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Need advice... new mom here

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Alyssa's Mommy!!!

Member since 7/07

1138 total posts


Need advice... new mom here

My little one will be a week old this Wednesday and DH and I just attempting to get under some sort of routine. My question is.. is it usual to be exhausted all the time. I feel like I never have like 5 minutes to myself not worrying about when will be my next time to sleep, shower before she wakes up. Just curious if it gets easier as time goes on. Don't get me wrong I am head over heals in love with my daughter, just realizing that this is a lot harder then I ever even imagined.

Posted 3/11/08 1:14 AM
Long Island Weddings
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How did she turn 2 so quickly?

Member since 10/07

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Blessed Mama of Kristina Elena

Re: Need advice... new mom here

DD is 4 weeks old today, and I'm still trying to figure out some kind of routine.

I just take the punches as they roll. Sometimes I don't get into the shower until 7 pm at night. When it happens it happens....

I too have come to realize what a difficult job it is, and I find it even harder being so far away from family and my trusted friends... I do what I can when I can, and if it doesn't get done.... Ah well... to Heck with it!

Posted 3/11/08 1:31 AM

Loving life

Member since 7/06

4088 total posts


Re: Need advice... new mom here

It gets a whole lot easier! You'll be fine.

Posted 3/11/08 2:43 AM

lifes many lil twisted curves

Member since 10/07

5158 total posts


Re: Need advice... new mom here

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon for you. my boys are 22 months and some days its easier just try to breathe... sleep when she does and let the other things pass by for now...

Posted 3/11/08 3:53 AM

Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05

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Properly perfect™

Re: Need advice... new mom here

Totally normal to be week is a bit early for a routine. It took us 4 months to get one down....and 22 months later sometimes that goes out the window.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 3/11/2008 6:18:45 AM.

Posted 3/11/08 6:18 AM

baby boy coming spring '11

Member since 5/05

3133 total posts


Re: Need advice... new mom here

It's totally normal to feel this way. I still do sometimes and my dd will be 4 months tomorrow. My advice, take the help friends and family offer. Try to sleep when baby sleeps. And don't stress over schedule or routine! At this age, they dictate schedule. At 4 months, I'm still trying to get one down. It does get easier. I'd say the first 10 weeks are the hardest, but I remember at around 6 weeks, my dd started sleeping 5 hours straight at night. Good luck and we're here for you! Chat Icon

Posted 3/11/08 6:45 AM

Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07

12683 total posts


Re: Need advice... new mom here

It takes a while to develop a routine. Unfortunately, it won't be something happens in a week or 2. It probably took us until 3-4 months to work out a routine. I was pretty exhausted up until then.

Just hang in there and if people offer to help....take them up on it. My SIL used to come over so I could take a shower or catch a little Chat Icon . Definitely use your resources to get through this rough beginning with the lack of sleep and no time to do anything.

Posted 3/11/08 6:46 AM

When you wish upon a star

Member since 5/05

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Because 2 people fell in love

Re: Need advice... new mom here

It took us quite sometime to get a handle on things too. Do try to sleep when the baby sleeps, that helps tremendously! If you can hop in for a quick shower while she's napping too it can refreshen you quite a bit.

Good Luck Chat Icon

Posted 3/11/08 6:51 AM

Alyssa's Mommy!!!

Member since 7/07

1138 total posts


Re: Need advice... new mom here

thank you all for the reassurance, it helps to know that I'm not the only one feeling this way (lack of routine and exhaustion). I was so excited last night I actually got a 3 hr nap in and another 4 hr span after that which was a biggie. We are pretty much taking it day by day here and I guess that's all that can be expected.

Posted 3/11/08 12:43 PM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

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Re: Need advice... new mom here

The first 2 months were the hardest for me, then dd got on a routine and it was a bit easier..hang in there Chat Icon

Posted 3/11/08 12:48 PM

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