact for a jogger stroller.

It has a lockable swivel front wheel. That was a must for me.

It also comes with a toy that attaches to the front child tray.