Need Opinions-to stain/paint or a mix
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Proud Mommy
Member since 3/06 1745 total posts
Name: Kerri
Need Opinions-to stain/paint or a mix
Im in moulding conflict..
In all other rooms the base , door, and window moulding have been painted over for years. Stripping them is not an option BUT in the living and dining room the window and door mouldings were stripped and stained ( not dark enough) by the previous owners but the floor base moulding is painted off-white..
My living and dining room have dark furniture and will be painted a golden/muted/mustard color also there are 3 French doors in the living room- the double to the dining room, a single to the office, and a single to the entry way...
Between the hardwood floors, furniture and the different stains, the lack of continuity is bothering me.
Do I go dark stain for everything or off white paint..Either way means I have to stain/paint French doors, frames, window frame and floor moulding..Or a combo of everything dark except the floor moulding
I don't have pics but am looking for general opinions/thoughts and I want to finish this in time for Thanksgiving
I think the white will be ruined in 2 days by my 3 and 1 year old and will give more of a country look than I like...I like the dark but am worried it may be too much and too dark..Is stain dated? Should I paint everything?
Thanks in advance
Posted 11/10/10 2:31 PM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: Need Opinions-to stain/paint or a mix
I'd go white especially for french doors. I tend to think stain is dated if it isn't in a mans den or library....I have mahogany throughout my home(including the floors) and all of my trim is white.
This isn't my home but it shows that dark furniture looks fine with white trim
Message edited 11/10/2010 2:47:30 PM.
Posted 11/10/10 2:32 PM |
Proud Mommy
Member since 3/06 1745 total posts
Name: Kerri
Re: Need Opinions-to stain/paint or a mix
This visual helps...thank you
Posted 11/10/10 3:01 PM |
Life is Good :)
Member since 11/07 6605 total posts
Re: Need Opinions-to stain/paint or a mix
I love white around doors whenever possible
Posted 11/10/10 3:09 PM |
My happy babies

Member since 3/06 3428 total posts
Re: Need Opinions-to stain/paint or a mix
can you keep the furniture the original color - dark stained wood
i love white molding - it looks clean - and molding paint is gloss so it is easier to clean- i would paint aroun the doors and windows too
Posted 11/10/10 4:04 PM |
Proud Mommy
Member since 3/06 1745 total posts
Name: Kerri
Re: Need Opinions-to stain/paint or a mix
Yes..the furniture is dark staying dark..its the window surrounds, doors adn door surrounds, floor moulding and bannister that has me confused...LOL
Posted 11/10/10 4:29 PM |
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