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My Recommendations As A New Mom

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LIF Infant

Member since 5/13

132 total posts


My Recommendations As A New Mom

Hi Ladies...I have a 9 month old and a few friends that are currently pregnant asked me to put a list together of items that I recommend as a new mom.
I thought I would share my list with you all as most of you are creating your registry. I know as a new mom all the items/brands in the store can be a little
overwhelming. Good luck and best wishes on your new arrivals.

Get breast pump from insurance - it's free!
Get cover up from site (great item for if it is sunny/rainy/windy/or snow – it protects the baby)
Extra storage bottles for breast milk
Dr. Browns
2 boxes each of - 4oz & 8oz bottles
Formula mixer
Bottle brush
Bottle warmer
Bottle carrier
Drying rack

Pacifier (I didn’t want to add to list because my baby didn't use one, which is great because I didn’t have to worry about taking it away)

High chair (one that has a crotch bar, not too many grooves to clean, tray that will go close to the kids chest, good breaks)

Boppy (Used for breast feeding, tummy time, and a prop up for baby)

Bibs (I didn’t use until the baby really started drooling 4mos)

4 packages of burp cloths (if it's a boy it is used as a shield)

Infant carrier
Headrest for carrier
Cover for carrier from site
Extra base (if you want for second car)
Convertible Car seat
Umbrella Stroller
Travel System Stroller
2-Stroller bug netting
Stroller Hooks
Toy clip holder
Back Seat Mirror
Sun Shade
Winter Baby- JJ Cole Bundle Me (you won’t have to worry about a winter coat)

Changing pad
3-4 Pad sheets
6 Pad liners
Wipe warmer (especially in winter)
Disposable bags for poopy diapers
Diaper Champ (I don’t recommend the genie because you have to buy their bags so it gets costly, with the Champ you could use your own garbage bags)

Sets are useless because you don't use the comforter or bumpers. Highly suggest sheets from Pottery Barn. They are a little more expensive but they wash beautifully. I bought the cheaper sheets (BRU and Carter’s brand and within 4 months they started to ball).
2 Mattress Covers
2 Mattress Pads
5 Sheets

Insert for sink
Larger one for the tub (I have the Fisher Price Whale)
6 towels
2-3 packages of wash cloths (you will use not only during bath time)
Shampoo Rinse Cup
Toy Basket
Bath Wash
Body Cream
Bath Toys


Day Dreamer Seat- I personally liked this because you put it on your couch or bring it wherever you go and the baby is always next to you. I used for feeding and sleeping until the baby started rolling.

Ear/rectal thermometer

Nail clippers


Infant Tylonol

Gas Reliever

Teething Rings


Fisher Price Sit Me Up Floor Seat (I found the Bumbo to be useless especially if your baby has chubby thighs). Also it was great because it folds up and you could bring it with you.


Pack n play
2 Sheets
Bug netting

2 stroller blankets

2-3 sleep sacks (if it is a fall/winter baby)

Onesies of all sizes (carters seems to wash the best, Gerber runs small and shrinks)

Baby Monitor (Stay away from the Motorola. They are the most expensive and they break easily)

4-6 receiving blankets from Buy Buy Baby (I say Buy Buy Baby because theirs are nice and big. I had the Aden & Anais ones and never used them). I did receive the standard receiving blankets (which were smaller) and used them for when people came over to put over their shoulder or I would put it in the swing or seat so I could always have a clean one the baby rested on.

Dreft Laundry Detergent

Activity Gym


Message edited 8/21/2014 5:25:58 PM.

Posted 8/21/14 3:18 PM
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/14

689 total posts


Re: My Recommendations As A New Mom

this is amazing.. thank you!

Posted 8/21/14 3:54 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/13

104 total posts


My Recommendations As A New Mom

Wish I saw this earlier!! Very helpful! I started my registry today and was completely overwhelmed!

Posted 8/21/14 4:09 PM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


My Recommendations As A New Mom

I would probably disagree with most, but you never know what's a waste until you don't use it Chat Icon

There's no way I needed 4 covers for the changing pad and 5 pairs of sheets for the crib and assuming you do laundry once a week you won't need more than 3-4 towels for baby. I never got any of those bug net things for the stroller or pack n play either

Posted 8/21/14 10:31 PM

Dreams do come true

Member since 2/12

2259 total posts


Re: My Recommendations As A New Mom

Posted by Mrs213

I would probably disagree with most, but you never know what's a waste until you don't use it Chat Icon

There's no way I needed 4 covers for the changing pad and 5 pairs of sheets for the crib and assuming you do laundry once a week you won't need more than 3-4 towels for baby. I never got any of those bug net things for the stroller or pack n play either

Agreed. A wipes warmer is totally unnecessary. Dr. Browns bottles are a huge pain to clean and I would only encourage purchasing them if there is a reason to use those particular bottles.

Posted 8/21/14 11:19 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/12

163 total posts


Re: My Recommendations As A New Mom

Posted by GoodThoughts

Posted by Mrs213

I would probably disagree with most, but you never know what's a waste until you don't use it Chat Icon

There's no way I needed 4 covers for the changing pad and 5 pairs of sheets for the crib and assuming you do laundry once a week you won't need more than 3-4 towels for baby. I never got any of those bug net things for the stroller or pack n play either

Agreed. A wipes warmer is totally unnecessary. Dr. Browns bottles are a huge pain to clean and I would only encourage purchasing them if there is a reason to use those particular bottles.

Multiple Diaper pad covers were essential in my household because my sweet little one had multiple poop explosions a day!! I found those white diaper pads that you can lay down on top of the cover that helped minimize the number of times I had to change the entire cover, but none the less....Chat Icon a few extra sheets were also a plus because of these explosions....btw we did laundry multiple times a day, but it was much easier to always have a readily available change. We loved drop ins in my house. I exclusively pumped and found these bottles helped minimize gas way better than dr browns without the hassle. My environmental friends-drop ins are recyclable. Agreed-wipes warmer is a waste...especially when that baby cooly is shell shocked he first time you change them out and about without one.

Posted 8/22/14 12:24 AM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09

18388 total posts


My Recommendations As A New Mom

My advice. Ignore 90% of the things and buy when you actually need them. I never used most of the things I had.

my DS is 2.5 and have yet to use a nail clipper. Never once used bug netting or rain cover for stroller, Never used a sleep sack and my DS was a winter baby and no need for a travel system.

Diaper creams and will never know what will work best for your baby til you have them.

Bottles each kid is different and I agree Dr Browns are a PIA to clean but I had to suffer due to DS and gas.....I would use playtex drop in if I could have.

Posted 8/22/14 8:45 AM

Love my kids

Member since 11/08

1424 total posts


My Recommendations As A New Mom

I HATED Dr. Brown's bottles!!! What a PITA.

Posted 8/22/14 8:49 AM

different, not less

Member since 7/09

13160 total posts


Re: My Recommendations As A New Mom

Posted by alli3131

My advice. Ignore 90% of the things and buy when you actually need them. I never used most of the things I had.

my DS is 2.5 and have yet to use a nail clipper. Never once used bug netting or rain cover for stroller, Never used a sleep sack and my DS was a winter baby and no need for a travel system.

Diaper creams and will never know what will work best for your baby til you have them.

Bottles each kid is different and I agree Dr Browns are a PIA to clean but I had to suffer due to DS and gas.....I would use playtex drop in if I could have.

I agree. What works for one mom may not work for another.

Posted 8/22/14 9:29 AM

My loves

Member since 2/11

2131 total posts


Re: My Recommendations As A New Mom

Posted by GoodThoughts

Posted by Mrs213

I would probably disagree with most, but you never know what's a waste until you don't use it Chat Icon

There's no way I needed 4 covers for the changing pad and 5 pairs of sheets for the crib and assuming you do laundry once a week you won't need more than 3-4 towels for baby. I never got any of those bug net things for the stroller or pack n play either

Agreed. A wipes warmer is totally unnecessary. Dr. Browns bottles are a huge pain to clean and I would only encourage purchasing them if there is a reason to use those particular bottles.

Agreed. While this is a good starting point for a FTM, you will learn what works for your baby and what doesnt. So many people told me to buy a wipe warmer, but I knew I wasn't gonna let DS get used to warm wipes and then have to suffer through cold wipes when we were out. I also used drop ins- and I hate washing bottles- I would've gonna crazy with dr browns.

Moral of the story- get recommendations from everyone with a kid and use them to make your own decisions. Try to talk to friends who have similar personalities to you and raise their kids the way you'd like to raise yours!

Posted 8/22/14 9:46 AM

I think I got this

Member since 11/10

1523 total posts


My Recommendations As A New Mom

I would disagree that most of the items on the list are must haves. I was so convinced I needed all of these things. Never used a boppy. Never used a seat like a bumbo (or any variation thereof). I went through EVERY bottle on the market before discovering the ones DS would use, which were Dr. Browns. Wasted a ton of money. Buy single packs of bottles until you know which one baby will use. Never even considered purchasing a wipe warmer, diaper champ or diaper genie (just take the garbage out daily), special detergent, etc. Could have lived without a pack n play, formula pitcher. Never needed bug netting or a rain cover for stroller or pack n play. You don't need to purchase special nursing covers, you can use a receiving blanket. Same thing for the infant car seat. Only purchase 2 car seats/ car seat bases if you a certain you will need them - DS is 3 and I have never needed or wished I had a 2nd carseat for DH's Car.

One of the craziest things that I just don't understand in general is the shampoo rinse cup. I use a cup that cost 50 cents in target to rinse my DS. I only bought it because I like the size, it holds like 32 oz. Before that I used a rubbermaid pitcher. Why does anyone need to spend a couple of dollars on a special shampoo rinse cup when the same thing can be accomplished with something you already own? I just think that is crazy in general.

So many products that are on the market for "babies" can be accomplished with things that we already own. Use your own judgement. But baby will let you know what works and what doesn't.

Message edited 8/22/2014 11:29:55 AM.

Posted 8/22/14 11:27 AM


Member since 10/13

1397 total posts


Re: My Recommendations As A New Mom

I hate to be a Debbie Downer but I really disagree with so much of this - I have 2 kids and there is a ton of stuff on this that was NOT necessary.

Definitely try to get a breast pump through insurance.

Udder Covers are great but only for BFing, not sure why you would use one to protect baby from the elements Chat Icon

Don't assume that the bottles that work for one mom will work for you. IMO Dr. Browns bottles are a PITA. We used the Playtex with the inserts.

Never used a bottle warmer and I don't even know what a bottle carrier is so obviously I didn't need it.

Don't buy burp cloths, they absorb next to nothing. Buy packs of cloth diapers and use those in place of burp cloths.

DO NOT buy a headrest for the carrier. After-market products that don't come with the carseat are NOT safe.

Travel System Stroller - totally not at all necessary. Get a snap-n-go for the infant seat and a lightweight stroller for when they are bigger.

Back Seat Mirror - again, not safe. can become a projectile in a crash.

JJ Cole Bundle Me - NOT SAFE. There are products that go on the outside of the carrier that don't interfere with the straps, look into that, or just use a blanket.

Dreft Laundry Detergent - smells nice but not necessary, you could just use a detergent labeled "free and clear"

My advice is to just get basics and buy what you need as you go. As long as you have diapers, wipes, blankets and onesies you'll be fine Chat Icon

Posted 8/22/14 11:47 AM


Member since 1/12

6105 total posts


My Recommendations As A New Mom

i agree with the other moms that a lot of this stuff is not necessary.
every child is different - i have two kids both who liked/disliked different things.

just a few things looking at the list that i would not get:
Dr. Browns - dd hated dr browns bottles (and i hate cleaning them) - ds likes them. dont waste $$ getting more than 1 or two of each bottle until you know what your LO will like (and if you are looking to get the bare minimum...skip the smaller size bottle and just get the large)

Formula mixer - didnt even know this existed...pour powder in bottle with water & shake

Bottle warmer - this may come in handy if you want to warm up breast milk...dont need it for powdered formula bc you can use room temp water

boppy - never used

jj cole bundle me is not safe for the carseat (but i did use in the stroller). you need the cover that is like a shower cap for the infant carrier/car seat (for lack of better description)

bibs - chances are people will give them to you as gifts so dont register for them. i ended up returning all the small cute fabric ones and getting the larger plastic ones bc they are more practical and used once you start feeding the baby food

6 Pad liners - buy chux and toss them when messy

Wipe warmer (especially in winter) - never used this and my dd was born in feb

Disposable bags for poopy diapers - go to supermarket and take some bags from the produce section

aden & anais blankets (or any muslin blanket) can be used to cover you as you nurse, also great for swaddling and to cover the infant carrier

Insert for sink & Larger one for the tub (I have the Fisher Price Whale) - you can use a tub that has a sling for a newborn. no need for a sink insert and a tub

Shampoo Rinse Cup - can use a normal cup (we use one of dds bath toys)

i love my motorola monitor - have 2 cameras and it has been amazing

receiving blankets - took the ones from the hospital but my kids were big (ds was 9 lbs) and managed to get out of that day one when swaddled so i needed to use something larger (the aden & anais blankets worked well). as far as giving them to guests to put on their shoulder when holding your baby, we just use burp cloths for that

never used a bumbo

do not need to waste money on dreft - all free and clear does the trick (as per many pediatricians). we use that now for all laundry (kids and ours)

as the others mention, you never know what you need until the baby arrives. if money & space are no issue then register for it all and try it out. but if that is an issue, go basic and add as needed. i did a TON of returning after my shower and used the credit towards things i needed as my kids got older

Posted 8/22/14 1:09 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/13

639 total posts


Re: My Recommendations As A New Mom

Posted by ISpoilHim

I would disagree that most of the items on the list are must haves. I was so convinced I needed all of these things. Never used a boppy. Never used a seat like a bumbo (or any variation thereof). I went through EVERY bottle on the market before discovering the ones DS would use, which were Dr. Browns. Wasted a ton of money. Buy single packs of bottles until you know which one baby will use. Never even considered purchasing a wipe warmer, diaper champ or diaper genie (just take the garbage out daily), special detergent, etc. Could have lived without a pack n play, formula pitcher. Never needed bug netting or a rain cover for stroller or pack n play. You don't need to purchase special nursing covers, you can use a receiving blanket. Same thing for the infant car seat. Only purchase 2 car seats/ car seat bases if you a certain you will need them - DS is 3 and I have never needed or wished I had a 2nd carseat for DH's Car.

One of the craziest things that I just don't understand in general is the shampoo rinse cup. I use a cup that cost 50 cents in target to rinse my DS. I only bought it because I like the size, it holds like 32 oz. Before that I used a rubbermaid pitcher. Why does anyone need to spend a couple of dollars on a special shampoo rinse cup when the same thing can be accomplished with something you already own? I just think that is crazy in general.

So many products that are on the market for "babies" can be accomplished with things that we already own. Use your own judgement. But baby will let you know what works and what doesn't.

Just an example of how every mom is soooo different, so we all need to learn for ourselves..
I didn't want a boppy saw no use for it, someone bought me one anyways and I have used it every single day for 3 months, my mom also bought one and so did the sitter bc DD loves it.
DD HATED dr. browns bottles though and liked the Avent...I love our diaper pail and our boppy seat.. never registered for a net, we were at a bbq and a friend lent me hers for DD so I went out and bought one after- have used it several times, but we also take her to a park on the water often.

Not in anyway insulting the original post.. completing supporting what she said actually that I disagree also with most the items on the list- just bc everyone is so different. I would also cross off half the items but totally different items than this poster. A cover was completely unnecessary for me bc I couldn't picture myself breastfeeding in public, and I still never have. I've also never even heard of a formula mixer. I warm bottles by running them under hot water in the sink and never have warmed a wipe or felt like I needed to. I can't picture using nail clippers on DD or even the baby files, instead I use a buffer..

Posted 8/22/14 1:34 PM


Member since 11/13

2868 total posts


Re: My Recommendations As A New Mom

Posted by alli3131

My advice. Ignore 90% of the things and buy when you actually need them. I never used most of the things I had.

my DS is 2.5 and have yet to use a nail clipper. Never once used bug netting or rain cover for stroller, Never used a sleep sack and my DS was a winter baby and no need for a travel system.

Diaper creams and will never know what will work best for your baby til you have them.

Bottles each kid is different and I agree Dr Browns are a PIA to clean but I had to suffer due to DS and gas.....I would use playtex drop in if I could have.

How have you not used a nail clipper on your son for 2 and a half years?

Posted 8/22/14 2:32 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/11

847 total posts


Re: My Recommendations As A New Mom

I haven't used a nail clipper either and my dd will get 2 in November, I just file her nails

Message edited 8/22/2014 3:02:59 PM.

Posted 8/22/14 3:01 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/11

4798 total posts


Re: My Recommendations As A New Mom

I know OP was trying to be helpful, but I disagree with much of this list. It is excessive and seems specific to her DC and her situation.

Once baby gets here you will naturally discover what you need and will use, and only then should you invest in the "stuff". I speak from experience. Many of the basics that DC1 used daily DC2 never touched or hated. So even if I was giving MYSELF advice the second time around I would have been off the mark.

Posted 8/22/14 3:54 PM

Winter is Coming

Member since 10/07

1718 total posts


My Recommendations As A New Mom

I'm glad I'm not the only one who disagreed with a lot of this list. It is really nice of the OP to try and help new moms out though.

My advice after being a mom for almost 6 years, don't even start with the wipes or bottle warmer. It just becomes a PITA when you are out and have to give a bottle or change a diaper, because baby will be used to warm wipes and bottles. There is no medical reason for these, so skip them.

Never used a rain cover or bug net on the stroller either. Things I personally did use were the boppy, swaddles and sleep sacks. Also, the nail clipper. I still use it on my 6 and 3 yr olds.

I know you want to have all bases covered from the minute you bring your baby home from the hospital and I probably wouldn't have taken the advice I'm about to give as a first time mom either, but all they seriously need when you get home is food, diapers, wipes, and some pjs. Everything else you can get on an as-needed basis.

Posted 8/22/14 4:15 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/11

3170 total posts


Re: My Recommendations As A New Mom

Posted by ohbaby08

I know you want to have all bases covered from the minute you bring your baby home from the hospital and I probably wouldn't have taken the advice I'm about to give as a first time mom either, but all they seriously need when you get home is food, diapers, wipes, and some pjs. Everything else you can get on an as-needed basis.

Chat Icon agree!
And you don't have to buy a 500 pack of diapers. You will be dying to leave your house to get some air at some point.
Or you can send someone to buy them.

Message edited 8/22/2014 6:15:35 PM.

Posted 8/22/14 6:15 PM

We made a snowman!

Member since 1/08

3239 total posts


Re: My Recommendations As A New Mom

Wow, just because some of you might disagree with the list doesn't mean that others wouldn't agree with it. Example: I did love my pack and play, I did love my boppy and I did love my bottle warmer. Just because you didn't use something doesn't mean you should come on here and slam this post when obviously the OP was just trying to be helpful. This list must have taken a really long time to write. And she didn't say the list was "must haves" she just said they were recommendations.

To the OP: this was really nice of you to write and very helpful to first time moms.

Posted 8/22/14 9:11 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

3393 total posts


Re: My Recommendations As A New Mom

I agree that most items on the original list are not necessary

Also: wipes warmer=mold breeder

Posted 8/25/14 7:32 AM

Lil Prince is here

Member since 8/11

6338 total posts


Re: My Recommendations As A New Momu

As a seasoned mom I would disagree with the majority on the list.
Diaper Genie/champ-given to me as a shower gift and used the first day home(17years ago but had another DD last year and still thinks its stupid). We take out the trash daily so dirty diaper gets put in a grocery store bag then tossed with rest of garbage

Wipe Warmer- waste of money. The wiping part is so quick they don't realize it's already room temp

Bottles: I've always used either Avent or Playtex(never nipple issues)

In our home I do laundry at least 2-3 times a week so all of the stuff under bedding or changing pad covers you may need just 2

Posted 8/25/14 7:49 AM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

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..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: My Recommendations As A New Mom

It's honestly personal preference.

I never had a wipe warmer or bottle warmer but a lot of people say the Diaper Genie is a waste and I couldn't live without mine.
It's all personal preference and what works for you and your baby.

Posted 8/25/14 8:39 AM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09

18388 total posts


Re: My Recommendations As A New Mom

Posted by Teachergal

Wow, just because some of you might disagree with the list doesn't mean that others wouldn't agree with it. Example: I did love my pack and play, I did love my boppy and I did love my bottle warmer. Just because you didn't use something doesn't mean you should come on here and slam this post when obviously the OP was just trying to be helpful. This list must have taken a really long time to write. And she didn't say the list was "must haves" she just said they were recommendations.

To the OP: this was really nice of you to write and very helpful to first time moms.

No one was slamming the list.

I wish someone would have said to me wait and see. You won't need many of these things and most depend on your baby.

Its just about letting other new moms that you don't need to freak and what works for one won't work for another.

Posted 8/25/14 9:12 AM

I think I got this

Member since 11/10

1523 total posts


Re: My Recommendations As A New Mom

Posted by alli3131

Posted by Teachergal

Wow, just because some of you might disagree with the list doesn't mean that others wouldn't agree with it. Example: I did love my pack and play, I did love my boppy and I did love my bottle warmer. Just because you didn't use something doesn't mean you should come on here and slam this post when obviously the OP was just trying to be helpful. This list must have taken a really long time to write. And she didn't say the list was "must haves" she just said they were recommendations.

To the OP: this was really nice of you to write and very helpful to first time moms.

No one was slamming the list.

I wish someone would have said to me wait and see. You won't need many of these things and most depend on your baby.

Its just about letting other new moms that you don't need to freak and what works for one won't work for another.

I agree. I posted that I disagreed with a lot of what was on the list. Prior to having DS, I was convinced that we needed all of these things. We did not have them when he was born and I went out and spent a ton of money to get them. It was money that I could have saved. Every mom and baby is different. My advice to expectant/new moms is start with the basics. As time goes on you will know what you need and don't need. It's easy to feel unprepared when you are a FTM. We ask for help and guidance. But there are a lot of things that people say are must haves that not every mom considers a must have - Example - I never had a rock n play even though just about everyone on this board swears by them. Personally, I don't like the look of it (don't feel it looks safe) and we never missed it. A lot is personal choice.
A lot of the items on the OP list were "luxury" items. Things that definitely are not necessities.

Posted 8/25/14 10:17 AM
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