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My weekend of Sun &chest pains...

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Loving my girls

Member since 7/09

2533 total posts


My weekend of Sun &chest pains...

I think Im stressed more than I let myself believe..

Both myself and my 2 SIL have been trying to concieve, all with issues. I woke up Sat morn strangely with the thought from nowhere that one of them was pregnant.
Fast Foward to dinner when my BIL mid sentence lets out that they are due in Sept. I have to say that I am very happy for them for baby#2 but at that moment I thought I was going to die.

I couldnt believe what I heard I swear it was in slow motion and then I started to panic that somewhere after this announcement I was on spot light. I was holding off tears and In my head screamed What about me? I dont know what happened but I felt like when I get preg it wont be so exciting.
I know its horrible, I mean why wouldnt they be excited right. Then I had to endure 2 hours of how my MIL and SIL went thru going into labor and delivery etc etc, DH left the room as soon as he had the opportunity not to get sucked in the conversation. I couldnt even say we were TTC and all that goes with it.
I went to bed last night seriously having anxiety pains with chest pains and dreaming about me taking test after test all BFN. I am in the 2ww and now more than ever I hope that I get good news on Friday. Its getting harder and harder for me to keep it together.
Thanks for listening DH listens but I really dont think he feels the way I feel and I hope you girls dont mind letting me vent.

Message edited 3/21/2010 7:15:20 PM.

Posted 3/21/10 7:05 PM
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Re: My weekend of Sun &chest pains...

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Posted 3/21/10 7:31 PM

Love my crazy life!

Member since 1/10

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Re: My weekend of Sun &chest pains...

Praying you get your good news!!!!

Posted 3/21/10 8:01 PM

Mommy to FOUR little men!

Member since 8/08

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Re: My weekend of Sun &chest pains...

Ugh.. I completely understand what you are going through!!!

I hope you get good news on Friday!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/21/10 8:34 PM

Loving my girls

Member since 7/09

2533 total posts


Re: My weekend of Sun &chest pains...

I just re-read my post I sound like a brat and I dont mean to.
Just Im sad. And I know there are many girls here that have so much more happen and my heart goes out to them. I just had to vent.
Thanks about Friday. I am not getting my hopes up im just going to be a realist.
thanks for listening to my Pity party

Posted 3/21/10 9:40 PM

Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

19084 total posts


Re: My weekend of Sun &chest pains...

Posted by FergieK

I just re-read my post I sound like a brat and I dont mean to.
Just Im sad. And I know there are many girls here that have so much more happen and my heart goes out to them. I just had to vent.
Thanks about Friday. I am not getting my hopes up im just going to be a realist.
thanks for listening to my Pity party

You don't sound like a brat at all!!!! Chat Icon

Everyone on here has something HUGE in common. We all want to have a baby, and especially those of us on the IF board have had our share of issues.

There will always be girls out there who have been trying longer or who have been through more, etc. but that doesn't mean you can't feel sad .. DEVASTATED even .. if you get a BFN in half the time that someone else has been trying unsuccessfully.

I hope you get good news Friday!! But until then, (hopefully not beyond.. because hopefully you'll get good news) feel free to come on here and vent and make the biggest pity party EVER!! Trust me, we all can identify!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

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Posted 3/21/10 9:52 PM

Loving my girls

Member since 7/09

2533 total posts


Re: My weekend of Sun &chest pains...

Posted by PennyCat

Posted by FergieK

I just re-read my post I sound like a brat and I dont mean to.
Just Im sad. And I know there are many girls here that have so much more happen and my heart goes out to them. I just had to vent.
Thanks about Friday. I am not getting my hopes up im just going to be a realist.
thanks for listening to my Pity party

You don't sound like a brat at all!!!! Chat Icon

Everyone on here has something HUGE in common. We all want to have a baby, and especially those of us on the IF board have had our share of issues.

There will always be girls out there who have been trying longer or who have been through more, etc. but that doesn't mean you can't feel sad .. DEVASTATED even .. if you get a BFN in half the time that someone else has been trying unsuccessfully.

I hope you get good news Friday!! But until then, (hopefully not beyond.. because hopefully you'll get good news) feel free to come on here and vent and make the biggest pity party EVER!! Trust me, we all can identify!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

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Thank you I needed that more than you know. And thanks for the hug Heres one for you tooChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/21/10 10:32 PM


Member since 3/09

7721 total posts


Re: My weekend of Sun &chest pains...

Not a bratty statement...

I stopped going to baby showers during the worst of it.

Even seeing kids in the mall hurt.

It's really not fair to see people with something you want SO MUCH.

I once let it slip to my DH that sometimes when he's at work late, I go to baby stores & look at cribs... he thought it was the saddest thing and said there never was someone who deserved a baby more.

The sliver of sunshine is... I eventually got there. You will too.

Posted 3/22/10 8:22 AM

Need to find some hope!

Member since 2/08

2485 total posts

Beth -Ann

Re: My weekend of Sun &chest pains...

After what most of us have been through, I don't think its ever easy to hear that someone is pg. And its not that we aren't happy for them, its just another remind that we're stuck in this strange place and we want to go to the place they are at. And thank goodness we have each other. I know my DH can't really understand what I'm going through. I mean he's hurting too but he can't understand why it affects every aspect of my life.

Girlfriend, we've all been there, whether we want to admit it or not. The best you can do it let go of that anxiety and keep that energy for your own journey. We'll all get there somehow and someday but it is OK to admit that it hurts. And that is what this board is for.

I'll share my new "thing", I've decided to just try really hard to be happy each and every day. And try to be thankful for the things I took for granted. Its hard to be happy everyday since the last 4 years I have spent concentrating on what I don't have and being miserable. So, when I steer off course, I just put myself back on the right one. Its been a week. I had a really good week for the first time in a long time. And honestly, some really good things happened to me this week.

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Posted 3/22/10 9:48 AM

Mommy to 2 sweet girls!

Member since 3/09

8585 total posts


Re: My weekend of Sun &chest pains...

It doesn't sound bratty at all. Everyone of us has felt that way. It is normal to feel frustrated. Lots of Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon for Friday

Posted 3/22/10 9:51 AM

Mommy to 2 sweet girls!

Member since 3/09

8585 total posts


Re: My weekend of Sun &chest pains...

Posted by nycgirl

Not a bratty statement...

I stopped going to baby showers during the worst of it.

Even seeing kids in the mall hurt.

It's really not fair to see people with something you want SO MUCH.

I once let it slip to my DH that sometimes when he's at work late, I go to baby stores & look at cribs... he thought it was the saddest thing and said there never was someone who deserved a baby more.

The sliver of sunshine is... I eventually got there. You will too.

This breaks my heart because I use to do the same thing. I pray all of you ladies will have success. When I was going through IF treatments I thought my day would never come, and than it did. Have hope and faith!!!

Posted 3/22/10 9:52 AM

Blessed beyond belief

Member since 10/07

17048 total posts


Re: My weekend of Sun &chest pains...

You don't sound like a brat at all... we've ALL been there (unfortunately) but here's many prayers that you get your wish soon too! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

The only thing that made me feel better was knowing that there's not a finite number of people who can be pregnant - KWIM? so just because someone gets PG before you do, doesn't take away or lessen your chances... Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I know how you feel though! My DH's 17 year old cousin got pregnant and had their baby all while we were trying! Chat Icon

Posted 3/22/10 11:58 AM

I am ONE !!!!!

Member since 5/07

1560 total posts


Re: My weekend of Sun &chest pains...

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Posted 3/22/10 3:25 PM

Ava Rose you are an angel!!!

Member since 3/09

6115 total posts


Re: My weekend of Sun &chest pains...

I hope you get good news!

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Posted 3/22/10 3:35 PM

Loving my girls

Member since 7/09

2533 total posts


Re: My weekend of Sun &chest pains...

Posted by BA2008

After what most of us have been through, I don't think its ever easy to hear that someone is pg. And its not that we aren't happy for them, its just another remind that we're stuck in this strange place and we want to go to the place they are at. And thank goodness we have each other. I know my DH can't really understand what I'm going through. I mean he's hurting too but he can't understand why it affects every aspect of my life.

Girlfriend, we've all been there, whether we want to admit it or not. The best you can do it let go of that anxiety and keep that energy for your own journey. We'll all get there somehow and someday but it is OK to admit that it hurts. And that is what this board is for.

I'll share my new "thing", I've decided to just try really hard to be happy each and every day. And try to be thankful for the things I took for granted. Its hard to be happy everyday since the last 4 years I have spent concentrating on what I don't have and being miserable. So, when I steer off course, I just put myself back on the right one. Its been a week. I had a really good week for the first time in a long time. And honestly, some really good things happened to me this week.

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Im glad you had a good week. Here to another one for you. I hope your stay is a short one here. And thanks for the kind words.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/22/10 9:17 PM

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