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My school is closing

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Keep passing the open windows

Member since 10/06

3627 total posts


My school is closing

I can't believe this, but I just found out my school will not reopen in September. The faculty & parents were told yesterday & the kids were told today. I spent all day comforting crying students and dealing with all the anger, disbelief & tears while trying to deal with my own grief at the same time. I can't say this was TOTALLY unexpected on the part of the staff, but I never truly thought it would come to this. I am just going to miss the place so much.... I guess I haven't really processed the whole thing. It will probably happen slowly, over time. *Sigh*

So if anyone knows anything about openings for hs social studies, let me know Chat Icon

Posted 10/29/08 5:46 PM

Easy Peasy!

Member since 11/07

1428 total posts


Re: My school is closing

Many Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

If your school closes doesn't the district or union help place you somewhere if you don't find something? I hope so for your sake!

Posted 10/29/08 5:56 PM

St. Gerard, pray for us.

Member since 7/07

7650 total posts


Re: My school is closing

is this a private or public school?

so sorry to hear this! GOOD LUCK!

Posted 10/29/08 6:08 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

11767 total posts


Re: My school is closing

so sorry to hear this...I know Lawrence is closing a school this year too.

I hope your seniority puts you in another school.

Posted 10/29/08 6:20 PM

Keep passing the open windows

Member since 10/06

3627 total posts


Re: My school is closing

Thanks for the replies. It is a private school, and non-diocesan, so there are very few options. I am pregnant, and it will not affect me very much from a financial standpoint, but it just so sad, kwim?

And having to deal with the utter grief of so many students was just so incredibly heartbreaking.

Posted 10/29/08 6:56 PM

New Year!

Member since 5/05

13729 total posts


Re: My school is closing

I am so sorryChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/29/08 7:02 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/06

1173 total posts


Re: My school is closing

Posted by booklove83

Thanks for the replies. It is a private school, and non-diocesan, so there are very few options. I am pregnant, and it will not affect me very much from a financial standpoint, but it just so sad, kwim?

And having to deal with the utter grief of so many students was just so incredibly heartbreaking.

One of the hardest parts of our job, I'm convinced, is helping students cope with grief, no matter what the reason for it. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/29/08 8:51 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

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Re: My school is closing

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Posted 10/30/08 12:46 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 8/08

5 total posts


Re: My school is closing

my school closed down 3 years ago. the hardest part is grieving students. we had found out that march taht our school was closing, so time went quicker. i missed it so much, but at the end theere was nothing i could do... just hang in there.. Chat Icon

Posted 10/30/08 5:47 PM

Kelsey Elyse = Love

Member since 5/05

1855 total posts


Re: My school is closing

My HS closed my freshman year and it was tough to deal with. My teachers really helped us all get through it. It was a sad couple of weeks at first and then we all opted to go out with a bang and the remainder of the year was awesome!

Posted 11/4/08 9:03 AM

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