Today I go for the 3rd Sono.. This was the time that the heartbeat was gone with my last pregnancy.. I am terrified.. My mind is going bonkos.. My DH just left for a business trip and my Mother is coming today.. I just cant take this fear.. I cant stop crying all morning.. My stomach is in knots... I dont even want to go I am so scared.. Please pray for me today of any other day this is the real worst yet... I really love you girls and thank you for helping me through this horror...
Update: Thank you for all this help support and prayers... God is really listening and blessing me beyond my expectations.. And I am always not trusting and doubting.. I really have to work on this.. So the H/B was 153 so strong!! The sac is tight and everything is going perfect.. I feel such a sense of peace right now I am just going to enjoy this moment.. I am so sorry for carrying on like this... So negative all the time.. Its not doing anyone any good.. Thak you for this unconditional love and support..
Everything is FINE - remember, EVERY pregnancy is different. Just because you lost one at a certain stage, does NOT predict it will happen again. If anything, statistically the chances that it will happen again are very slim