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Need to Vent

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06ers Rock!!

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Need to Vent

Today is the last day of 3rd quarter. Last week I got a letter from the school saying DC is failing 2 classes and as a result will no longer be eligible for after school activities. Chat Icon Chat Icon The letter didn't say what classes, instead it told me to look on the parent portal to view grades. What grades, I don't know since DC was honor roll 1st and 2nd quarter, and 3rd quarter ends today.

In any event, I've been on top of DC since the school year started. I have Google Classroom on my cellphone. I'm logged in as DC so I can see the assignments, I can check the "to-do" list, I can check the "missing" list, I can see scores on tests as they come in, and read comments from the teachers. Every single time a private message comes through from a teacher I read it, and then sit with DC and discuss it. So imagine my surprise with the letter and the average that was computed by this parent portal. Turns out the cause for one class is missing assignments. Apparently, DC has discovered if you hit submit it will look to me like the assignment is finished, but the teacher gets either an incomplete assignment, or a blank assignment. Not really happy about that. DC was taken to task over that.

As to the other class, I set up a phone conference with the teacher . . . this is where the vent comes in. The teacher proceeds to tell me that DC has been struggling since the schedule change. For 3rd quarter, DC went from each subject meeting "live" two times every week, to each subject meeting "live" every single day. Sounds great for educational purposes. Just like regular school. Class all day, every day. Except when it's all day, every day on the computer. And then homework of 2-3 hours per night that must also be done on the computer.

Teacher says DC has stopped participating in class. I said it would have been nice to know this on March 1, instead of today - the last day of the quarter - when there is NOTHING I can do about it. The teacher claimed she reaches out to the kids privately (as well as the parents) if she sees them struggling. The teacher claims she reached out to me, like she reaches out to every parent of every child she teaches that is struggling. I said "no you didn't." Her response was "umm, yes I did" and her tone was "you're the parent who didn't do anything until the school notified you." I said, no you did not. I sent you an email on March 11 following your response to my child in Google Classroom because I monitor that. She was then all like "oh, yeah, you did reach out to me."

YES LADY I REACHED OUT TO YOU!! And still, we couldn't connect until the last phucking day of the marking period, and for the FIRST phucking time my kid is not going to make honor roll, because you didn't reach out with an email or a phone call or jack sh*t in 8 weeks to tell me that my kid was struggling. Add to that this claim that she reaches out to the kids if she sees they are struggling. OH, HE!!! no she did not. I read those messages.

Not to mention the fact that in 2nd quarter she gave out 40 total assignments (tests/quizzes/homework), and this quarter you gave out 17 (1 test, 1 quiz, 10 HW, 1 "project") - and today I discover the project counted for the majority of the grade this marking period. Are you kidding me???? On top of this, the teacher says, some of this stuff should have been covered toward the end of last year (you know, after schools closed due to Covid) but was being taught virtually the same way it's being taught in the classroom. Introduce the concept on Monday, practice on Tuesday, move on to a new concept on Wednesday, practice that on Thursday, review on Friday. Repeat will all new concepts the following week. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon If the student is struggling they are supposed to take it upon themselves to seek out extra help.

I am sooo angry right now, I don't even know what to do. The teacher thinks DC should repeat this class next year. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

If you made it this far. thanks for reading.

P.S. It's 8th grade algebra. DC is a 7th grader, and apparently the 6th grade teacher recommended the placement for this year. I did not know this until the first day of school. I only got DC's schedule of virtual classes @ 9PM the day before school started in September, and had to call the principal that first day for an explanation.

Posted 3/26/21 12:21 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

3393 total posts


Re: Need to Vent

Unreal that they didn’t tell you earlier that there was something going on. I’d be furious

Posted 3/27/21 6:01 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/17

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Re: Need to Vent

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I would be livid. I feel stress just reading this, so I can't even imagine what you are feeling.

Posted 3/28/21 2:27 AM

Big Brothers to Be

Member since 1/07

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Re: Need to Vent

That is ridiculous you were not contacted. My response is now that WE all know that he is struggling - what is the teacher doing to address it.

See how the 4th quarter goes and then evaluate if you think he has lost to much of the foundation work he might be better being on grade level math.

Posted 3/29/21 7:19 PM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

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Need to Vent

That is ridiculous. I would contact the department chair and voice your concerns. This is not the year to be penalizing children that are struggling because of the inconsistent and always changing learning platforms.

Posted 4/1/21 4:29 AM

Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11

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Momma <3

Need to Vent

I’d contact administration. Grades can be changed after the end of the quarter. I’d request that DC be given a chance to make up the project to bring up his/her grade within a specified time frame. At my school, it’s usually two weeks.

Posted 4/14/21 1:59 AM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

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Re: Need to Vent

I would call the guidance counselor and principal. I know I would need some deep breathing, because I would want to scream, but establish how the teacher is lying. That there was no emails sent. That there was no communication until the last day of class.

My own daughter went from an A+ for first and second marking periods to a B in her third marking period for science class. They also had fewer assignments and one “project” where he graded her harshly. All other tests were 100. I spoke with other friends and their kids are seeing the same thing. Extremely frustrating. She has A+ in all other classes. The district has implemented a policy that unless you get A from grade 6 on you are not eligible for a senior high school award. She has all As for everything and I am finding it is a popularity contest because the part that was not perfect was subjective on artistry, for a science project.

Posted 4/19/21 2:41 PM

Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11

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Momma <3

Re: Need to Vent

Posted by LSP2005

the part that was not perfect was subjective on artistry, for a science project.

I would dispute this grade and ask for the school's grading philosophy. Most schools are moving towards standards based grading. Fluff like that should be eliminated as it is not in the standards. It should be based on mastery of skills.

Posted 4/22/21 1:06 PM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17795 total posts


Need to Vent

I am sorry - and you have every right to be upset, you should've been contacted immediately as this wasn't your child's typical behavior.

As for the other class with missing assignments - do your teachers put grades in periodically? I find monitoring that is more helpful than looking to see if things are submitted in the Google Classroom. I have been able to get DS to submit some things late. He's just in 5th though so they have been very flexibile and understanding.

Is there an option for your DC to go to school in person? I know people have different comfort levels with Covid but I feel that there is a huge difference between online and in person learning. My middle schooler went in person a few more days last quarter and it made a difference. He's not as dsitracted by the ability to do fun things.

Posted 4/22/21 2:38 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

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Re: Need to Vent

I think we are in the same district? C?

My daughter is in in 8th (taking 9th grade classes). So last year she was in 7th taking 8th grade math. So IF we are in the same district, and it's the same teacher, I'm surprised at the teacher's reaction. It seems out of character (if it's the same teacher). If she isn't getting the concepts for the math this year though, there is no way she would move onto Algebra 1 next year (9th grade math), because that moves even faster! All day virtual is hard. My friends complain that their kids have so much. So much homework, sitting at the computer all day and night. Sucks. Mine is still doing hybrid. Sitting at the computer on the hybrid days sucks, but at least she isn't in the mask all day, sitting in the classroom and taking turns eating lunch by row, and she can sit outside at home with her computer. So I get why you are fully virtual. I would also reach out to guidance!
(I didn't realize this is from last month, so you have probably resolved some of it)

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Message edited 4/22/2021 2:49:32 PM.

Posted 4/22/21 2:48 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: Need to Vent

My son is in 7th too. I think that the problem is that teachers are expecting parents to log in to canvas every day and stay on top of their kids in every subject but frankly there is no time. Back in the day if a child was struggling you would get a call. But now they just expect you to know from canvas. It's impossible to keep on top of multiple kids for every single class. I would call the teachers and ask for a conference. My sons grades went down this marking period as well and every single teacher commented that he is easily distracted in class. Every single one except theater and gym. But no one is on top of this. A guidance counselor should be calling me about this. Now I have to chase him down to figure out how to handle it. It's beyond annoying.

Posted 4/30/21 2:06 PM

Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11

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Momma <3

Re: Need to Vent

Posted by lululu

My son is in 7th too. I think that the problem is that teachers are expecting parents to log in to canvas every day and stay on top of their kids in every subject but frankly there is no time. Back in the day if a child was struggling you would get a call. But now they just expect you to know from canvas. It's impossible to keep on top of multiple kids for every single class. I would call the teachers and ask for a conference. My sons grades went down this marking period as well and every single teacher commented that he is easily distracted in class. Every single one except theater and gym. But no one is on top of this. A guidance counselor should be calling me about this. Now I have to chase him down to figure out how to handle it. It's beyond annoying.

I recommend parents sit down with their students one night per week to check grades with them. I know it is time consuming, but it really helps to open the lines of communication with your child.

With that said, I would request updates from the teachers. Some of my students have a daily or weekly check in sheet that I sign to keep them accountable and so that their parents can easily see how they are doing.

Posted 5/2/21 6:10 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: Need to Vent

Posted by PitterPatter11

Posted by lululu

My son is in 7th too. I think that the problem is that teachers are expecting parents to log in to canvas every day and stay on top of their kids in every subject but frankly there is no time. Back in the day if a child was struggling you would get a call. But now they just expect you to know from canvas. It's impossible to keep on top of multiple kids for every single class. I would call the teachers and ask for a conference. My sons grades went down this marking period as well and every single teacher commented that he is easily distracted in class. Every single one except theater and gym. But no one is on top of this. A guidance counselor should be calling me about this. Now I have to chase him down to figure out how to handle it. It's beyond annoying.

I recommend parents sit down with their students one night per week to check grades with them. I know it is time consuming, but it really helps to open the lines of communication with your child.

With that said, I would request updates from the teachers. Some of my students have a daily or weekly check in sheet that I sign to keep them accountable and so that their parents can easily see how they are doing.

Yeah I went thru everything today. I am going to have to do it every night until it gets thru his thick skull that he can't be a lazy sack of sh*t!!!

The easily distracted thing though - the guidance counselor should at the very least be reading these comments and following up. When every teacher makes that comment something is clearly amiss.

Posted 5/3/21 12:57 PM

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