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* NEED ADVICE* Ear Infection and Children Over Two Years Old * LONG*

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Member since 2/08

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* NEED ADVICE* Ear Infection and Children Over Two Years Old * LONG*

If your child is over two, and they have an ear infection, does your DR prescribe an anitbiotic or no? If not, does it always go away?

Chloe's been sick! On Saturday we brought her in and the DR said her ears were very red and inflamed (double ear infection). She put her on Amoxicilan and told us to come in Monday for a recheck. My DH brought her yesterday and the DR said the ears look the same. Now, I thought 2 and 1/2 days was too soon to judge if its working since its a 10 day drug, am I wrong? In any event, she said she needed something stronger and gave her Amoxicilian with Augmentum. Well, when I ATTEMPTED to give it to her last night (and we flavored it, of course) she gagged, spit it out (its SO chalky) and REFUSED to take it. I called the DR back and she had me try a different antiobiotic today and once again REFUSED it like it was the most VIAL thing she ever tasted. I called again and said, "do you think maybe since you saw her yesterday, after only being on Amoxicilian for 2 and 1/2 days it was a little too soon to tell and can I try it again a few more days and come in for a recheck"? She said ok, come in Saturday. If it doesn't work, what can I do. All the other meds seem vial and I tried mixing it with juice etc and she refuses it, HELP!


Message edited 9/14/2010 7:42:17 PM.

Posted 9/14/10 7:39 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

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Re: * NEED ADVICE* Ear Infection and Children Over Two Years Old * LONG*

I have had to give my dd her share of nasty antibiotics. Ask if you can mix it with chocolate syrup and give it in small doses?

Posted 9/14/10 7:55 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

1179 total posts


Re: * NEED ADVICE* Ear Infection and Children Over Two Years Old * LONG*

2 1/2 days for a recheck? My doctor doesn't want to see me back for at least 2 weeks absent any new symptoms and/or fever not breaking...

DD#1 has never been on antibiotics nor has she ever been diagnosed with an ear infection. DD#2 has had her fair share, and she turns 2 late november.

i don't give antibiotics all the time, it depends on the look of the ear. if it's swollen and *****, yes. if it's very red, i have let it run its course. the dr. and i share the same approach to treating ear infections. she always gives me a prescription, but tells me when it's "okay" not to fill it if i don't want to...

i would get it into my child one way or another if i had to, but i don't want to have to give it to her if it's not completely necessary. it it my understanding that too many antibiotics can yield problems down the road regarding immunity, and i have also read that many infections clear up themselves (the antibiotics just speed up the process by a few days). there is a LOT of conflicting information out there, it's been hard for me to figure out what's what.

Message edited 9/14/2010 9:02:44 PM.

Posted 9/14/10 9:01 PM


Member since 2/06

5285 total posts


Re: * NEED ADVICE* Ear Infection and Children Over Two Years Old * LONG*

try giving it to her with a yogurt smoothie or something already thicker than juice...that might work.

Posted 9/14/10 9:16 PM

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