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Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

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Foxy Lady

Member since 6/05

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Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

Fri nite I went to a furniture store (to remain nameless) and while I was there about 2-3 sales people approached me which I hate. When I have a ? I will approach them. But, one of them came over to me and noticed I was wearing a hearing aid (which I dont talk about) and said Hi and he was wearing hearing aids so he said "Oh I see your wearing a hearing aid" and my response was Yes, I will let you know if I need help, thank you. He then approaches me again, and there were people around and said so what kind of heaing aid is yours, to which I then replied I dont talk about it. He then said to me, I dont know what the big deal is. Now mind you, I walked out and dont know if I will ever go back to that store although they had things there that I loved.

My friend says to call the mgr and explain what happened and maybe they can talk to the salesperson, or make a complaint, I am not sure what to do. What would you do?

Message edited 9/4/2007 11:02:42 AM.

Posted 9/4/07 11:02 AM
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Re: Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

I wouldn't let one salesperson dissuade me from shopping in a store. I imagine turnover is pretty high.

If you feel strongly about it, then call the manager. I'm sure he was trying to bond with you over a mutual disability (albeit, rudely) thinking that you would give him the sale over the others.

Posted 9/4/07 11:06 AM


Member since 9/06

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Re: Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

I would call the store and speak to the manager about this salesperson's inappropriate behavior. Never hesistate in situations like that...

Posted 9/4/07 11:12 AM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

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Re: Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

Posted by nrthshgrl
If you feel strongly about it, then call the manager. I'm sure he was trying to bond with you over a mutual disability (albeit, rudely) thinking that you would give him the sale over the others.

ITA. That's a sales "technique". Obviously, that person did not understand when to drop it.

I know most sales tricks so I tell them upfront not to ask for my name so they can repeat it 50 times to "acknowlege" me as a person. My ego is fine without it.

I know DH would call the manager or even the CEO if it was big company. I would have blowed him off right away and remain in the store and tell him to leave me alone or I would leave.

You call the manager and express the "harrassement" of one his sales person.

Posted 9/4/07 11:13 AM

Don't Taze My Dog Bro!!

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Re: Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

I would speak with the manager about it. He was trying to get the sale because you two had something in "common" as he though. I believe it is totally crazy though. When I worked in computer sales I didn't go up to someone with brown hair and he like oh hey nice hair we have the same color. I would definately go back in there if you wanted to either look around more or buy something. Don't let him ruin it for you.

Posted 9/4/07 11:15 AM

Waiting patiently for baby sis

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Re: Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

Yeah, I agree with the previous posters.

Don't let him dissuade you from a store you like. He was trying a really dumb sales technique that failed miserably.

If you want to, I'd call the manager...or if you get up the forgiveness, you may even talk to you the guy and tell him you were deeply offended and that if you were him you wouldn't use that as a sales technique.

I'm sorry this happened you to. Chat Icon

Posted 9/4/07 11:19 AM

Two Boys for Me!!

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Re: Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

Ok, I am going to be the odd person, but I would not call and complain.

It really sounds to me like he was trying to talk to you about something that you had in common. Yes, it probably was because he is trying to form a bond to make a sale. But people do that all the time. And, maybe he really wanted to discuss hearing aids with you. Maybe he doesn't know or talk to many people that have hearing aids and he was just trying to be friendly.

While he probably should have realized you didn't want to talk about it after the first comment, I honestly don't think anything he said or did was so out of line that it warrants a call the manager.

Message edited 9/4/2007 11:24:24 AM.

Posted 9/4/07 11:23 AM

22 Months?!!!!

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Re: Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

Posted by KrisT

Ok, I am going to be the odd person, but I would not call and complain.

It really sounds to me like he was trying to talk to you about something that you had in common. Yes, it probably was because he is trying to form a bond to make a sale. But people do that all the time. And, maybe he really wanted to discuss hearing aids with you. Maybe he doesn't know or talk to many people that have hearing aids and he was just trying to be friendly.

While he probably should have realized you didn't want to talk about it after the first comment, I honestly don't think anything he said or did was so out of line that it warrants a call the manager.

ITA - it seemed pretty harmless

Posted 9/4/07 11:28 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/05

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Re: Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

I would not complain to the store manager. I don't mean any offense to you at all, but it seems like maybe your personal sensitivity about your disability escalated the tone of his comments. I don't think he was particularly rude...maybe a bit clueless to not back off after your response, tho. And yes, his "technique" is common in the sales business...but, I don't think what he did was any different than the salesperson who tried to bond w/me over the fact that I have a daughter w/curly hair, and so does he.

Posted 9/4/07 11:54 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

Posted by KrisT

Ok, I am going to be the odd person, but I would not call and complain.

It really sounds to me like he was trying to talk to you about something that you had in common. Yes, it probably was because he is trying to form a bond to make a sale. But people do that all the time. And, maybe he really wanted to discuss hearing aids with you. Maybe he doesn't know or talk to many people that have hearing aids and he was just trying to be friendly.

While he probably should have realized you didn't want to talk about it after the first comment, I honestly don't think anything he said or did was so out of line that it warrants a call the manager.

I agree. I'm sorry you were made to feel so uncomfortable, but the salesman has no way of knowing that you don't talk about your hearing aid or that you're very sensitive about it. He was just making conversation to make a sale.

I don't really see that he did anything wrong.

Posted 9/4/07 11:54 AM

Let's Go Rangers!

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Re: Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

Posted by -Lisa-

Posted by KrisT

Ok, I am going to be the odd person, but I would not call and complain.

It really sounds to me like he was trying to talk to you about something that you had in common. Yes, it probably was because he is trying to form a bond to make a sale. But people do that all the time. And, maybe he really wanted to discuss hearing aids with you. Maybe he doesn't know or talk to many people that have hearing aids and he was just trying to be friendly.

While he probably should have realized you didn't want to talk about it after the first comment, I honestly don't think anything he said or did was so out of line that it warrants a call the manager.

I agree. I'm sorry you were made to feel so uncomfortable, but the salesman has no way of knowing that you don't talk about your hearing aid or that you're very sensitive about it. He was just making conversation to make a sale.

I don't really see that he did anything wrong.


Posted 9/4/07 1:00 PM

J'taime Paris!

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Re: Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

Chat Icon how is that appropriate "small talk"?

I know salespeople are supposed to engage in pleasant conversation, which usually involves the weather. but that was highly inappropriate! Chat Icon

I'm not sure I would go back there either. Unless they had stuff I LOVED and couldn't get anywhere else.

Posted 9/4/07 1:06 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

Chat Icon how is that appropriate "small talk"?

I don't understand why is isn't appropriate? I think not talking about it only increases the stigma about hearing aids.

Why is it any different than commenting on a pair of glasses?

Posted 9/4/07 1:40 PM

Ohh... baby

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Re: Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

Posted by Claud

I would not complain to the store manager. I don't mean any offense to you at all, but it seems like maybe your personal sensitivity about your disability escalated the tone of his comments. I don't think he was particularly rude...maybe a bit clueless to not back off after your response, tho. And yes, his "technique" is common in the sales business...but, I don't think what he did was any different than the salesperson who tried to bond w/me over the fact that I have a daughter w/curly hair, and so does he.

I have to agree.

Posted 9/4/07 1:42 PM

My Loves!

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Re: Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

Posted by KrisT

Ok, I am going to be the odd person, but I would not call and complain.

It really sounds to me like he was trying to talk to you about something that you had in common. Yes, it probably was because he is trying to form a bond to make a sale. But people do that all the time. And, maybe he really wanted to discuss hearing aids with you. Maybe he doesn't know or talk to many people that have hearing aids and he was just trying to be friendly.

While he probably should have realized you didn't want to talk about it after the first comment, I honestly don't think anything he said or did was so out of line that it warrants a call the manager.


Posted 9/4/07 1:47 PM

My Babies

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Re: Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

Posted by QuoteTheRaven424

Posted by KrisT

Ok, I am going to be the odd person, but I would not call and complain.

It really sounds to me like he was trying to talk to you about something that you had in common. Yes, it probably was because he is trying to form a bond to make a sale. But people do that all the time. And, maybe he really wanted to discuss hearing aids with you. Maybe he doesn't know or talk to many people that have hearing aids and he was just trying to be friendly.

While he probably should have realized you didn't want to talk about it after the first comment, I honestly don't think anything he said or did was so out of line that it warrants a call the manager.

ITA - it seemed pretty harmless


Posted 9/4/07 1:56 PM

06ers Rock!!

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Re: Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

DH & I just had a lousy experience in a furniture store, so I'm not sure I should be commenting, but here goes . . .

until the salseman got to "I don't know what the big deal is" I didn't think he really did anything wrong. However, that comment is waaaay out of line IMHO. Your reasons for not discussing it are just that your reasons. And while it might not be a big deal to him, it obviously is to you and he should have respected that.

Therefore, I would get on the phone call the manager and make a HUGE complaint about the comment he made. Whether or not you set foot in the store again is up to you.

Posted 9/4/07 2:09 PM

Now Zagat Rated!

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Re: Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

Posted by QuoteTheRaven424

Posted by KrisT

Ok, I am going to be the odd person, but I would not call and complain.

It really sounds to me like he was trying to talk to you about something that you had in common. Yes, it probably was because he is trying to form a bond to make a sale. But people do that all the time. And, maybe he really wanted to discuss hearing aids with you. Maybe he doesn't know or talk to many people that have hearing aids and he was just trying to be friendly.

While he probably should have realized you didn't want to talk about it after the first comment, I honestly don't think anything he said or did was so out of line that it warrants a call the manager.

ITA - it seemed pretty harmless

This was my first reaction, too.

I'd normally not hesitate to complain about inappropriate behavior, but I don't really think this was outrageous. I'm not sure I'd put this guy's job in jeopardy over it. Yes, it was rude, but I find SO many things salespeople do rude.

Unless I'm missing something about the way he did it or how rude he was, which is entirely possible, I'd not complain.

Posted 9/4/07 2:15 PM

Now Zagat Rated!

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They call me "Tater Salad"

Re: Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

Posted by DancinBarefoot

until the salseman got to "I don't know what the big deal is" I didn't think he really did anything wrong. However, that comment is waaaay out of line IMHO. Your reasons for not discussing it are just that your reasons. And while it might not be a big deal to him, it obviously is to you and he should have respected that.

This is a good point, too...

Posted 9/4/07 2:16 PM


Member since 8/07

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Re: Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

As soon as you stated that you don't like to talk about it the sales person should have dropped it, to push it further and say "It's not a big deal" was wrong bc apparently to you it IS a big deal. And as someone who is trying to gain your business they should not have confronted you about a topic you are obviously sensitive about.

I would either write a letter or call and speak to the manager, just so you feel better about the situation. Perhaps this sales person just needs a lesson in what kind of behavior is/isn't appropriate when dealing with potential customers. I wouldn't boycott the store, esp if you loved the furniture. Or if it's a chain, go to another store and find a good sales person who deserves the commission. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/4/07 2:23 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

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Re: Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

I work in the corp office of a furniture store and I would def. call the manager. A customer should never feel uncomfortable, and the manager needs to know what goes on in their store.

I'm sorry, you were made to feel uncomfortable.

Posted 9/4/07 5:23 PM


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Re: Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon THAT IS JUST WRONGChat Icon Chat Icon what is wrong with peopleChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I would call the manger like your friend said . that guy had not right to say a darn thing like that to you.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/4/07 5:31 PM


Member since 8/06

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Re: Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

I am just about the only one who wouldn't call the manager. The guy obviously isn't a great salesperson since he lacks some people skills. He was trying to bond.. but had no idea how to do it and when you told him that you didn't want to talk about the hearing aid he might have taken offense or maybe was trying to make you feel better about it - even though he clearly did not succeed.

He will probably get fired sometime on his own - but I wouldn't want to be responsible for him losing his income.

Posted 9/4/07 5:35 PM

So blessed!

Member since 11/06

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Re: Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

I would absolutely talk to the manager and I would probably write a letter of complaint. I agree with the previous poster that a customer should never feel uncomfortable in a store. Not to mention, the salesperson has no right to point out something like that.

Would he have said to someone, "That's a shame that you have cancer because the person was wearing a scarf on their head." What he said/did was completely inappropriate and needs to be brought to management attention.

Posted 9/4/07 5:40 PM

just the girls

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Re: Need opinions please...(a little long, sorry)

I would NOT complain. His saying whats the big deal- is his way of saying- its not a handicap and maybe he really was just interested in which one you had. He saw you two had something in common and by you saying I dont talk about it and him responding that way- you probably offended HIM!!!! Let it go, go back to the store and dont take it so personally.Chat Icon

Posted 9/4/07 6:15 PM
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